Wow, who knew that stating the accepted facts of a situation would be a conspiracy theory. Is this to do with the Epoch Times thing?

Quote from: mickO))) on May 14, 2020, 07:27:53 PM
Today in Canada news outlets are reporting that saying the virus came from China is now both xenophobic and a conspiracy theory  :laugh:

On second thoughts let's not go to Canada, it is a rather silly place

It came from the transphobes, you fucking shameless Nazi!

NY's governor is now referring to it as the European virus.

Quote from: Aborted on May 14, 2020, 10:13:00 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on May 14, 2020, 07:27:53 PM
Today in Canada news outlets are reporting that saying the virus came from China is now both xenophobic and a conspiracy theory  :laugh:

On second thoughts let's not go to Canada, it is a rather silly place

With their flappy heads and beady little eyes

The best thing to do here would be to test which mutation exactly we are talking about to discover its' provenance. Then assign each one a name according to what it is, insisting that it all gets put into an ever-expanding acronym which is then used every time somebody wants to say where it came from. The current estimate is 8 strains according to the one unsubstantiated report I read just the headline of there, so we could call them by the U.S.' 8 least popular boy names 2018 (Weston. Declan. Xander. Jason. Theodore. Micah. Jonathan. Rowan.)

Now they will have to call it "The WDXJTMJR Virus" or any combination of that depending on which ones are in their own country at the time of their saying it and that will soon stop anybody referring to which country they want to blame for it. If any of them start getting the hang of the acronym we can all cry foul because it isn't fair to include only male names on the list and also it is not right to use only U.S. names because we are all in it together and it is painting the U.S. in a bad light and also anyone who is named the same as any one of the strains might actually be a frontline hero working in the local newsagent and why only the worst of 2018 what about all the other years when heroes were born and not all superheroes wear capes and there is no fate but that which we make for ourselves as well so we will need those names changed before we accept the usage of the acronym at all and it's very ageist anyway to be using only baby names and not representative of all age groups... and so on and so forth until nobody knows whether they are coming or going anymore.

All we need is one celebrity and twitter to stand them up on. I reckon if the few on this forum gave a fiver each we could have Brush Shiels or someone equally fantastic to get ball rolling

I always remember constantly hearing when I was younger about how stupid Americans were but I am convinced now the people that use to say that had Americans mixed up with Canadians.

Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on May 15, 2020, 09:30:15 AM
What did they do?
Stopped calling it by its proper name. THE CHINA VIRUS....

Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on May 15, 2020, 09:30:15 AM
What did they do?

It's almost everything they do political correctness is pushed to it's absolute limit. The so called head doctor who speaks to the public and gives advice is Chinese and clearly has an allegiance to China a handful of people have questioned her over the course of the crises and instead of getting answers Justin Trudeau just called them racist for even questioning the good doctor.

As a nation a very gullible group of people in all aspects. If the Canadian government announced today that drinking piss makes your cock bigger people would immediately start swallowing piss by the gallon without asking any questions.

I got a kick out of that 'squatting slav' lad wandering around SJW events winding people up in Canada. 10 years ago, you'd swear the majority of them were taking the piss with their answers. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case.

As for Justin Trudeau... He is the absolute pits, he seems to want society castrated. Did you seem him dressed up in all the gear when we went visiting India or wherever it was. Cringe! If Donald Trump did it, he'd be called all the cunts and racists under the sun. Sad reflection on Canadian society that he has been elected TWICE. He has very few redeeming factors, and I doubt he'd have got anywhere in politics only his Dad was that Pierre Trudeau fella.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 15, 2020, 03:38:23 PM
I got a kick out of that 'squatting slav' lad wandering around SJW events winding people up in Canada. 10 years ago, you'd swear the majority of them were taking the piss with their answers. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case.

As for Justin Trudeau... He is the absolute pits, he seems to want society castrated. Did you seem him dressed up in all the gear when we went visiting India or wherever it was. Cringe! If Donald Trump did it, he'd be called all the cunts and racists under the sun. Sad reflection on Canadian society that he has been elected TWICE. He has very few redeeming factors, and I doubt he'd have got anywhere in politics only his Dad was that Pierre Trudeau fella.
You're just jealous....  :laugh:

Suppose the red light district in Amsterdam is taking a pounding

Or not....

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 15, 2020, 03:38:23 PM

I think squatting slav is based in Vancouver I have only seen a few of his videos but he was hilarious trolling Antifa.  :laugh:

I won't even start on Trudeau I already mentioned him on here a number of times if I start again I won't be able to stop  :laugh:.
Yes the Indian trip and dance was one of his many low points. Before he became a politician he was a drama teacher.

His father was bad as well fucked a lot citizens over but at least he was intelligent not like Trudeau. Trudeau is not far off the way people are talking about Joe Biden. He's not as far gone as him but Trudeau really doesn't have a clue what he is doing. All you have to do is look at him speaking I can't even watch his broadcast for updates about lockdowns etc. because he is so hard to listen to. I just hear whats going on from other people.

He refuses to answer any difficult questions on any topic that is posed to him. He just dances around the subject without giving a proper answer. When he is doing this it's clear from the his body language that it is a rehearsed response. I know most politicians do this from time to time but Trudeau does it with literally everything it's so frustrating both watching him doing it and seeing that nobody in the media calls him out on it and just lets it slide. It's similar to the way when you call a company like say eBay or something when you have an issue and the customer service rep just keeps quoting policy to you word for word instead of answering what you are asking. 

I think I posted this here before but back when Trudeau was in his 20's he went camping with some friends he refused to let the other lads light a campfire because of the carbon footprint it would create. That's the type of nonsensical person that is now running an entire country into the ground and getting nothing but praise for it.

On the other side he has a a number of political scandals including breach of ethics (First Canadian PM in history to have done this), Groping allegations also came out against the self proclaimed male feminist and his response was "they experienced it differently then I did"  :laugh: that was it the media dropped the whole thing it was never mentioned again most outlets didn't even mention the story to begin with. 

He was also involved in a massive construction scandal were he was making sure an Engineering company he had financial interest in was getting awarded contracts. He forbid the police in Canada from looking it and that was that it was also dropped and not brought up again. He also has switched the phrase illegal with irregular. So no instead of having illegal immigrants crossing the border into Quebec Canada now has irregular migrants crossing the border.

:laugh:Anyway sorry for the off topic.