While I agree it's concerning how they located/became aware (though most likely comes down to someone snitching, which in fairness lads, is nothing new), it's not like she was arrested "just because"

Fairly fucking simple, if you know you have corona, the last thing you want to do is go out to a public space. That's pretty much been the guideline agreed on everywhere since day one and of all the restrictions going, it seems fairly reasonable. Now, if she was just out at the beach, outdoors, drove there in her own car, didn't go anywhere else, then yeah, practically the risk is low. Plenty of "if's" though and open to exploitation by pisstakers, hence the rule.

Freedom this, freedom that, how about taking the most basic step of responsibility? Can't say I have a whole load of sympathy for her, even if I DO think there's a genuine point to be made RE: surveillance. There's been plenty questionable situations and decisions made, this one to me at least seems the most clear cut.

It says in the video it was "an individual" who reported her to the local police; who knows who...possibly an elderly neighbour, a busy-body, a jilted ex, the Olentzero...

Yeah I think she was taking the piss most definitely. The optics don't look great but that's the world we live in now. Everything taken at face value.

Oh it's harsh, no doubt, and I'm not a fan of the snitching business (you know there's a section of society absolutely reveling in it). At the same time, I think a quarantine when you've tested positive is about as fair as we can get in this shitshow (provided of course you have the financial support etc).

Yeah this isn't a case of "government = bad". You test positive, you become a highly contagious vector, ergo you stay the fuck at home. People are fucking clowns, honestly.

Yes, but some of them are sexy Spanish surfing clowns, which is what makes it difficult to think straight.

I think her situation is an example of shit gone too far. If she gets arrested for going out with the covid, how long before someone gets arrested for going out with the flu? sure passing that on could potentially finish someone off as well.


People are fucking clowns, but only for buying into this so readily. Especially now that we see with our own eyes what the actual story is.

Anyone tell me how many have died of flu the last few weeks? Maybe they should start announcing that every evening too. Sure why not get a new news channel going 24 hours a day reading out the numbers of deaths from all causes and pressuring governments to be seen to be doing something about them all. They can mandate everyone to go out with their whole fucking bodies wrapped in bubble wrap or some shit in case they fall and clog up the health service.

Anybody who thinks that this thing can ever be stopped other than fizzling out of its' own accord (which probably won't happen) is deluded. It can't be done.

Think about it. Really think about it. So some delivery driver has it and doesn't know and heads all over the country with it, or someone is in a parcel distribution centre getting it all over everything for delivery countrywide for example. Or any other number of hypothetical situations one can think of. Impossible.

She took the piss but cuffing her like that on a beach, literally sending out a troop of people to hunt her down seems like lunacy. I'm conflicted as fuck about it tbh. If she hadn't been caught, nobody would be any the wiser and it's open to debate whether she would have infected anyone. She's obviosuly not feeling anything from the virus and the human reaction would be to enjoy a day off and get out of the house and do something healthy like surfing. Does she get a criminal record? Is it her 'fault' that she has covid. A lot of the questions are almost philosophical because the 'reality' of it all just seems so debatable. Lads strolling by with their surfboards, no masks on, as she's led away in cuffs. People lying on the beach in groups. Surreal.

Also, she's a fine yoke. Would have ridden to her rescue if she had only called out my name  :abbath:

Quote from: Pedrito on September 10, 2020, 02:44:36 PM
Also, she's a fine yoke. Would have ridden to her rescue if she had only called out my name  :abbath:

Yes, we must not lose sight of that in the midst of all this madness :laugh:

If she was busted they could lock her up and throw away the key. Be doing us all a favour

She should be arrested for our impure thoughts alone.   :laugh:

I reckon there's at least a page 3 option going to be handed to her. Swimsuit snd handcuffs..jaysis. Could be the career change she was hoping for!

Haven't dipped into the figures for a while now, but - not counting San Marino and Andorra, whose sample sizes skew statistics - Spain has the third highest per capita death rate for COVID globally, behind Peru and Belgium, with a 7-day moving average that has been steadily increasing over the last month. Plus, twice as many people in ICU than France, despite smaller population, indicating that the trend may well continue that way for a while. How's that for a wave to ride!

And where does muggins here have to go on Saturday?  :abbath:

Jesus that's bleak re Spain.

Re the nonsense Green list approach, the son of a girl at work cancelled Malta and went to Greece instead for a non-essential holiday. The place was riddled over so he decided to get a test when he got back, despite feeling fine. Turns out he has it but his family are all clear, albeit in quarantine until 21st Sept. So but for his precaution on return from a green list country he'd be going around spreading to the community right off the plane. Madness.

The grading system on Tuesday will be interesting. Cork only has 7 cases per 100,000 so hopefully things ease up, here, e.g. for a Communion the Saturday after where it will only be 4 of us at a meal (a table of 6 doesn't allow us to bring all the grandparents, but we can bring 6 into our house for a total of 10 in a smaller space??).
Re Dublin going to 6 people from 2 households instead of 3, it makes no sense as surely you'd be better off reducing numbers. Anyway hopefully the 9 month plan including grades will sort out these anomalies.

That foreign travel stuff is the part that gets my back up. That lad knew the risks going, goes anyway, comes back and how many people must he have walked past before he finally decides he might have it? How are they ever going to get rid of it if you can drag yourself half way across.the world, get locked, shift 5 or 6 English birds and just saunter back into the country. Makes zero sense.