Briefly going back to the French declaration of vaccine passport necessity, apparently over 1,000,000 have made first time appointments in the last 24 hours.

Quote from: astfgyl on July 13, 2021, 09:09:12 PM
No bother, I read that as wanting his exact involvement. My mistake. and for the Volkswagen one,

and for the Deutsche Bank.

Fuellmich is no bum, that's for sure but I don't know he might be pissing into the wind going up against the WHO and Pharma companies.

Ha sorry yeah - I was looking for an article about the cases which actually mentioned him.

I thought Fuellmich might have been bigging up his involvement at first, LinkedIn style, but then couldn't find anything to show any link to him.

#3032 July 13, 2021, 10:04:33 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 10:27:31 AM by astfgyl
Far as I know he was most heavily involved in the bank, having worked for them. I suppose it would have to be news reports from the time, but I'd be surprised if any reports went into any detail of the actual trial lawyers involved, although as I said nobody has refuted his claims and it seems to be accepted as fact. He also seems like a fairly private guy up to this point so the sources will be scant. Try watching the video I linked to see if you find any of it credible, although he is just taking notes and laughing incredulously at most of what he is hearing. Poor old Wolfgang Wodarg looks like he is after aging 20 years just listening to it. Again:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 13, 2021, 09:15:30 PM
Briefly going back to the French declaration of vaccine passport necessity, apparently over 1,000,000 have made first time appointments in the last 24 hours.

There's no doubt the coercion works. Somewhat ironically I've given the last 2 days taking names of young people begging for appointments for the shot and telling them of the backlog and how I might be able to ring them back with a time in a couple of weeks and how after that it's only 2 weeks until they are considered immune. The sound of their hopes being dashed at the thoughts of missing the indoor pints will haunt my dreams tonight. Maybe. But the threat of the passports sure does it for most people. Part of me thinks it's just a sales tactic but most of me knows this shit will be permanent.

And lest we forget, always watch out for misinformation. And desperation as well, watch out for that desperation, it's everywhere.. that desperation to save even more of us than are already being saved. It's for our own good, - we haven't behaved - but we have this one last chance and if we all just take our medicine we will all get better soon daddy promises and mammy promises as well we will be allowed out tomorrow and we won't be grounded again next week and we won't be put back into that yokkie mask again and we won't have to take that dirty test anymore as well. It's just a little pinch is all.

Watch this, this is that desperation I was talking about: from 2020 by the way.

Lastly for tonight, the timing of this article is impeccable in light of the Fuellmich video I've posted there. ...about the shared patents between all the vaccine companies. "Moderna, CureVac, Pfizer and BioNTech have all disclosed that the mRNA used in their vaccine candidates encodes a stabilized version of the spike protein that was developed by the NIH."

Sounds awfully familiar.

Don't have time to look through all that stuff, but will read through that Nature article. The state of intellectual property as it relates to fundamental research is an absolute mess. It's one of the most flagrant manifestations of all that is rotten about the structure of the capitalism we have.

Just noticed that cases in the Netherlands have jumped 500% since they scrapped all restrictions a couple of weeks ago, with daily case rate almost at the same level as mid-winter past. So far, only a small related increase in hospitalizations, and no noticeable increase in mortality, although both of those things drag by up to 4 weeks behind case increases, so we'll see. They've already rolled back on a lot of the restrictions they dropped though, based on the increase in cases. If those cases don't translate to significant hospitalizations and mortality, it may be what the UK need in order to say, "We were wrong first time, but maybe now that the vulnerable are vaccinated, we can let the cases rip and go for herd immunity." The counter-argument, which I've heard a few times, is this "long-COVID" thing. Sure, we'll see. Either way, this spike in cases is fairly impressive:

Some nice videos about the socialist utopias some of you crave.... ☠️


North Korea


Put it in a vaguely relevant thread.

#3036 July 14, 2021, 02:18:31 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 02:27:00 PM by pete
Quote from: astfgyl on July 13, 2021, 10:04:33 PM
Far as I know he was most heavily involved in the bank, having worked for them. I suppose it would have to be news reports from the time, but I'd be surprised if any reports went into any detail of the actual trial lawyers involved, although as I said nobody has refuted his claims and it seems to be accepted as fact.

I think we can do better than that.

I think we need to be more critical of these stories before spreading them. It all seems to originate from his own content and random Facebook posts.

I'm filing it with the Simon Harris video for now!

This sounded like an up and coming blockbuster I'd like to see
Quote from: Giggles on July 13, 2021, 05:55:38 PM
For anybody who doesn't know who he is, he's a German/American lawyer who specialises in sueing people for fraud and he has successfully sued both Volkswagen and Deutch Bank. Just take a moment there to comprehend the power of the legal team that both of those companies would have - and he won both times.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 14, 2021, 02:07:57 PM
Put it in a vaguely relevant thread.
It was a retort to your rotten capitalism quip on the post before it.
Doesn't matter what thread it's in. What's relevant is that socialism is shit.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on July 14, 2021, 03:06:14 PM
It was a retort to your rotten capitalism quip on the post before it.
Doesn't matter what thread it's in. What's relevant is that socialism is shit.

Ah, I see. So sorry, your post was relevant, but only in your gombeen perspective of the world where any criticism of any aspect of capitalism, regardless of how blatantly corrupt and broken, recognized as such even by many reform capitalists, is equivalent to advocacy for socialism. Far out bro.

Lads, quick question. Has anyone travelled to the UK from Ireland in the last few months? Any restrictions on entry?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 14, 2021, 03:28:04 PM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on July 14, 2021, 03:06:14 PM
It was a retort to your rotten capitalism quip on the post before it.
Doesn't matter what thread it's in. What's relevant is that socialism is shit.

Ah, I see. So sorry, your post was relevant, but only in your gombeen perspective of the world where any criticism of any aspect of capitalism, regardless of how blatantly corrupt and broken, recognized as such even by many reform capitalists, is equivalent to advocacy for socialism. Far out bro.
Capitalism needs a right old tweek, no doubt about that but you can shove socialism right up your hoop lad.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on July 14, 2021, 03:43:44 PM
Lads, quick question. Has anyone travelled to the UK from Ireland in the last few months? Any restrictions on entry?
Stay in Spain lad.

Tests and isolation, at your expense. Not sure of the details but the test alone is £100 plus, unless you can blag an NHS one.

#3043 July 14, 2021, 04:08:54 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 04:10:25 PM by Caomhaoin
According to this, a test is not required. I'm not returning to Ireland, I'll be going to Spain.

I'm fully vaccinated and I have the passport thing so I can reenter Spain without a hitch.

This thread seems to suggest that it's no questions asked Ireland to UK, bar lying about where I'm coming from.