Well since pretty much every conjugation of absolutely mental explanations has been covered, I guess yeah it really was only a matter of time before pretty much any absolutely mental explanation anybody could imagine would be pronounced by someone.

Quote from: Trev on November 25, 2021, 12:56:14 PM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on November 25, 2021, 11:36:14 AM
Footballer John Fleck down now...

Just two months after Sheffield Utd had to take out a loan to cover cashflow problems, join the dots, it's so clearly a massive football wide conspiracy to reduce wages
Sherrif Tiraspol player Adama Traore went down last night too...


108 FIFA registered players and officials have dropped in the last 6 months.
That's a lot of dots to join.... A lot!

Here's the first few posts on a football forum about these players collapsing.
It's worrying how all this has been shushed away by the media....

The Heart of Football
There seem to be increasing numbers of footballers (and other sportspeople) collapsing in training or during games with heart problems. Christian Eriksen and Sergio Aguero the most high profile so far.

The last stat I saw was 108 dead this year, from 183 collapses.

This week alone John Fleck of Sheff Utd and Adama Traore (no, the other one)

I'm surprised there is not more coverage of this.

And the fact that Trevor Sinclair just got shut down on air for asking questions isn't a good look.

Steveo said:
Today 01:55 PM
If they are indeed linked to the vaccines (and I am not saying that they are and I am double jabbed), you can be sure that they will be given no coverage

Taksin said:
Today 2.04pm
It's very strange that there isn't more coverage of this. And the censorship would be considered evil for almost any other equivalent situation. I didn't see Sinclair being shut down but we all know how the pattern plays itself out by now.

Internet searches inquiring as to whether Eriksen was vaccinated all claim he wasn't but we have got to the stage where I don't trust that information anymore. In most of these cases they will have been vaccinated.

We know that myocarditis in young men is a common side effect of the vaccines and there has been an attempt to play it down for reasons that I do not consider to be respectable. We deserve to know what is happening and to be allowed to weigh up the risks ourselves.

As professional footballers are very low risk from Covid, they are being forced to take the vaccine to protect others, not themselves. And as their hearts are under greater strain than anyone else, they should have special dispensation from that pressure given what we know. But what we know and what we want to think are two different things.

Seeing as the vaccines do not stop the spread, the pressure to protect others is in fact a scandal. Especially as big Pharma are at the centre of this. Why is everyone so accepting of this corruption

Taksin said:
Today 02:09 PM
There's a viral video going round that covers all these deaths and it isn't just happening in football. The numbers are very high compared to normal.

The video is banned so I can't share it on here

Daffydd said:
Today 02:12 PM
So far I've seen footage of hockey, basketball, tennis, cricket, rugby as well as football. Not just players but coaches and referees. I'm not saying it's the vaccine but Something is going on.

The silence is as worrying as the problem

Remember the coverage of Fabrice Muamba? He got more coverage on his own than all these athletes put together

That's just the first few posts. There's pages of it...

#3486 November 25, 2021, 06:15:43 PM Last Edit: November 25, 2021, 06:21:11 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Sudden cardiac death is a thing among athletes man. Just because a load of paranoid people have only just started paying attention to it now, doesn't mean it's new and therefore related to anything. I already gave you one paper from 2014 stating it was the number one medical cause of death in athletes. Here's a more recent one reviewing the last couple of decades of literature:
QuoteA retrospective forensic study developed in Spain evaluated the epidemiological data of 645 SCD victims, 1 to 35 years old, from 2010 to 2017. In this cohort, 75 (11.6%) of the events were exercise-related. Myocardial disease was diagnosed in 33 patients, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy being the leading cause (37%), followed by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (24%) and myocarditis (15%). Only five had a previous cardiomyopathy diagnosis, and 85% were practicing recreational sports [4].

In Italy, Corrado et al. evaluated a 26-year trend in SCD in athletes (12 to 35 years old), and observed an incidence of 1.9/100,000 person-years [5].

An epidemiological study in high school athletes from Minnesota state, USA, over 12 years found three SCD events, an incidence of 1:500,000 competitive sports participants. Over a 3-year high school career for a student-athlete, the estimated risk was 1:72,500 [6].

In Israel, a study led by Steinvil et al. searched for SCD in athletes in the two main newspapers from 1985 to 2009. Using data from the Israel Sports Authority as the denominator, the calculated incidence of SCD in this context was 2.6/100,000 athlete-years [7].

A study from Sweden evaluated all SCDs in 10- to 35-year-old individuals from 2000–2010, retrieving information from medical records, death certificates, and autopsy data. In the 10-year period, 514 SCDs events were observed, 62 (12%) being considered exercise-related. Of those individuals, 21 were considered athletes and 41 non-athletes. The leading causes were primary arrhythmic heart diseases, followed by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Unfortunately, in this study, no denominator was estimated, so it did not provide us an incidence [8].

If you're interested in learning about it, get off forums.

And no, Adama Traoré didn't die of COVID. He died in 2016 of police custody.

Let me say this again, to counteract your broad scope there....

108 FIFA registered players/officials (referees, linesmen, etc.) in the last 6 months.
That a lot, and I mean a lot, to be just a coincidence.

Those who follow football here will be familiar with the odd player collapsing over years. But this is getting huge....
Here's another from this week...


#3489 November 25, 2021, 07:06:16 PM Last Edit: November 25, 2021, 07:08:16 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on November 25, 2021, 06:48:32 PM
Let me say this again, to counteract your broad scope there....

108 FIFA registered players/officials (referees, linesmen, etc.) in the last 6 months.
That a lot, and I mean a lot, to be just a coincidence.

Yeah, it is a lot, and of course it has to be monitored. But it's less of a lot as soon as you compare it to what was already known before. Sticking to FIFA, but players only:
Quote[From 2014 to 2018, a] total of 617 players (mean age 34±16 years, 96% men) with sudden death were reported from 67 countries

That averages out at 77 players (only players!) per 6 month period.

Expect this new southern African variant to take over all coronavirus news as rapidly in the next couple of days as they're saying it's taken over the other variants in SA. UK and Israel already suspended incoming flights.

Dum de Dum.... nothing to see here folks. Everything is juuuuuust fine-e...oh....

That's obviously partial, even for the numbers you were quoting for the last 6 months. You're not even trying man, just amplifying echoes. I just showed you real, official data from FIFA, no response??

Why are doctors and other health professionals all around the world coming out and speaking up against this bullshit and calling for people not to get the vacancies? Of course you'll not see their videos on Google, wonder why?
The PCR test is an absolute scam, but the authorities & media are let away with using this useless data as a means of controlling and locking down whole nations.
Waterford has been  almost 100% vaccinated, yet has the highest amount of Covid cases in the country. This has been largely ignored by the media.
If you's want the truth, don't bother with MSN or Google, etc...

I don't think he reads your posts Chris.