Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 15, 2020, 12:12:09 PM
QuoteEight men who refused to wear face masks in public were ordered to dig graves for people who died of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Haha, fairly hardcore measure!


This whole sham is about to come tumbling down very soon and all the screaming terrified masses are going to realise that they have been had. I have been had as well. It's a bit painful to admit it, but that is what has happened.

We all saw the original pics of the toilet paper rush, and we all saw the effect of that and the panic it generated. Completely unfounded panic as it turned out.

We all saw the pictures of the reaction in China and the videos of the hard lockdown they had, and lo and behold governments all over the world panic and also buy all of the proverbial toilet paper in the rush not to be the ones left behind. Completely understandable in a way but also completely misguided. 

I'm also calling the asymptomatic transmission thing as a load of shite while I'm here. Not impossible mind, just so miniscule as to be negligible. The real smoking gun here is the testing, which has led us all a merry dance, as outlined in the NY Times article I posted back a bit which no one read. Only out by 85 or 90 percent though which is no major margin of error I guess.

From the ECDC website:
QuoteEvidence on SARS-CoV-2 transmission is available from a recent animal study on ferrets, which are considered suitable animal models for human respiratory infections, that assessed transmission in an experimental setting [2]. The findings suggest that direct transmission occurs between the animals, and the virus can be shed through multiple routes with rapid transmission to naive hosts in close contact with the infected hosts. The evidence of airborne transmission is considered less robust than the evidence of direct contact transmission between infected animals and naïve animals.

Less robust... :laugh: That's one way of putting it! Get yer fucking mask on and go into hiding. The common cold is about to destroy humanity. We have all been had and it's a pity we haven't got a remind me bot like reddit does, because I would like to remind you all of this in a year's time, or whenever we start paying the bill. It's no use trying to convince people that they have been had when they are determined to panic, and no government is going to come out and say fuck we got done, but we will all see in time. This is a disease of political correctness more than anything else.

And then there's the likes of this

QuoteThis past week a close friend of mine lost their father to COVID.  He was a healthy man and we believe he got it when a family member called for a cuppa and several days later the family member who had visited tested positive. The family member was displaying no symptoms and they now have to live with this burden as they were the only visitor my friends father and mother had received in over a week.  In effect they brought it to their house without knowing when they really didn't have to be there.

The fact is that his family never saw him nor spoke to him after they took him away in an ambulance as he was put straight into a coma and ventilated - and he never woke up.  His lungs filled and filled and despite the hospitals best efforts he passed away.


Indeed. basically the equivalent of a facebook post saying that their granny was written down as a covid death when she didn't even have it.

Also, this:

Quoteput straight into a coma

I'm pretty sure if we were to describe in medical grade detail the mechanics of some poor fucker dying of basically anything else in the same way we are bombarded with the mechanics of covid we would be equally terrorized.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 15, 2020, 03:04:53 PM
I'm also calling the asymptomatic transmission thing as a load of shite while I'm here.

You think most of the transmission stems from direct contact with symptomatic cases?

#1490 September 15, 2020, 04:17:06 PM Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 04:21:17 PM by astfgyl
Yes I do. I will concede it is not impossible though, as has been indicated from pre-symptomatic patients, but the major difference there is that they go on to develop symptoms unlike the actual asymptomatic ones who stay that way. Note also that I am not saying that Covid 19 doesn't exist, only that the response is overblown in the extreme and driven by hundreds if not thousands of entities who are concerned above all with making money. If the test didn't exist, we would be calling this a bad flu season and getting on with our lives while following the usual flu season advice of washing our hands and coughing into our elbows. You know like the good old days before everyone went insane with fear and panic driven by the ubiquity of the internet. In fact, with the way the last few months have seen a drop off to below average excess mortality, we might even consider this as a normal flu season by the end of it.

Actually, and this doesn't get brought up much anymore, but this could even be a very clever sort of economic terrorism through the coverage emanating from China at the beginning. Could being the word there as there is only circumstantial evidence of anything like that, and that type of evidence can be bent into all sorts of shapes.

...or, we might consider it a Spanish flu season by the end of it! Only time will tell I guess! :)

Yeah, that's fair enough I suppose but I'll be putting me few bob on the regular season or slightly worse than regular. Also considering how many deaths in this country alone were certified without an actual test, it might even be a below average amount by the end of it.

Sure maybe the Spanish flu itself was a hoax, and every other flu, and probably all illness, actually, and the whole thing is a big scam by Big Pharma, because at the end of the day what really kills us all is just death and there ain't no cure for that!


Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 15, 2020, 04:32:50 PM
Sure maybe the Spanish flu itself was a hoax, and every other flu, and probably all illness, actually, and the whole thing is a big scam by Big Pharma, because at the end of the day what really kills us all is just death and there ain't no cure for that!

I don't even think it's all a big hoax by any one cabal or the like, it's more of a death by a thousand cuts type situation where people everywhere are pushing their own little agendas for nothing more than personal gain. Sure why did the labs in the U.S. run the PCR tests to 40 cycles when it is accepted that would generate what is equivalent to false positives? Simple, because they want to do more testing as that is why they are there. Multiply that shite all over the world and here we are. We will all cop on to it fairly soon. We have been had. And all of the folks begging for the governments to look after them for their own safety are honestly trying to do what they see as the right thing, because not all people are wankers. they honestly don't want to put the vulnerable at risk and this is being played out on the actual good in people. And now we are on the road to hell, unfortunately.

I heard smallpox was just a concoction of the media to push the "vaccines = good" narrative. Dave on Facebook said so and called everyone "sheeple", so it must be true :abbath:

Quote from: Ducky on September 15, 2020, 05:53:06 PM
I heard smallpox was just a concoction of the media to push the "vaccines = good" narrative. Dave on Facebook said so and called everyone "sheeple", so it must be true :abbath:

That actually bears no resemblance to the situation as I see it, so I guess it's aimed at someone else.

while we are on the subject of vaccines:


then see:




So of course the pharma companies wouldn't do anything unless they knew it was safe, right?

Also check out this video from the greatest conspiracy theorist of all time, Dr John Cambell:


Now of course one could say what is a small few lives ruined for the greater good, but then that is a bit paradoxical if one is of the mask wearing disposition, is it not?

Just to sum up as I don't have time to go clicking through the links (dinner's gonna burn!), you think vaccines are bad or wha?