I agree with Astfgyl that there is something weird going on  :abbath:

Quote from: Ducky on September 15, 2020, 06:29:32 PM
Just to sum up as I don't have time to go clicking through the links (dinner's gonna burn!), you think vaccines are bad or wha?

They are a mixture of good and bad, so I think it comes down to how any particular person feels about them. I don't think anyone shouldn't get them if they want them, but I am extremely opposed to the idea of them being mandatory, or mandated by proxy via social exclusion. I certainly think that the pharma companies are always worthy of contempt, and yet I work in a pharmacy.

I would encourage at least a look at Dr Campbell's video, especially in light of the flu vaccine being offered and encouraged for children ages 2 - 12. Actually all of the links there are worth a go at some point if you do get the time.

#1502 September 15, 2020, 07:15:51 PM Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 07:58:22 PM by astfgyl
Ok here's something a little more light hearted, and also hilarious, and also utterly fucking hypocritical as is the norm when it comes to the Government Gang


My favourite is this beauty from Fianna Fáil TD Jim O'Callaghan, who says:

QuoteThe decision to stop Dail business for a week because of concern about 1 cabinet Min is not proportionate. Min.Donnelly&his close contacts should be tested. Jr Min should deal with Gov business. Governance of the country can't come to a standstill because of 1 suspected outbreak.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Some men to be talking about disproportionate responses!

And speaking of responses: This beauty from Dr. Nabarro, of the World Health Organisation:

Quote"It's a terrible situation, a health issue has got so out of control it's knocking the world into, not just a recession, but a huge economic contraction which would probably double the number of poor people, double the number of malnourished, lead to hundreds of millions of small businesses going bankrupt."

He added there was also a risk of the pandemic ruining educational opportunities for a lot of children around the world.

Another one to remember in a year's time.

Don't worry in a year's time they'll have found something else to yell about!

Quote from: Pedrito on September 15, 2020, 08:28:30 PM
Don't worry in a year's time they'll have found something else to yell about!
Yeah, "you owe us dolla".....

How many here have ever gotten the flu vaccine?
Just curious.....

Quote from: Giggles on September 15, 2020, 06:39:07 PM
I agree with Astfgyl that there is something weird going on  :abbath:
Well done fellow forumite. You have entered WARRIOR MODE...  :abbath:

This is honestly the political correctness disease, so you are bang on the money. Personally I have become a bit obsessive about it, which I admit freely. The reason for this is not because I think it doesn't exist but because I can't get to grips with sitting back and watching it all unfold when it is affecting basically everything and the response was based on fuck all science and a flawed mathematical model. It has been based on hype and fear and media manipulation.

Came across this study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32513410/, which seems legit enough, but hopefully someone in the academic circles will be able to pick the holes in it for me. It does tally up with the suspicion I have but there is always a chance it's rubbish in this day and age.

Also, the government want to bring in legislation to curb people's right to protest. This is the sort of thing I have been thinking would come of this since day one and is not cool.

#1508 September 15, 2020, 09:33:28 PM Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 09:44:19 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 15, 2020, 09:09:57 PM
How many here have ever gotten the flu vaccine?
Just curious.....

Fuck that and no thanks

Edit: Have to clarify that I have no issue with anyone who wants to have it getting it before someone gives me the antivax shit, but why should someone who has about a one in a million chance of dying of flu such as myself try the pharmaceutical road rather than the natural immune system training that I might get if I ever got it? There is also the indication from one proper randomized and placebo controlled study which indicates that taking the flu shot made kids 4.4 times more likely to pick up other respiratory infections including Coronavirus which needs to be seriously considered by anyone who wants the flu shot. But each to their own all the same.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 15, 2020, 09:33:28 PM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 15, 2020, 09:09:57 PM
How many here have ever gotten the flu vaccine?
Just curious.....

Fuck that and no thanks
Warrior Mode (EXTRA).....  :abbath:

Yeah I get it every year

Quote from: astfgyl on September 15, 2020, 09:31:24 PM
Came across this study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32513410/, which seems legit enough, but hopefully someone in the academic circles will be able to pick the holes in it for me.

Personally I interpret that study as having an n (i.e. sample size) of 1, despite the authors trying to present things to sound like they have a sample size of 455. I'll try confirm with some more specifically learned colleagues. Also, it's a Chinese study...can you trust them?  :P

For the survey, I've never gotten the flu jab.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 15, 2020, 09:31:24 PM
The reason for this is not because I think it doesn't exist but because I can't get to grips with sitting back and watching it all unfold when it is affecting basically everything and the response was based on fuck all science and a flawed mathematical model. It has been based on hype and fear and media manipulation.

Back in March we were being led to believe that people would be dropping dead left right and center. People are dying from flus everyday what's being done about that? People are dying from tobacco related deaths everyday and no chance will they ban tobacco anytime soon.
But then all of a sudden the governments want to "save lives" by shutting everything down, and keeping us segregated so it's difficult to talk to each other about it. What the fuck are we even doing anyway, waiting for a vaccine?

I think it's weird.

And I think that you can't have a blanket set of rules across the country. People living in small towns and rural locations should not have the same restrictions as cities.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 15, 2020, 09:59:46 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 15, 2020, 09:31:24 PM
Came across this study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32513410/, which seems legit enough, but hopefully someone in the academic circles will be able to pick the holes in it for me.

Personally I interpret that study as having an n (i.e. sample size) of 1, despite the authors trying to present things to sound like they have a sample size of 455. I'll try confirm with some more specifically learned colleagues. Also, it's a Chinese study...can you trust them?  :P

Nah the cheap cunts can go fuck. It is indeed a sample of one, and it would need a larger scale study to draw anything noteworthy from it. Much like the same studies that have been done on the positive spread of it from asymptomatic cases. There is very little of any substance to that side of it either.

And Giggles, I don't think there is much point in restrictions at all. I do however think that on the off chance that it is as easy to get and be sick from as is touted, I'm going to try not to be wrestling with old people too much for the next while. Or fat people either. Might give the diabetics a wide berth as well and also all of the people who have become suddenly spooked of walking past me.

Lads, the fucking 5 levels shit is like some sort of mass social credit experiment. fuck sake it's madness. Honestly like how can ye not see it? Behave or we will lock you down progressively harder! And lads actually fucking begging for it. For a virus that everyone and no one seems to have and no one knows where they got it from?!  Come on like