Reckon they will be back at it as soon as things get going again. The indefinite nature of their hiatus is surely due to the indefinite nature of everything this minute. It will be surprising if they are the only ones doing this in the near future as I don't know about the UK but the arts have been thrown down and pissed on in this country anyway

Bet you a tenner they come back fully recovered from the gay and release a savage doom death album!

Oh I didn't spot this lol I fired a thread up in the main forum.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 22, 2020, 07:45:01 PM
Bet you a tenner they come back fully recovered from the gay and release a savage doom death album!
Fuck sake Andy....  :laugh:

We should be so lucky.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 22, 2020, 07:45:01 PM
Bet you a tenner they come back fully recovered from the gay and release a savage doom death album!

Be better than that sort of poor man's Radiohead they have been peddling

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 22, 2020, 07:45:01 PM
Bet you a tenner they come back fully recovered from the gay and release a savage doom death album!

I dunno about them but I'm finding it hard to recover from this bombshell


Have we ever seen propaganda like this? Really now, no matter what anyone thinks or doesn't think about the whole covid thing, this is what I pay 160 quid for every year and had to go to court when I didn't. Just listen to him.... "didn't want any more of your beautiful grandparents to die"... "the vaccine is coming". On about half a million a year of licence payers money. Not scaremongering or anything like just listen to his poetic description of the horror that we avoided by locking down even though the evidence points to it making fuck all difference.

Jesus that was painful to watch. 'Don't stop.washing your hands'. Cheers for that Ryan!

Saw that last friday night and still feel sick as a dog after it.

Imagine being 85 years old, seeing no-one, barely even family (and even they are acting all weird all the time now) because they are all afraid to kill you off with the virus and terrorized all day long because all you watch is RTE (ah sure wasn't that Mike Murphy a great character) and then watching this rotten bastard give that spiel into your face while you religiously sanitise your hands because you are so fried thinking about the invisible enemy that you managed to avoid for 8 decades but now the pale horse is coming if you don't stay away from everyone and here he is, this prick after telling you the vaccine is coming so #holdfirm in sheer terror but with that tiny glimmer of false hope that cunt is selling you through the same tv show you have been watching for 50 years. An actual crime against humanity.

I met a woman in her 70's the other day and told her to stop watching the news and she says "I'm down to one news a day, because all I hear about is this oul virus". That was after she told me the hotel wouldn't give her tea and toast because it didn't cost 9 quid and sure it is a licensed premises after all. No shit, that actually happened. But sure it's for her own protection so that's grand.

We're living in an actual shitshow. Time to RISE BRRRROOOOTHERRRRRS....!!  :abbath:

One of my good friends dad died suddenly the last day but we weren't allowed into the church but it's grand to have the pubs open. Makes no fuckin sense at all.

The stupidity of this whole thing is growing by the day. No matter what level of fear anyone is at, surely the nonsensical nature of all of this is becoming more and more apparent to even the most fervent of lockdown enthusiasts.

Coronavirus should be let spread amongst people below 60 in a controlled way, the Dáil's Covid-19 committee has been told.

Sweden's former chief epidemiologist Dr Johan Giesecke recommends that the virus be let spread through the population alongside a programme that concentrates on the "old and frail" and that frequently tests staff and residents in care homes.

Mr Giesecke has also told the Government not to build its Covid-19 strategy around the imminent advent of a vaccine, stating: "We might have to wait for it and it may not be very effective in those who need it most."

Furthermore, Ireland should also stop aiming for Covid-free status or even for levels as low as in July at the end of lockdown, the president of the Irish Society of Clinical Microbiology, Kirsten Schaffer, is to tell the committee.

I wouldn't get my hopes up, but it's refreshing to see this angle being brought up to the Dail for what I believe is the first time, at least publicly. Regardless of what side of the open de pubs/herd immunity/measured opening/full lockdown  fence you fall on, it's really felt for quite some time now like the current FF/FG/NPHET status quo stalemate has been the only solution given any sort of official credence.

Quote from: blessed1 on September 23, 2020, 10:58:14 AM
One of my good friends dad died suddenly the last day but we weren't allowed into the church but it's grand to have the pubs open. Makes no fuckin sense at all.

I get what your saying,i was at a funeral earlier,fucking massive crowd at it,no one in the church,but the road lined with people.If people were allowed into the Church there would be the urge to shake a hand or embrace someone i guess.