I will certainly get a read of that, but if it is correct, then we would already be done with restrictions, (even if not for all, then at least for the vaccinated) would we not? Is the very existence of this study not proof that, as I have said from the beginning, that the whole vaccination programme is actually a giant experiment?

You've probably missed my edit to my last post, which I had written before I saw your link, so I'll quote myself here:

But, supposedly most (not all, disclaimer, blah blah) of those dying and/or ending up in hospital with the delta variant are...not vaccinated. So, it's working and it's not working.

Further to that: https://twitter.com/RanIsraeli/status/1423322271503028228 (link from news station in tweet). This is not "told you so", I genuinely mean it when I say I hope the thing works for the vulnerable even if I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole as of now due to the experimental nature of it and the obvious lies that taking it gets us back to normal. I'd like it to work so that the benefits outweigh the risks (then I too, along with my family who I feel a certain sense of responsibility towards, can participate in the fucked up new normal which is at this stage inevitable) and then when it is foisted upon my kids, at least I can say that the reason I didn't stand up and say no is because I thought it would do them some good. It's a fucking hard sell for my gut and the little voice nagging away in the back of my head though. Maybe if they were to offer 30 pieces of silver for each of the kids it might ease my conscience somewhat...

... or maybe kebabs for jabs will be enough to get the kids to beg for it all by themselves, or a ticket to Electric Picnic, or maybe the shitty Feile in Birdhill might do it.. it gets worse the more I think about it and yet it goes full steam ahead.

Show of hands, who here would give this shit to their kids, given the level of risk they face from covid vs the potential risk they face from taking the shot? I've had my own lads off playing with their pals as normal since about May 2020 so it doesn't seem worth it, but this is not an emotional appeal; I'm genuinely curious whether anyone here would give it to their own given the unknowns involved. And for the record everyone in my house has had the full schedule of shots, but not the flu jab and not this shit (the higher the possibility of viral mutation, the less likely that this targeted stuff will actually work to any noticeable degree. And why do we think that the flu shot can't actually even be proven to work even though it has been out for years....? It's a case of "well you didn't get flu so it must have worked", but I smoke cigarettes every day and I also didn't get the flu, so does smoking prevent flu?, of course not. Sick of this hard sell bullshit with no actual provable science to back any of it up.

Beyond all of that I'll still read the Nature article because I do reckon that science has an actual part to play in this worldwide farce.

What's happening in Israel is interesting alright, and Israel's response in general is quite interesting. For example, although you're showing us that in order to say that it's bullshit, the doctor who is talking there is actually in favour of the third dose as a solution, so you need to take that into account in what he's saying/why he may be saying it:

His isn't the only voice either, and it's kinda funny to talk about 95% of something when you only have a sample of ~60 patients. In other hospitals in Israel they are convinced that even the hospitalizations even in old people are less serious symptomatically than they were:

So, who to believe? The doctors saying the vaccine is working, because although cases are shooting up, hospitalizations and their gravity seem to be down? Or the doctors saying that things are starting to get as bad as they were, because the vaccine is losing effectiveness, so hurry up with the third doses...?

I know somebody who got covid twice, symptoms and all. She got it last Halloween and is just getting over her second dose now. Not a bother on her. She works in a hostel, so she's exposed to people travelling from anywhere.
She's about 25, I don't think she's vaccinated. What would be the point in getting vaccinated, if she's not high risk and if it doesn't seem to be doing much to stop the spread?

But what about D'Variant

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 05, 2021, 11:08:33 PM
What's happening in Israel is interesting alright, and Israel's response in general is quite interesting. For example, although you're showing us that in order to say that it's bullshit, the doctor who is talking there is actually in favour of the third dose as a solution, so you need to take that into account in what he's saying/why he may be saying it:

His isn't the only voice either, and it's kinda funny to talk about 95% of something when you only have a sample of ~60 patients. In other hospitals in Israel they are convinced that even the hospitalizations even in old people are less serious symptomatically than they were:

So, who to believe? The doctors saying the vaccine is working, because although cases are shooting up, hospitalizations and their gravity seem to be down? Or the doctors saying that things are starting to get as bad as they were, because the vaccine is losing effectiveness, so hurry up with the third doses...?

