#1515 September 15, 2020, 10:48:17 PM Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 10:51:37 PM by Pedrito
Nah I think it's something more human and dopey than all that. Every crisis that comes along we overkill in our responses. We get caught unawares and to make up for it we go into maximum overdrive. It happened after the Celtic Tiger, happened after 9-11 and it's happening now.

Remember the Celtic Tiger burst? It was literally like armageddon was coming. I'll never forget that night watching Brian Lenihan coming out of that meeting, him in the final throes of cancer. We're doomed was the message from the TV and it infested every section of Irish society. And yet we're all still here..well most of us anyway. It wasn't pretty but it was nowhere near as bad as they wanted us to believe.

What other crises have we had recently? Lesser ones but Trump, Brexit, that whole environmental madness past year..people love a bad news story.

It's a bad virus, it's deadly for some and harmless for others, but the reaction is not driven only by facts and numbers, it's driven by needing to show that we know what we're doing when in all reality it took us completely unawares and unprepared. It's morphed, it's sprouted tentacles, it's political and sociological and every other sort of 'ical' and 'igal'. Give it another 6 or 8 months and we'll be onto some other disaster soon enough.

Well put.

Honestly that was me at the old hyperbole again. I don't think it is actually like a social credit system by intention, just that it is the same basic idea of behave or your life gets progressively shitter until you can't go more than 5k from your house is all. Worlds apart really and there is no way that any government is learning anything about how people can be manipulated by fear. Governments would hardly be interested in trivial shit like that. Also entrepeneurs in pursuit of the mighty dollar won't learn anything about how gullible anyone is either. I do think your few months prediction will be bang on and it will also be fun to see how many of our civil liberties will be eroded by then before we get bored of that as well and go back to watching American Gladiators.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 16, 2020, 12:41:11 AM
Well put.

Honestly that was me at the old hyperbole again. I don't think it is actually like a social credit system by intention, just that it is the same basic idea of behave or your life gets progressively shitter until you can't go more than 5k from your house is all. Worlds apart really and there is no way that any government is learning anything about how people can be manipulated by fear. Governments would hardly be interested in trivial shit like that. Also entrepeneurs in pursuit of the mighty dollar won't learn anything about how gullible anyone is either. I do think your few months prediction will be bang on and it will also be fun to see how many of our civil liberties will be eroded by then before we get bored of that as well and go back to watching American Gladiators.
Man, I know I gave you jip a few months ago about your overreaction to this Covid thing but you've come full circle and opened your eyes up to it.
You've put your hands up and admitted that you got it totally wrong. You're to be commended for that....  :abbath:
Unfortunately you or any of the rest of us will ever get all these months back because of this overreacting shitshow, but hey-ho....
Anyways, as Pedrito says, we'll all look back on this in the near future and say; "what the hell were we thinking?" That London clinic guy I quoted yesterday was saying that since late April. Let the health services get a hold on it at first and then get on with our (near) normal lives. Keep the hygiene and social distancing up but don't keep everything shut down. It's madness!
Next week pints and then I want my fookin gigs back....  :abbath:
Fuck The World....  :abbath:

Quote from: astfgyl on September 16, 2020, 12:41:11 AM
Well put.

Honestly that was me at the old hyperbole again. I don't think it is actually like a social credit system by intention, just that it is the same basic idea of behave or your life gets progressively shitter until you can't go more than 5k from your house is all. Worlds apart really and there is no way that any government is learning anything about how people can be manipulated by fear. Governments would hardly be interested in trivial shit like that. Also entrepeneurs in pursuit of the mighty dollar won't learn anything about how gullible anyone is either. I do think your few months prediction will be bang on and it will also be fun to see how many of our civil liberties will be eroded by then before we get bored of that as well and go back to watching American Gladiators.

Look up Dr. Li-Meng Yan she has some interesting things to say.

I probably won't be able to resist looking her up, but honestly this whole thing is making me feel like giving up on society altogether. I can see that it's rotten to the core and there are too many people that can't see what is happening here for what it is. It is medical fascism. By accident or by design it doesn't actually matter. It still is what it is.

I still think everyone is trying to do the right thing even by accepting this assault on our freedoms and perhaps some will even thrive in the open prison, but it's not for me and I'm going to resist this shite til the bitter end.

