Quote from: astfgyl on May 01, 2020, 06:47:37 PM
That's me told so. I shall endeavour to temper my sarcasm in the future.

And yet the fact remains that Tipperary has its' lowest amount of deaths for the last 4 years this year so far. Also, when did these test happen? How many of the workers died? Was correct social distancing applied? Was the correct PPE provided? So many questions, so few answers, such scant data....

Is this failure the fault of the common citizen or of large business interests?

The test results must be very recent, since the official communiqué was yesterday. Whether any die will yet to be seen. This could be just the start of a cluster in Tipperary, and so on and so forth.

Strange line of questioning, tbh.

#841 May 01, 2020, 08:34:39 PM Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 08:37:43 PM by astfgyl
I don't see how that is a strange line of questioning at all. I really don't think that a truly clear picture of what is going on is being given by the published figures and I suspect that is designed to hide failings of the likes of the HSE, the government and say the owners of that factory there and none of that fits with the party line of we are all misbehaving and don't deserve to be trusted with a little bit of freedom. But not only that either as I can see why that mightn't be published in detail as the likelihood of it leading to public disobedience would surely have to be taken into account and the risk of that happening and spiking the numbers again probably wouldn't be worth it. I didn't see any major jump of 120 being reported here in the last week. My hunch, which is of course open to being wrong, is that these are going back a bit and I doubt it is at the start and in fact more likely at the finish of a cluster there.

Leaving that aside for a minute, what you make of this? https://www.ovulation-calculators.com/coronavirus/ie/tipperary/#reports

I have no idea where they are getting their data as I can't seem to find it by myself that there are no deaths in Tipp. Seems odd as I would have expected a few in the nursing homes here at the very least.

Edit: Ah here hang on, those figures are all over the place sure the population of Tipp is listed as 4,976

As I was trying to get across, it seems likely those numbers haven't entered the official tally yet:

Seemingly so. Well actually so.

I stand corrected. There was no fate but that which I made for myself.

So now I'm wondering how many of those that have tested positive are actually sick or are asymptomatic. Again, I really want better data. Most likely so I can bend the figures to my own personal narrative.

Try to set aside your narrative and just read the material! They said 140 were off sick last week. Maybe a few fakers in there, but if you're off sick, presumably there are symptoms.

Ah I don't think the level of chancers going for the covid payment would have any major effect there if that many tested positive. It could have been a case of employees themselves taking action and staying away once they had the word it was in the factory but there is no way to know that anyway.

I would still like to see all statistics presented in a much more comprehensive fashion. I would like to see what figures the NPHET are working with. I'd like to see a detailed breakdown of all areas and mortality rates and generally much more transparency as to how the decisions which affect us all here are being arrived at, even if as in this case, it proves me wrong. Who knows, maybe it would even make a supporter of me! Well...

Was reading this one from Aljazeera website regarding Spain and Catalonia and couldn't help finding it a bit funny, though I doubt the Catalans found it terribly amusing...

"Recent bones of contention range from Catalan president Quim Torra's serious reticence over the relaxing of lockdown for non-essential workers to a protest from the region's interior minister, Miquel Buch, over Spain sending exactly 1,714,000 face masks to Catalonia - which he claimed could be a deliberate coincidence with the defeat of separatist forces in Barcelona back in 1714. "

An awfully coincidental number there!

Lastly, on a completely different note and following from last nights announcement that barbers are to remain closed for the next few weeks, I can't wait to see the catalogue of bad covid haircuts to emerge in the near future. Seen some right raspers already and I'm almost desperate enough to let the missus cut mine. She has been begging to cut it for weeks now and I kept insisting I would hold out til the 5th.

I wonder if any of our political leaders will suffer a similar fate. Varadkar's looks suspiciously short but it would be pretty funny to see them all with proper homemade looking haircuts, or taking the easy way out and getting a 90's style step done. I've seen many of those knocking around already and they are still no cooler than they were back in the day but it neatly circumvents the skill required to blend the top into the short sides.

#846 May 02, 2020, 03:54:57 PM Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 04:12:38 PM by astfgyl
Here is an example of how to provide decent clear data for citizens, in stark contrast to the way it is presented on the Irish version


So much easier to get to grips with than the Irish figures, which are most likely to be found somewhere but certainly not in the one place like this. I'm not speaking of the actual figures here either, (as I feel they have certain geographical and population density advantages over many other countries) just how clear it is for all to see.

