Kev, you might as well say that "true metal" is an imaginary label, but we all know what kind of music it refers to, with slight blur around the boundaries. I'm not "subscribing to a point of view" by using the term, I'm just using language in a way that is pretty transparent to anyone who follows current trends. I don't know how I'd define it; a mash-up of "millennial" character attributes with far right conservative values, in the same way that their mirror equivalent are a mash-up of the same "millennial" character attributes but with "progressive" and nominally socialist values. How's that? Vague yet intuitively graspable enough?

QuoteNo redeemable qualities whatsoever´   is simply hyperbole. As I said he's an arrogant cunt, he's loud, brash, annoying, vulgar, all the things you have said

But this isn't what I've said at all; we've had all those character traits before, they're utterly banal even if magnified a little in Trump. No, his worst character traits are his absolute pettiness of spirit, his smallness, his lowliness. In discussion he is a thoroughly pathetic character with the most fragile ego I think I can ever recall in a western world leader.

I don't have the energy to do so, but most of what you're saying he's to thank for there (which he also claims he's to thank for) are highly, highly debatable, and I recommend you follow them up from within the other side's echo chamber too.

There are so many echo chambers now I'm starting to think I'm talking to myself. Nah, I hear you man, I just tend to think the truth is a blur and I'm  wary of the Big Bad Wolf talk.

Well, to take an easy to check, the three major US airlines actually suspended travel to and from China before Trump "banned" it. So, much like in the UK at the outset, it was businesses responding ahead of policy which may well have been driving policy.

Nicely put Chris, but it's Obama-esque wind. Give me an example of you consider to be alt-right. I'm right wing, and I'd like to know who I'm being lumped in with.

Me and the brother just invested a bit of money with hertz.
I havent a clue how this shit works but my brothers big into it and he said start investing now if you have spare money.
We both threw 1500 into it. Hopefully get some kind of good comeback once America gets their shit together.

Saw a rolling news headline (Big British Castle) that said the real figures for Wuhan now shown to be 50% worse than originally reported. Anyone hear more about this?

Just that. They've upped the tally by about 1,200, down to retirement home deaths, people dying at home, people untested, usual stuff. Still huge suspicion that they're sitting on numbers in the tens of thousands from other regions, but for the moment this uptick, as a percentage value, matches estimates for non-hospital deaths in Spain, Italy, and what's already being announced on a rolling basis in France.

Quote from: blessed1 on April 17, 2020, 02:03:04 PM
Me and the brother just invested a bit of money with hertz.
I havent a clue how this shit works but my brothers big into it and he said start investing now if you have spare money.
We both threw 1500 into it. Hopefully get some kind of good comeback once America gets their shit together.

I had started looking into that a bit lately but I am so clueless about the whole thing I don't know where to start. It is definitely a good time to invest, similar to 2008 but depending on how this all pans out, I feel I'd probably need to be in it for the long haul to see a return on anything. Also having fuck all money to throw at it won't help.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 17, 2020, 03:33:40 PM
Quote from: blessed1 on April 17, 2020, 02:03:04 PM
Me and the brother just invested a bit of money with hertz.
I havent a clue how this shit works but my brothers big into it and he said start investing now if you have spare money.
We both threw 1500 into it. Hopefully get some kind of good comeback once America gets their shit together.

I had started looking into that a bit lately but I am so clueless about the whole thing I don't know where to start. It is definitely a good time to invest, similar to 2008 but depending on how this all pans out, I feel I'd probably need to be in it for the long haul to see a return on anything. Also having fuck all money to throw at it won't help.

Ya man haven't really a clue about it myself.
It helps to have a brainiac of a brother who does know about these things.
All I know is he's usually right when it comes to stuff like this.
I was saving for a house so had a bit of cash set aside but now my attitude is just fuck it I may as well take a bit of a risk.
He was saying absolute best case scenario you could make about 7 or 8 times what you put in. Maybe more.
Im gonna try and learn more about it now.
I find it hard to wrap my head around that type stuff but if you can make a lot of money from it might be worth it!

I actually see r/wallstreetbets is trending the last few days, so i reckon a lot of folks are using what they learned in the last crash and fair play to any regular person who isn't a vulture fund doing well out of it

"Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan has confirmed that he will seek to change the case definition for Covid-19 ''to make it more sensitive''towards the end of next week.
But he cautioned this was conditional on whether the disease continues to follow the same pattern and the rate of growth drops.
Dr Holohan said he was making that assumption based on whether the disease continues to "behave itself".
If that happens, he said, the new definition will be updated and become operational in roughly a fortnight.
He said GPs will have time to prepare for any new case definition because they will be working on the frontline."

Can somebody explain what does this mean exactly? I don't really understand what is he getting at, is it that he is looking to revise the death count to those definitely caused by the virus or to reduce the future death count by the same criteria, or is it something else that I am missing entirely? Or is it the other way around entirely and this increases the scope of who will be tested, and will increase the overall number of cases? Or am I missing something else that is obvious, because that often happens to me. Any clarification here would be appreciated.

Yeah, not obvious to me either whether "more sensitive" would imply more or less strict application of criteria.

I dunno if that is taking the piss out of me or not, I might have to become more sensitive as well.

But seriously I know in general that "more sensitive" means something would detect a lesser amount of something, thus increasing the amount of cases and deaths and "less sensitive" would usually mean it misses more. So does that mean he simply wants to increase the number of people who qualify for testing? Or is it the definition of who dies as a direct result of the thing that he wants to be more sensitive to, meaning it goes by the German model of reporting vs the Italian version?

Haha, no I was being serious; it's not obvious to me! Because "more sensitive" can also be used to mean "more responsive" as in, more likely to give a result with lower input, so I honestly don't know.

I wonder how many others haven't a clue what he was getting at? I'm killed here wondering if it is a good or a bad thing I'm after reading. Well I suppose it's good either way when I think about it, more wipespread testing improves things, and a more precise definition of deaths that reduces the overall number of directly caused fatalities makes me feel less paranoid about the future