tbh I think i've been very anti going out and get really irritated when I see people doing it and interacting with others. Probably to extreme but I guess I'm just of the mindset.. if I can do it why can't you.
I'm honestly trying to not look at anymore of that shit in america or people on social media who keep doing shit like nothings changed as it just gets me so angry.. I guess because it feels like they continue doing this and maybe continue to spread this shit which in turn keeps us in this fucked up situation for a longer time frame.

I guess I'm also not really taking into account the overall financial impact its going to have on the country/world going forward, well at least not to the extent I should have using common sense. I don't know, it's just difficult for me to process the actions of other people at this time. For myself I'll just take it as I did what I could to help in whatever little way it helps. I'm also so lucky to have been starting a new job and that its in an industry that can do pretty well during something like this and also allows for me to work from home in the process.
So many other people are in worse positions.

So, it looks like our beloved government are going to impose another two week lockdown this Friday.
Sorry Leo and friends, but the people have already voted with their feet if where I live is anything to go by. I live in the centre of town and it has been jammers every day so far this week.
The government's saving grace may be that the weather is going to turn and it looks like rain is on the way.

Here in Spain they've decided to let people out to exercise from Saturday. Kids have been out a few days now. It's a total fait accompli though, people just go out with a shopping bag as a prop and head out as much as they want, I mean what can the cops say to you?

I'm a secondary school teacher and I'm not going back until September at the earliest. 12 hours a week of classes on zoom, bit of homework by email, the rest of the time is mine. It's not a bad deal for us, but the parents, jaysus, fucking nightmare.

Eoin and the other teachers, how are ye keeping up with classes, homework etc? Secretly delighted?

Thoroughly fucking burnt out on this corona fucking bullshite at this stage. 5 weeks stuck at home. Groundhog day. Fuck all cash. It's a pain in the ring and I hope it either fucks off soon or we just start to live around it. The sooner things begin to normalise the better. The economic stress on the country can't go on much longer or by the time they  relax the measures there'll be no jobs left to go back to.

Is it 5 weeks or 6. I'm trying to keep track that it's a weekday by watching the Jeremy Vine show (but that Scottish Lassie is a bonnie one). Saturday is a just eat and Sunday is a roast.
On the upside process is going really well toilet training my 2 year old. He does drive me mad though.

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on April 29, 2020, 09:29:46 AM
I'm trying to keep track that it's a weekday by watching the Jeremy Vine show... Saturday is a just eat and Sunday is a roast.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I'm busier than ever, with working from home.
Plus! We were 75% into an extension build before this shite happened, so all that is pretty much on hold at the moment. But herself still has me run ragged in the evenings and weekends doing the smaller things we can do ourselves...

I have to admit, though... It does put a smile on my face to actually get shit done around the house and garden.
Loads of veg in the ground on time... spuds, onions and more are shooting up nicely.

If you exclude tiny places like San Marino, Andorra, etc., Ireland now ranks 7th in deaths per million.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on April 29, 2020, 09:09:26 AM
So, it looks like our beloved government are going to impose another two week lockdown this Friday.
Sorry Leo and friends, but the people have already voted with their feet if where I live is anything to go by. I live in the centre of town and it has been jammers every day so far this week.
The government's saving grace may be that the weather is going to turn and it looks like rain is on the way.
Where is this being reported ?

Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 29, 2020, 09:19:28 AM
Here in Spain they've decided to let people out to exercise from Saturday. Kids have been out a few days now. It's a total fait accompli though, people just go out with a shopping bag as a prop and head out as much as they want, I mean what can the cops say to you?

I'm a secondary school teacher and I'm not going back until September at the earliest. 12 hours a week of classes on zoom, bit of homework by email, the rest of the time is mine. It's not a bad deal for us, but the parents, jaysus, fucking nightmare.

Eoin and the other teachers, how are ye keeping up with classes, homework etc? Secretly delighted?

I'll admit I have been secretly delighted at times. But the more it goes on the stranger things are. We set up google classroom the week before Easter. There was maybe 50% engagement with the stuff I put up (about 20 out of 28 logged on, 13 or 14 uploaded the finished work). Since then, even that low figure has plummeted. At a glance it looks like only 2 out of 28 are doing any of the work. The 8 of the 28 that go to a Learning support - none of them have even logged in, let alone started any of the work. And I'm not even giving new material in Maths cos some parents would either be pissed off at taking that responsibility, some simply wouldn't be able to teach the stuff. I give them a short research project every week in History/Geography/etc. I've yet to have one sent back to me. One parent hung up the phone when the school rang to get them to get their son to log on. Typically, this was a parent who came in earlier in the year to give out about me :laugh:

At the risk of sounding like a 'in my day' auld fella, the brazen, cheeky bastard carry on of some parents these days is unreal (hi). Occasionally, you get a justifiable complaint (the biology teacher threatened to, literally, shove a lynx can up a young lads hole after he sprayed it in another lads eye, and the Spanish language teacher is an old boy with the most explosive temper, tells the lads to 'shut the fuck up' etc quite regularly) but most of them are just bullshit. One mother accused a teacher of having it in for her daughter and calling her an incompetent, a hysteric etc for ringing her about the kid constantly arriving 15/20 minutes late in the morning. Went straight to the headmaster with that load of shite. Spastic of a woman.

Or new, young teachers getting complaints about 'lack of class control' in their first few weeks in the job. Think back to your own school days, how much respect did you show the subs, new or, in particular, young female teachers? Exactly, fuck all. I mean would you be arsed?

