Quote from: hellfire on April 09, 2020, 06:31:27 PM
Very glad I adhered to HSE advice now. My dad was diagnosed with it yesterday. Because I haven't visited him in a month I won't even need to be tested.

Is he alright?

Quote from: astfgyl on April 10, 2020, 05:19:16 PMI wonder what the immediate effect on mental health will be after an announcement like that, like will a lot of people instantly crack up upon hearing the time frame?
My mental health will now be determined with a fine selection of red and white cans because there is fuck all to do bar drink and write tunes

Quote from: ochoill on April 10, 2020, 07:27:21 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on April 10, 2020, 05:19:16 PMI wonder what the immediate effect on mental health will be after an announcement like that, like will a lot of people instantly crack up upon hearing the time frame?
My mental health will now be determined with a fine selection of red and white cans because there is fuck all to do bar drink and write tunes
Please tell us those cans are Red Stripe and not that gawdawful other tasteless shite...?

Quote from: astfgyl on April 10, 2020, 05:19:16 PMI wonder what the immediate effect on mental health will be after an announcement like that, like will a lot of people instantly crack up upon hearing the time frame?

Also, am I wrong in feeling angry about the fact that tourists from the UK were being let in off the ferries the last couple of days when we are having our lockdown extended.

I'm surprised those ferries had any tourists at all on, pretty much everything of interest is shut down and there's load of travel restrictions, what are people going to do here?

As for the announcement, when I saw that it was until May I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. I've been doing well during this and keeping a good routine working from home, but we got told on Monday that we're definitely being laid off from the 20th, so I think I just saw this yawning maw of dead time opening up in front of me. I'd already planned to use my two months not working doing a software development course, but May just seems like a really long time away. I don't dispute their reasoning at all, think I was just caught off-guard by it and I hope I'm not in anyway in the majority, because I've heard talk of lockdown fatigue recently and I get the impression some headtheballs are going to start chancing their arm before long.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on April 10, 2020, 07:28:55 PM
Quote from: ochoill on April 10, 2020, 07:27:21 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on April 10, 2020, 05:19:16 PMI wonder what the immediate effect on mental health will be after an announcement like that, like will a lot of people instantly crack up upon hearing the time frame?
My mental health will now be determined with a fine selection of red and white cans because there is fuck all to do bar drink and write tunes
Please tell us those cans are Red Stripe and not that gawdawful other tasteless shite...?

He definitely means the Karpackie

One of the guys from my previous job was just on to me there. His grandfather in the US got diagnosed with it a few weeks ago.
The guy is 96, smoking cigars for 65 years... made a full recovery today  ::)

Quote from: kiehozero on April 10, 2020, 07:41:12 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on April 10, 2020, 05:19:16 PMI wonder what the immediate effect on mental health will be after an announcement like that, like will a lot of people instantly crack up upon hearing the time frame?

Also, am I wrong in feeling angry about the fact that tourists from the UK were being let in off the ferries the last couple of days when we are having our lockdown extended.

I'm surprised those ferries had any tourists at all on, pretty much everything of interest is shut down and there's load of travel restrictions, what are people going to do here?

Holiday homes, Kerry is flooded with the cunts. The locals are fighting back, spreading slurry etc. A ton of English people turned up on Castlegregory at about 4 in the morning. Cunts.

It's fucking ridiculous that they be allowed and also equally ridiculous that they have so little respect for the people in the places where they choose to have their holiday homes. "Stay at Home" me bollix. The self-serving, disrespectful cunts. The government should have grown a pair of balls on this one and unless you actually live here, don't come here. It makes a mockery of what we are all trying to do.

Pretty much everyone I know has been trying to do their bit since the beginning of the outbreak here with social distancing, staying at home, self isolating and whatever else you can think of. Then all of the people put out of work at a stroke, and kept out of it even longer as of today. The impending recession, the coming years of heavy taxation and high unemployment, the number of jobs which will never be gotten back, the small firms going permanently out of business, shit like Feed the Heroes, do your bit for the health workers, we are all in this together, stay the course, Garda powers to be used to keep us from straying more than 2km from our homes, checkpoints all over the country, fuck knows what else.

And here we have it, they are let in because why? I'd love to hear the good reason for that. What is a good reason for putting all of this at risk just because a few lads can't be told to fuck back until we get out the other side of this? Are we not all doing this to try to get things back to some degree of normal so that in the future we will still have a half decent place and then these fucking pricks can come visit all they want.

I hope every one of them gets physically ran out of wherever it is they think they are going, and at the same time of morning or night they turn up at.

And finally, while I'm ranting, does anyone else notice that the rules don't apply to scumbags and gear heads in their towns or is that just where I'm from? There they are sitting down the river with bags of cans, strolling up the town in groups of 3 or 4. Still robbing cars and houses, still basically scumming around as they always did. Shiting bastards getting the train to Dublin every other day to pick up their gear and bring it back down, no bother lads work away. And the Gardai in town outside Tesco stopping cars asking what part of town they came out of while these shitehawks stroll around doing as they always did, sure ye tip away at it lads we're all friends here everyone loves scumbags sort of buzz.

I think today's announcement is after getting to me a bit

Very strange that the ferries are continuing to allow visitors in. It doesn't make any sense at all. I think the alco and gearbag situation is trickier as that is essentially a health issue. Imagine if all of those people couldn't get their gear or booze for the next month. Total fucking chaos.

You have a point there. A lot of these lads give not a single fuck about getting arrested for say robbing a pharmacy for benzos or fucking a rock through an off licence window. I have no idea what the solution to that would be, but I'm reminded of a Canadian study done a few years back where a heroin addict was given heroin under certain conditions and that had a much better effect than methadone. I think (and I'm only going from memory here) he ended up getting a job and getting off the gear. In fact, a quick search of it shows a lot of that policy in use around the world.

It just feels like our collective hard work and sacrifice is being undermined in silly and needless ways, and I'd be generally of the live and let live persuasion.

Yep. Our neighbours had friends over and were hanging out in their garden today.  We get on well with them but it bothered me. We are all bored and stifled by the lockdown but let's get the fucking thing done and out of the way, not fuck about and drag the ring out of it till the end of the summer or later. 

Were they shooting up?

I had my in-laws call after the first lockdown was announced, and it annoyed the shit out of me. I left them outside the front garden and put it in the most joking-but-not-joking way I could that nobody should be doing that sort of thing. It fully undermined the fact that I had been telling the kids to stay away from basically everyone and we would all be sooner back to normal if they did. I could see the "how come that doesn't apply to them?" look on the kids' faces immediately.

Funnily enough for a finish it was the 4 year old comes out and tells them they aren't supposed to be calling to people and they had to do one at that. And they in the high risk category both of them. I've never been one for doing what I'm told in general but this is so we can all get back to not doing as we are told as quickly as possible.

I know they only came round to shoot up, but there actually are people's lives and livelihoods at stake

Quote from: astfgyl on April 10, 2020, 07:52:10 PM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on April 10, 2020, 07:28:55 PM
Quote from: ochoill on April 10, 2020, 07:27:21 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on April 10, 2020, 05:19:16 PMI wonder what the immediate effect on mental health will be after an announcement like that, like will a lot of people instantly crack up upon hearing the time frame?
My mental health will now be determined with a fine selection of red and white cans because there is fuck all to do bar drink and write tunes
Please tell us those cans are Red Stripe and not that gawdawful other tasteless shite...?

He definitely means the Karpackie
It was Stella this time but 99% of the time it is Poland's finest yeah.