Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 10, 2021, 02:26:35 PM
Yeah, there is certainly a bit of a point there, no denying it. Still though, half of those in ICU in Ireland at the moment are unvaccinated, and at some point people also have to take personal, familial, and civic responsibility on board themselves.

Did it before, but just to recall what "half in ICU are unvaccinated" more or less boils down to in terms of Ireland's adult vaccination rate: Say out of 1,000,000 adults you have 960,000 vaccinated, 40,000 unvaccinated, and 100 going to ICU every couple of months. 50 of that 100 are coming out of the 40,000, the other 50 out of the 960,000. Now, based on those figures, which group should the average adult, especially in the older brackets, choose to be in? Our pooor brains weren't designed for statistical thinking, but the odds are clear as day once you break them down in a way that's easier to mentally manipulate.
And they're running stroke response ads all of a sudden on national radio here in Ireland (probably on TV too). Wonder why that could be..?

Would you like another lesson in how to use the internet constructively? Note the publication date, November 2020, i.e. before anything was known about any vaccine related risk increase (which is, in any case, lower than the COVID related risk increase):

Aha, that old trick. Normalising stroke behaviour just before they inflict the Jew Juice across the nations. Keep trying boyo...

#3318 November 11, 2021, 03:32:45 PM Last Edit: November 11, 2021, 03:35:34 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on November 11, 2021, 03:14:36 PM
Aha, that old trick. Normalising stroke behaviour just before they inflict the Jew Juice across the nations. Keep trying boyo...

Well, since your brain apparently has a stroke prior to every single post you make on this forum, I suppose you could be considered an authority in normalizing the behaviour.

Have you ever consulted a medical professional about your pathological levels of stupidity? I don't know whether you were always like this, since you would have been permanently banned from MI within a week if you'd come out with half the scutter you treat us to here, but if it is a recent thing, it could be a symptom of a serious underlying condition.

Just wait now for Kev to come in and chastise me for my condescending tone to someone who just used the expression "inflict the Jew Juice"...

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 11, 2021, 03:32:45 PM

Well, since your brain apparently has a stroke prior to every single post you make on this forum,

I hear there's a cream for that.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 11, 2021, 03:32:45 PM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on November 11, 2021, 03:14:36 PM
Aha, that old trick. Normalising stroke behaviour just before they inflict the Jew Juice across the nations. Keep trying boyo...

Well, since your brain apparently has a stroke prior to every single post you make on this forum, I suppose you could be considered an authority in normalizing the behaviour.

Have you ever consulted a medical professional about your pathological levels of stupidity? I don't know whether you were always like this, since you would have been permanently banned from MI within a week if you'd come out with half the scutter you treat us to here, but if it is a recent thing, it could be a symptom of a serious underlying condition.

Just wait now for Kev to come in and chastise me for my condescending tone to someone who just used the expression "inflict the Jew Juice"...


Bravo for the previous 2 BSC posts, class  :)

As if there were never regular ads for knowing the signs of a stroke. Some posts here could easily be confused with the warning signs.

I'm having a stroke right now. This thread is really delivering the goods.

Tony wants covid certs to be required for access to gyms, barbers, hairdressers and maybe more https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/other/nphet-recommends-expanding-use-of-covid-passes-beyond-hospitality-sector/ar-AAQCHtW?cvid=262727c2063c4d52b0bb8dca4ef9e881&ocid=winp1taskbar

Where's the evidence that this is going to make things any safer for anybody?

Vaccinated stats of covid deaths in Ireland from 1st April 2021 - 6th November 2021 - https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/surveillance/vaccinationstatusweeklyreports/Death%20and%20Vaccination%20Report.pdf

606 deaths since April
243, or 40.1% of those deaths were not vaccinated.

Quote from: Giggles on November 12, 2021, 03:29:36 PM
Tony wants covid certs to be required for access to gyms, barbers, hairdressers and maybe more https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/other/nphet-recommends-expanding-use-of-covid-passes-beyond-hospitality-sector/ar-AAQCHtW?cvid=262727c2063c4d52b0bb8dca4ef9e881&ocid=winp1taskbar

Where's the evidence that this is going to make things any safer for anybody?

I'm in Chile at the moment and you've to show your vaccination cert if you want to get into a restaurant, pub etc. Every shop has a temperature check at the entrance. And you've to wear the mask on the street. When they had lockdown here it was full on. Only allowed out for exercise between 6am and 9am and only 1 member of a family allowed out for groceries one or two times in the week with a pass.

We love to complain about having it tough in Ireland but really we had nothing compared to a lot of places.

#3327 November 12, 2021, 06:49:27 PM Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 08:23:21 PM by Giggles
We've had it rougher than some, but also not as rough as others that's for sure.

But once again I'll ask what's the end goal here? If everybody on the planet gets vaccinated, then what? There's still going to be a virus.

What's the vaccination rate among adults in Ireland at now, 90%? More? Case numbers higher than they've been in months. How the fuck will the prevention of unvaccinated people from socializing with the upper class going to change anything, and where is the evidence for it?

Divide and conquer. Class wards, race wars, whatever is up next wars. Rat on your neighbour for absolution. Feeling particular nihilistic this evening.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on November 11, 2021, 07:13:40 AM
The SCAMdemic needs more Greek letters thrown at it...  :laugh:


QuoteIn what it called a world first, Israel today held a "war game drill" in case of an outbreak of a new lethal variant of Covid-19.

Civilian and military officials took part in the exercises, named "Omega" after the supposed strain, held at Jerusalem's nuclear blast-proof National Management Center.

The simulation covered different aspects of a crisis, including mass inoculation, ordering curfews and imposing a flight ban, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's office said.

Apparently Austria are "days away" from an unvaccinated people only lockdown.