My Da told me if he got a slap from a teacher, he'd get the same off his father if he found out. Now you can't even call them spastics without Mammy ringing you in the evening to give you a dressing down.

Haha, all accurate and true. But look, I wouldn't be trying to force a workload on the lads anyway. Parents at home have enough going on. I'm just putting the work online so the parents can tell the kids to do an hour's work and take an hour to themselves. Some teachers are going mental. My lad's teacher is sending a hape of work, grand, I wouldn't usually question a teacher's methods but she's giving new concepts in Maths. There's a very large assumption there that parents understand the topic and ear able to teach it. Anything important will be caught up on. It's easy to find the time once you put nonsense subjects on the back burner for a while.

#791 April 29, 2020, 11:18:18 AM Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 11:22:21 AM by Caomhaoin
My chap is about ages with yours, and he has a daft amount to do aswell. His mother is fanatical about him speaking and writing perfect Polish and has his heart broken with it giving him extra exercises to do.

I teach art as well as English, they thankfully just knocked it on the head for now, impossible to teach via zoom. The music lad has done the square root of fuck all for 6 weeks, the lucky bastard 🤣

I got the young lad a subscription to that yousician app, which ihe thankfully isn't viewing as work.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 29, 2020, 09:20:53 AM
Thoroughly fucking burnt out on this corona fucking bullshite at this stage. 5 weeks stuck at home. Groundhog day.

I'm at 7 weeks. My parents 9 weeks as they would be quite vulnerable to it. The start of this thread I was constantly looking up everything coronavirus related since January. Wasn't sustainable in the slightest as I was burnt out very quickly by March and now I just catch the Irish daily case/death figures and any major incidents in the evening.

I reckon Government will try as hard as possible to keep most restrictions in place for May and by June probably will have no choice but to try and lessen them on a bi-weekly basis. By July/August we could see most businesses back open (with exception of pubs/sports/events/large gathering type stuff etc). I just hope we don't see "the big fish eating the little fish" scenario, big chain pubs absorbing the landscape and the like. Same in Aviation, a lot of consolidation will be at play.

Social distancing will be with us for a long long time. Masks should be handed out, proven to help but they would rather lie than say it was about resource prioritisation for health sector, just can't trust the general public, I guess when you see them out on the roads doing rock the boat you question everything...

Hopefully the ideas of co-living tenements FG want to inflict upon us will be torched and cast aside. We can't let a lot of things that were present in the old system come back with a vengeance. I'd hate the thought of certain sectors destroyed by this outbreak/lockdown to be transformed into a gig type economy. The huge downsides to Airbnb were laid bare with the 3000+ properties coming back to the rental market. I don't mind someone with a spare room or two getting extra income every weekend or so but whole vacant properties? Get the fuck. I know most of my posts on this thread since have been economically slanted but it's down to the science communities to either get drug treatments, race for a vaccine (which seems to be a much harder goal now considering the worst case scenario seems more likely due to constant mutation like influenza) or we wait even further down the line for gene therapies to become fruitful. That side is out of our control.

More and more people will question "At what point it will be more detrimental to continue in full lockdown?" Not sure myself when that exact point is but I find it hard to see how we can keep the majority in beyond another month.

#793 April 29, 2020, 02:29:35 PM Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 02:52:11 PM by Airneanach
Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 29, 2020, 09:20:53 AM
Thoroughly fucking burnt out on this corona fucking bullshite at this stage. 5 weeks stuck at home. Groundhog day. Fuck all cash. It's a pain in the ring and I hope it either fucks off soon or we just start to live around it. The sooner things begin to normalise the better. The economic stress on the country can't go on much longer or by the time they  relax the measures there'll be no jobs left to go back to.
I agree. We're playing a dangerous fucking game with this in more ways than one. There'll be pressure from the new breed of "I saw someone walking their dog in the park the other day. Wonder how they'd feel if their mother or father died from this?" patriots, though. Being a hero's never been so easy, in many ways, for some people. Sit on your arse, get the pandemic unemployment benefit ("What a whacky phrase!" - 2019) and give out on the internet.

Edit: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/revealed-phased-plan-to-exit-coronavirus-lockdown-in-ireland-may-see-cafes-reopen-by-midsummer-1.4240404

The phased plan, apparently. It's going to be a weird summer.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 29, 2020, 10:50:00 AM
At the risk of sounding like a 'in my day' auld fella, the brazen, cheeky bastard carry on of some parents these days is unreal (hi). Occasionally, you get a justifiable complaint (the biology teacher threatened to, literally, shove a lynx can up a young lads hole after he sprayed it in another lads eye, and the Spanish language teacher is an old boy with the most explosive temper, tells the lads to 'shut the fuck up' etc quite regularly) but most of them are just bullshit. One mother accused a teacher of having it in for her daughter and calling her an incompetent, a hysteric etc for ringing her about the kid constantly arriving 15/20 minutes late in the morning. Went straight to the headmaster with that load of shite. Spastic of a woman.

Or new, young teachers getting complaints about 'lack of class control' in their first few weeks in the job. Think back to your own school days, how much respect did you show the subs, new or, in particular, young female teachers? Exactly, fuck all. I mean would you be arsed?

My Da told me if he got a slap from a teacher, he'd get the same off his father if he found out. Now you can't even call them spastics without Mammy ringing you in the evening to give you a dressing down.
its only when my eldest fella started going to school is where i started to chat to other parents,loads of them are busy body cunts.We all love our kids and want the best for them,but fuck me loads of parents have zero cop on,the sun shines out their kids arses etc.
I know my young fella can be a handfull,if some teacher has to tell him to shut the fuck up,its ok by me.