I'm fucking on the cusp of losing another job at this stage.

The Christmas at home I had envisaged is looking shittier and more stuck in my mothers house with every passing day. I'll head over to your gaff though NecroRed, as per tradition. Might bring a bag of yokes just in case we got locked down mid-visit.

Will have the gaff filled with festive tins anyway. Never a dull moment  :laugh:

Booked the booster shot there, might as well get it out of the way. Probably be saying the same thing in six months, then this time next year, ad infinitum. Christmas eve, so no waiting about.

Trump and Bill O'Reilly both announced live on stage yesterday that they had both received the booster, i.e. that they were triple vaccinated. Got booed by their own crowd. How thick-headed do you have to be, how much right-in-your-fucking-face evidence do you need before you realize and accept that it was all a political charade to manipulate you and your vote?

More "not bad" news on omicron. Notably, it's apparently fairly rubbish at multiplying in lung tissue compared to the original strain or delta, which is a strong candidate factor for cases being milder in South Africa:

Also a great piece of writing here that just might come the closest to articulating some kind of consensus point between those of us who post in this thread... even astfgyl (where are youuuuuu!?).

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 21, 2021, 03:29:30 PM
Also a great piece of writing here that just might come the closest to articulating some kind of consensus point between those of us who post in this thread... even astfgyl (where are youuuuuu!?).
Lol I'll tell him you were looking for him, last time I was chatting to him I almost convinced him to come back and apply for moderator purely to see how that would pan out

#3593 December 21, 2021, 11:39:17 PM Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 11:41:13 PM by ochoill
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on December 21, 2021, 02:59:09 PM
More "not bad" news on omicron. Notably, it's apparently fairly rubbish at multiplying in lung tissue compared to the original strain or delta, which is a strong candidate factor for cases being milder in South Africa:

If you're on twitter, you might enjoy some of Chise / Sailorrooscout's tweets.  She's a vaccine scientist and posts some fairly stat-heavy but straightforward and well sourced stuff about covid and the current variant, in line with what you linked here the current research shows this to be generally less dangerous but more infectious, which is definitely good news on it all.  https://twitter.com/sailorrooscout?t=-Y-pK_Ix_Ub54-oq4OE5pg&s=09


Imagine if the conspiracy theorists could predict the lotto numbers.

Quote from: mickO))) on December 22, 2021, 07:13:49 PM

Imagine if the conspiracy theorists could predict the lotto numbers.
I find this terrifying. Very orwellian it seems

The Swedes have been doing microchip implants for years before Covid. It was retarded then and continues to be retarded now.


What did big Ian say?

'Never, Never, Never'!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on December 23, 2021, 03:16:25 PM

What did big Ian say?

'Never, Never, Never'!

"The new Zeus variant is upon us. It's crucial that we have these microchips installed for the safety of our people" follwed by ridicule of anyone who doesn't get microchipped, followed by banning people who aren't microchipped from shops/entertainment etc.