Edit: Just looking at this and it seems our own government have become a lot more transparent in their reporting lately. Fair enough that's an improvement for sure


Quote from: astfgyl on May 01, 2020, 09:52:56 PM

So now I'm wondering how many of those that have tested positive are actually sick or are asymptomatic. Again, I really want better data. Most likely so I can bend the figures to my own personal narrative.

You're so close to understanding this whole shambles, but you keep retreating.

I honestly haven't made up my mind what I really think of all of this. I have thoughts on it that swing wildly from one hour to the next and I'm trying to wait until I know enough for my own understanding of everything that is going on to become clear to me. Sometimes I read things and they swing my thinking one way or the other temporarily but I'm hoping to keep an open mind until I see enough data or evidence of things.

I do not doubt for one minute however that there will be a lot of advantage taken of the current situation by interests not in my own interest. That much at least has become clear to me from a very early stage.

But then again, one of my favourite sayings is that the only thing I know for a fact is that I don't really know anything at all, so we shall see.

Quote from: astfgyl on May 02, 2020, 10:22:24 PM
I honestly haven't made up my mind what I really think of all of this. I have thoughts on it that swing wildly from one hour to the next and I'm trying to wait until I know enough for my own understanding of everything that is going on to become clear to me. Sometimes I read things and they swing my thinking one way or the other temporarily but I'm hoping to keep an open mind until I see enough data or evidence of things.

I do not doubt for one minute however that there will be a lot of advantage taken of the current situation by interests not in my own interest. That much at least has become clear to me from a very early stage.

But then again, one of my favourite sayings is that the only thing I know for a fact is that I don't really know anything at all, so we shall see.



Quote from: astfgyl on May 02, 2020, 10:22:24 PM
I honestly haven't made up my mind what I really think of all of this. I have thoughts on it that swing wildly from one hour to the next and I'm trying to wait until I know enough for my own understanding of everything that is going on to become clear to me. Sometimes I read things and they swing my thinking one way or the other temporarily but I'm hoping to keep an open mind until I see enough data or evidence of things.

I do not doubt for one minute however that there will be a lot of advantage taken of the current situation by interests not in my own interest. That much at least has become clear to me from a very early stage.

But then again, one of my favourite sayings is that the only thing I know for a fact is that I don't really know anything at all, so we shall see.

I know only what I've been allowed to know by another faction of the wash your hands brigade, so there's that- as far as it goes, it seems much much worse than a 'virus', but it seems to be something you can fix or defuse or manage by thinking it out and making personal changes. They, the 'management' have a different relationship to time than we do, so in our terribly short confusing lives, it costs them nothing to have us mentally out of phase for the 30 odd years until we're too old to cause trouble. Think divide and conquer, constant low level fear, mistrust of your neighbours. There is no vote, you have no say, they are they, you are you, sinn fein will not save you, Varadkar is not your friend, the future will be pretty much like the best/worst netflix scifi show.

That's assuming there are any people left. Any version of society left that us 1970s-1990s kids would recognise; they need your thoughts to create the future, there is no war in east-asia.

Anyway, this is the last I'll say on the matter. If only I'd known years ago just how bad things are, I mean I thought I knew, fucking hell. If they wanted to kill us all, they could; this is more about being broken and remade, a death of pre 21st century humanity, a new age a new form, but even that's not quite it.

Just think what they've achieved with suggestion, bad acting, word and number magic, that's the true horror, to cause all this using the power of shoddy stagecraft. I probably shouldn't have said all that.

Reply #851 on:Today at 03:36:03 AM

#853 May 03, 2020, 07:31:57 AM Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 07:45:17 AM by mugz
Quote from: astfgyl on May 02, 2020, 10:22:24 PM
I honestly haven't made up my mind what I really think of all of this. I have thoughts on it that swing wildly from one hour to the next and I'm trying to wait until I know enough for my own understanding of everything that is going on to become clear to me. Sometimes I read things and they swing my thinking one way or the other temporarily but I'm hoping to keep an open mind until I see enough data or evidence of things.

I do not doubt for one minute however that there will be a lot of advantage taken of the current situation by interests not in my own interest. That much at least has become clear to me from a very early stage.

But then again, one of my favourite sayings is that the only thing I know for a fact is that I don't really know anything at all, so we shall see.

also, there is no economy. there hasn't been an economy since about 1997. they don't need people to work anymore, other than busywork for social control, so look forward to swathes of redundancies across a range of what we called jobs. no virus, no economy, no family, no community, no culture, no future other than the one we choose for ourselves, the 'we' in this case not being you or me.

it'll be a weird UBI meets Orwell scenario- they probably won't let masses of people die on the streets, any more than they already do, but most small and medium sized businesses will be scythed.

I used to love doing acid, too.