I'm leaning towards the vaccines actually reducing the severity of the disease, even without the booster, but as long as the testing is done with the same gusto as is currently the trend it's going to make things look like it isn't working because the end game with the vaccines was never to prevent transmission as I understood it, but more to bring it back into common cold/ light flu territory. As long as it does the trick for the old and vulnerable, I'm all for it but there are competing interests in the testing industry and the vaccine industry and where we are at now is the two clashing to the extent that one is making the other look bad.

In Irish news, it's pretty funny to see that after Varadkar was caught at Zappone's bash in the hotel, that the rules on live music and outdoor gatherings have been relaxed. Got to appease the masses or they'll want his head!

[quote author=astfgyl

In Irish news, it's pretty funny to see that after Varadkar was caught at Zappone's bash in the hotel, that the rules on live music and outdoor gatherings have been relaxed. Got to appease the masses or they'll want his head!

And such a coincidence that they're planning to ease maternity restrictions after it's revealed that Simon Harris's missus is pregnant.

They make me feel sick... better get tested to be on the safe side

Standing in the queue in a shop and I see Jennifer Aniston on the front page of the Daily Mail... going on about how she's ditching her non vaccinated friends. What a great fucking example to set for humanity.

Quote from: Giggles on August 07, 2021, 08:53:19 PM
Standing in the queue in a shop and I see Jennifer Aniston on the front page of the Daily Mail... going on about how she's ditching her non vaccinated friends. What a great fucking example to set for humanity.

"I'll be there for youuuuuuu unless you are vaccinateddddd"

Quote from: Giggles on August 07, 2021, 08:53:19 PM
Standing in the queue in a shop and I see Jennifer Aniston on the front page of the Daily Mail... going on about how she's ditching her non vaccinated friends. What a great fucking example to set for humanity.

Since when are Hollywood glamour props expected to set a good example for humanity??

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 07, 2021, 09:33:38 PM
Quote from: Giggles on August 07, 2021, 08:53:19 PM
Standing in the queue in a shop and I see Jennifer Aniston on the front page of the Daily Mail... going on about how she's ditching her non vaccinated friends. What a great fucking example to set for humanity.

Since when are Hollywood glamour props expected to set a good example for humanity??

To be fair to her I read Jennifer's explanation yesterday and it's perfectly reasonable the way she wants to protect others. It's not about herself at all, fair play to her. Imagine that, people thinking about others, disgraceful carry on in this day and age.

Quote from: Giggles on August 07, 2021, 08:53:19 PM
Standing in the queue in a shop and I see Jennifer Aniston on the front page of the Daily Mail... going on about how she's ditching her non vaccinated friends. What a great fucking example to set for humanity.

Don't get vaccinated, and you too can reduce the risk of encountering vapid celebrity types.  :laugh:

Quote from: Snare on August 07, 2021, 10:56:38 PM
To be fair to her I read Jennifer's explanation yesterday and it's perfectly reasonable the way she wants to protect others. It's not about herself at all, fair play to her. Imagine that, people thinking about others, disgraceful carry on in this day and age.

A few pages back, I mentioned how nobody seems to be talking about the family members who are being ostracised for not having the vaccine. Banned from attending birthdays/weddings etc or even just calling over for tea. Not even allowed to meet outside, being slandered as anti vaxxer etc. Some people are literally being told by their family "We're not speaking to you again unless you get the vaccine".  Not a text, not a phone call, nothing.

So yeah, I do find it particularly disgraceful that she is being lauded on the front page as some sort of shining example to set. I don't agree with it, I think it comes across as "I am right and you are wrong", when in reality, nobody knows what the fuck is going on.