I've heard of a couple of bands delaying releases alright (Hatebreed's the only one I can bring to mind), I would assume to tie in with the resumption of touring.

Quote from: mickO))) on March 25, 2020, 09:16:44 PM
New criteria is so stupid will give false hope to people, more will be going around now infecting others and Leo will spin the sudden drop in numbers to say he is doing a great job.

Why will there be a sudden drop in numbers? Sounds like they're only testing for people who have the worst symptoms, therefore wouldn't the numbers actually rise, as I'd imagine they're still going to carry out as many tests per day as they can?

A drop in the increase of numbers.

Anyone had to go for a test got an idea how long it takes to get a call? My GP said they just refer people on but didn't know what the waiting times are like

Quote from: Trev on March 26, 2020, 02:02:16 PM
Anyone had to go for a test got an idea how long it takes to get a call? My GP said they just refer people on but didn't know what the waiting times are like
My daughter was put into isolation last Thursday by her doctor (had a chesty cough for over 3 weeks and felt like shit). She booked her for a test there and then. She suffers with Sarcoidosis, so is considered vulnerable.
I work in a large company (400 people) so I took off work and went into isolation with her.
She got a text on Monday evening saying she was on the test waiting list and to await further instructions. I contacted my doctor to go on the test list last Thursday too when I left work.
She phoned her doctor today and her doctor asked her if she had any other symptoms along with her chest since last week. She said she had nothing else, just the rattling chest. Doc said she won't be tested. Waste of time, seven whole days.
Could be loads walking around infected and passing it on. That's a bit worrying tbh...
I'm back to work tomorrow and my daughter will keep on self isolating for the foreseeable....

At least the weather was nice. Got loads done around the house and garden.  :laugh:

That is worrying tbh.

Today I found out that the death toll figures for France are hospitalized deaths only, not including deaths in retirement homes, at home, etc., since they're not conducting post-mortems as they are in Italy and Spain. Reckoned that factor alone could almost double the current figure here from 1300 dead (as of last night). Think it's the same in Germany too.

Christ, that's grim.

My wife got confirmed positive and I've been feeling run down so got on to my GP and got referred. Just got a call from the HSE there, went through my details, and told me someone else would be calling to go through my symptoms, then after that another call about a test. Good to know that even in a pandemic there's still extra pointless layers with the civil service

Quote from: Blizzard Beast on March 25, 2020, 10:20:13 PM
Depending on how long this virus lasts and bands are grounded from touring I wonder will there be a surge in new albums released next year?

Nine Inch Nails released 2 albums (or 2 parts of 1 album) for free this morning. Said they had been working on it the last while. As regards other bands, I imagine a lot of them will start working on new material to take their mind off things.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on March 26, 2020, 03:20:06 PM
Quote from: Trev on March 26, 2020, 02:02:16 PM
Anyone had to go for a test got an idea how long it takes to get a call? My GP said they just refer people on but didn't know what the waiting times are like
She suffers with Sarcoidosis, so is considered vulnerable.

That's the underlying condition I have as well that I mentioned a few pages back which is why I am terrified of catching it. Mine has been flaring up since mid December and only really started going away late last week.

Quote from: Trev on March 26, 2020, 02:02:16 PM
Anyone had to go for a test got an idea how long it takes to get a call? My GP said they just refer people on but didn't know what the waiting times are like

My old man (mid-60s) went for a test yesterday. He'd been waiting since last Monday week. My sister made him call his GP because about 2 - 3 weeks before that he'd had a heavy head cold, cough, fever, shakes etc. and he has a minor issue with his heart and blood-pressure. The same fella runs 10 - 15k every day. He was loathe to ring the doctor and said that it was fine but he got fed up of the nagging.

Went down to Páirc Uí Chaoimh yesterday firstthing and did the test, the guy there reckoned it'd be another 8 - 10 days before he'd hear anything.

This is a bollix for him - he retired recently, he lives on his own (well... with a fucking idiot of a dog) and used to love getting out helping his neighbours or taking my nephew after school. Or just even meeting me for a coffee of a Saturday. He's been self isolating since March 12th - the only thing that he actively watches on telly is soccer.

He hasn't lost his sense of humour though. He rang me last night;

"I heard the off-licenses are still open."

"They are, yeah."

"I might go back on the booze. Just until this is over mind you."

"Eh. OK."

"And maybe a few months more, can't be too careful."

He's dead right.


A small group of us are going out to a fellow biker's house shortly to pay our respects to him and his son for his wife who died yesterday from a 2 year battle with cancer.
We'll gather in his garden and converse with them through their living room window.
Her family are from Wales and obviously can't come and grieve for their daughter/sister properly.
A tragic case made even more tragic by the circumstances we find ourselves in these times.