I'll wash my hands regularly, I'll stay at home if I get sick until I get better, I'll try not to shift any pensioners, I'll wear the shiting mask at work and that is as far as I'm prepared to go with it. If I was contact traced, I wouldn't even turn up for the test, as I would only be perpetuating the myth by having a lab run a poxy rapid PCR test for 40 fucking cycles so they can add me into the false statistics. Healthy people do not need to be quarantined and anybody who can't see that needs their head examined. Also out of the 180,000 U.S. deaths from it, 100,000 of them had the flu as well. So what did they die of? It's on the CDC website right there staring us all in the face in case anyone thinks it's not true.

It feels like everyone is getting brainwashed. It nearly worked on me and all.

I've volunteered for the vaccine trials for Covid-19, which apparently were made by a Russian Pharmaceutical company.

I received my first shot and wanted to let everyone know that it's completely safe with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι χoρoshό я чувствую себя немного странно и я думаю, что вытащил ослиные уши

Speak English And/Or Die?

Shhhhh, níl a fhios agam.

I'd say the aul "blas" would be a fierce fuckin' droplet spreader now in fairness!  :laugh:

That sort of article is the greatest load of shit imaginable, but sure every cunt needs their piece of the covid pie. Here is a couple of bits of reading for the panic merchants to ignore. Any takers?

First this:


Then this:


The evidence that we have all been roasted by hype is mounting, and nobody seems to care. Dr. Wolfgang had it spot on and the king is indeed naked. In the same spirit in which non mask wearers were made dig the graves of those who died with covid, I would advocate for public floggings for every politician and scientist who have perpetuated this myth, and these should be administered by the families of each poor old person worldwide who had to say their goodbyes to their loved ones through an ipad while the hazmat suited doctors left them to die alone, with no human contact and then not even a proper funeral for the people who cared about them to pay their proper respects. Also every SME owner who has had their business destroyed should be allowed to give a lash or 2 as well. Every news outlet needs the flogging as well and this should be given by all of the old folks who are terrorized nightly by the evening news and are giving their precious time shitting it with the world suddenly declared unsafe for them. The current and previous minister for health and all of the NPHET must be flogged too, and this should be carried out by all of the people on waiting lists in this country. 800,000 lashes should just about cover it.

There is no fate but that which we make for ourselves - Leo Varadkar, March 2020. Right before proceeding to make an absolute fuck of everything. How ironic that him and his dumb fuck unelected government have made this fate for everyone. We will allow him to watch Terminator 2 over and over again while he takes his flogging, just for the laugh.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 04:17:29 PM

There is no fate but that which we make for ourselves - Leo Varadkar, March 2020. Right before proceeding to make an absolute fuck of everything. How ironic that him and his dumb fuck unelected government have made this fate for everyone. We will allow him to watch Terminator 2 over and over again while he takes his flogging, just for the laugh.

Wouldn't be a fan of Leo at all but at the start when him and Harris were giving briefings the message was a lot clearer and on point than it is now.

astgflghly: without saying the logic is black and white, or that the two scenarios are truly analogous, do you think AIDS sufferers who die of pneumonia (which they would have survived had they not had AIDS) should be included in AIDS mortality rates?

@White Crow Survival, I see what you are getting at and the answer isn't as clear as a yes or no. It's a bit like saying that the flu killed my 90 year old grandmother, but the main cause was most likely the 90 years and so her death should be put down in the old age mortality rates. In line with that way of looking at it, AIDS patients should take the precautions as they deem necessary, and let the rest of the world get on with it, much like the high risk groups involved with covid 19. I must look into changing that fucking username.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 04:17:29 PM
In the same spirit in which non mask wearers were made dig the graves of those who died with covid, I would advocate for public floggings for every politician and scientist who have perpetuated this myth, and these should be administered by the families of each poor old person worldwide who had to say their goodbyes to their loved ones through an ipad while the hazmat suited doctors left them to die alone, with no human contact and then not even a proper funeral for the people who cared about them to pay their proper respects.

Yeah I've experienced that, my uncle lost his fight with cancer towards the start of all this, and we all had to sit around and watch the funeral on an iPad.


If it is indeed all hype, stick me on the guest list to administer these floggings, I have a couple of scores to settle.

I can see why, no matter how it turns out, no matter how much evidence says it was an overreaction, they'll never ever backtrack, lest they have to deal with people like myself. I'm sure there's many, many similar tales out there right now.