The British Heart Foundation have an ad on TV where a young girl drops from a heart attack on a football pitch.
It's being normalised now. Those footballers and sports people are still dropping like flies.
Three footballers died last week. The new norm, huh?

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 04, 2022, 09:45:18 AM
The British Heart Foundation have an ad on TV where a young girl drops from a heart attack on a football pitch.
It's being normalised now. Those footballers and sports people are still dropping like flies.
Three footballers died last week. The new norm, huh?
Is the Ad claiming covid is responsible for the heart attacks? Doubt that very much

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 01, 2022, 11:44:52 PM
In a house of 8, six of us ended up with symptoms; five of them confirmed COVID positive by rapid antigen tests (age range 9 to 52). The two who got nothing? Our 2 1/2 year old young lad and a very recently boosted 70 odd year old. The one who got the most violent dose? The only unvaccinated adult. Thankfully that wasn't herself; we were both symptom free enough yesterday to dash across the border, door-to-door, bubble-to-bubble.

So what you'r saying is that you chose to get injected with an experimental gene therapy vaccine, the long term physiological side effects of which are unknown.
A person you live with chose not to partake of this vaccine.
Both of ye got ill with the virus which you are vaccinated against but which the other person is not.
The person who wasn't vaccinated suffered slightly worse symptoms than you but after a number of days both of ye have recovered fully and now have natural immunity to the virus.
This means that both of ye are now in the same position with regard to immunity, which renders your acceptance of the vaccine a pointless exercise, the other person however is free of the risks of the experimental vaccine, whereas you are not.
You now, having carried out a risk/benefit analysis of the situation, somehow consider yourself to be in a better position than the other person.


The ability of the subconscious to protect the ego by warping the perceptions of the conscious mind is a source of never ending fascination to me.

If that's what I was saying, then that's what I would have said.

I chose to get injected with a vaccine based on robust science which I was able to not only study myself at my level of understanding, but also listen to many colleagues more qualified than me in the areas of virology and immunology speak about.

And, no, the other person hasn't recovered yet. Not fully, not at all. Still bed-bound, whereas I was out and about today.

Aren't you supposed to isolate for 10 days?

Quote from: Blackout on January 04, 2022, 06:53:59 PM
Aren't you supposed to isolate for 10 days?

No. Two days after the end of the symptoms. Since I only had symptoms for about 36 hours, I'm well out of the window.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 04, 2022, 06:51:42 PM
If that's what I was saying, then that's what I would have said.

I chose to get injected with a vaccine based on robust science which I was able to not only study myself at my level of understanding, but also listen to many colleagues more qualified than me in the areas of virology and immunology speak about.

And, no, the other person hasn't recovered yet. Not fully, not at all. Still bed-bound, whereas I was out and about today.

Fair enough, sure if you'r happy with it that's all that matters.
Thanks for the clarification.

You're supposed to isolate for 7-10 days (booster depending) symptoms or no as you may still be contagious.

I've done my 5 days isolation (6 and counting) along with consistently negative antigen tests, I reckon I'm in the clear now.

Sister's coming back to health, the other sister's negative, brother's waiting for his result, but has no symptoms so far. Could be worse.

Quote from: Blackout on January 04, 2022, 07:00:03 PM
You're supposed to isolate for 7-10 days (booster depending) symptoms or no as you may still be contagious.

I don't live in Ireland.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on January 04, 2022, 06:44:10 PM

The person who wasn't vaccinated suffered slightly worse symptoms than you but after a number of days both of ye have recovered fully and now have natural immunity to the virus.
This means that both of ye are now in the same position with regard to immunity, which renders your acceptance of the vaccine a pointless exercise, the other person however is free of the risks of the experimental vaccine, whereas you are not.

As I mentioned here before I got the virus back at the end of October and I am not vaccinated. Was more or less a very mild cold. 4 of us in the house I am the only one not vaccinated 2 of the others had bad flus and the other person who is younger than me was fine.
Two of my friends one male and one female were both worse off after taking the vaccine last summer than I was when I had the actual virus. It fucked up the girls periods among other things and the guy ended up having to take a week off work because of the state he was in. Also both ended up getting catching the virus over Christmas and it hit both of them a lot worse than it hit me. Both are the same age as me and have no medical issues.

Also isn't the natural immunity strongest for someone who catches the virus and has never taken the vaccine?

Another great podcast from NYE

The previous episode with John Abramson is also an eye opener it goes into detail about the practises of companies like Pfizer. 

I'm not vaccinated either man (obviously). Like BSC above I did plenty of research into the vaccines but I drew the complete opposite conclusion to him with regard to their safety and efficacy.
I haven't had Covid that I know of but to be fair I spend 70% of my time on my own outside, I live in the middle of nowhere, and I'm rarely in a town so I'm at low risk of contracting it, which was a contributing factor in my decision not to take the vaccine.
My brother in law was in a hoop after the vaccine for a few months with heart problems, wound up in hospital for tests and all that, the doctors refused to entertain the idea that there was any connection between his problems and the vaccine despite him having no history of heart problems at all and his symptoms (irregular heartbeat, racing heart, thinking he was going to pass out, frightened the shit out of him) starting two days after the second vaccine.
My cousin, a young woman with kids was found on the floor unconscious two weeks after her second vaccine, was the guts of two months in hospital with a brain injury (they don't seem to know what happened to her other than she developed a bleed on the brain and passed out, I don't know the full details) and is still recovering, again a perfectly healthy person, again the doctors disregarded any connection to the vaccine.
Anyone I know, either vaccinated or not, that had covid, suffered what amounts to a dose of flu for a few days
I don't know of anyone, nor does anyone I've asked (and I've asked a lot), who died or suffered long term ill effects from covid.
Make of that what you will.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on January 05, 2022, 02:40:56 AM
I'm not vaccinated either man (obviously). Like BSC above I did plenty of research into the vaccines but I drew the complete opposite conclusion to him with regard to their safety and efficacy.
I haven't had Covid that I know of but to be fair I spend 70% of my time on my own outside, I live in the middle of nowhere, and I'm rarely in a town so I'm at low risk of contracting it, which was a contributing factor in my decision not to take the vaccine.
My brother in law was in a hoop after the vaccine for a few months with heart problems, wound up in hospital for tests and all that, the doctors refused to entertain the idea that there was any connection between his problems and the vaccine despite him having no history of heart problems at all and his symptoms (irregular heartbeat, racing heart, thinking he was going to pass out, frightened the shit out of him) starting two days after the second vaccine.
My cousin, a young woman with kids was found on the floor unconscious two weeks after her second vaccine, was the guts of two months in hospital with a brain injury (they don't seem to know what happened to her other than she developed a bleed on the brain and passed out, I don't know the full details) and is still recovering, again a perfectly healthy person, again the doctors disregarded any connection to the vaccine.
Anyone I know, either vaccinated or not, that had covid, suffered what amounts to a dose of flu for a few days
I don't know of anyone, nor does anyone I've asked (and I've asked a lot), who died or suffered long term ill effects from covid.
Make of that what you will.
Twenty two months into this and I know only two people who got it bad, both male friends mid thirties both. One is overweight and unfit and the other has abused drugs all his adult life.
Both were out of action for over a month and I believe it was a scary experience for each one.
I work with 300+ people and Covid has passed through this working environment, but thankfully anyone who got the Shanghai Shakes only suffered mild symptoms.
Members of my family have also got the China Chills, but again thankfully only mild symptoms.
I'm sure the virus has been in me but passed through because there's no way I could not have been in contact with it after almost two years now and I've never worn the face diapers except for the first few weeks back in early 2020....

Do we need to be careful and treat this disease with caution? Absolutely!
Does the world have to stop in its tracks for it? No!
And never should have....
It's a set up, and I'll never stop believing that because of the likes of Leo and his; "THIS IS THE NEW NORMAL" quip right back in March/April 2020.
How the fuck did he know this was the new normal back then so early into this? Because he was told..!!
Unless we all rise up to this, then we're never going to see the likes of 2019 again, or anything like it.
The gigs forum on this site is testament to that. D.E.A.D.

Another victim of climate change, marijuana and being too fit.... RIP.........