Hey I made a little coronavirus quiz for kids if anyone has some of those (kids I mean)
Hope you're all still alive anyway


Quote from: mickO))) on March 24, 2020, 11:51:51 PM
The dole has been pushed up to 350 a week that's not bad.

that's just for the newer people temporarily laid off due to the virus, not for the people not working before the shit hit the fan. Thankfully not rewarding those that insist on making up the "natural" rate of unemployment 365 days of the year every year. It would only be encouraging some of these people to keep doing this corona challenge bullshit...

Quote from: Barrytron on March 25, 2020, 08:20:16 AM
Hey I made a little coronavirus quiz for kids if anyone has some of those (kids I mean)
Hope you're all still alive anyway


Good job. Not so sure though on the text about screaming around the house, telling kids that parents might be worried about jobs and being stressed doesn't sound like a good idea to me and transfers anxiety to kids. They could do without that stress on top of the bummer of not being able to play with their friends.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on March 25, 2020, 07:51:37 AM
Quote from: mickO))) on March 24, 2020, 11:51:51 PM
The dole has been pushed up to 350 a week that's not bad.
The bigger the payouts now, the more years of higher USCs we'll be paying. This unfortunately, isn't free money from our beloved government.
Yeap,cv19 is going to be very costly.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on March 25, 2020, 07:51:37 AM
Quote from: mickO))) on March 24, 2020, 11:51:51 PM
The dole has been pushed up to 350 a week that's not bad.
The bigger the payouts now, the more years of higher USCs we'll be paying. This unfortunately, isn't free money from our beloved government.

This gives the government the excuse not to cut the USC now - originally the charge was only supposed to be a stopgap during the last recession. Its here to stay for the foreseeable future

That's still gonna be around in 10 years.

If they hadn't gotten rid of it by now, it was never going to go. Now it'll rise, if anything.

Quote from: Carnage on March 25, 2020, 05:31:58 PM
If they hadn't gotten rid of it by now, it was never going to go. Now it'll rise, if anything.

Hell, look at the PMPA Levy, when after years those debts were paid off, rather than scrap it, the government just turned it into a stamp duty on policies.
Same will happen with the levy for that crooked bastard Quinn.

As someone pointed out to me today, that few billion from Apple would cover the cost of all of this a couple of times over. But no, we will pay.

Nephew now doesn't require testing based on the new criteria. He's fine since, but that means nothing, as we know. The upside is that his mother and my other sister can go back to work, but for all we know all 3 could be carrying it. Interesting is that his dad, who's a porter in UCHG, was told to come in to work regardless, as they're already under that much strain. Strange times.

Quote from: astfgyl on March 25, 2020, 07:47:09 PM
As someone pointed out to me today, that few billion from Apple would cover the cost of all of this a couple of times over. But no, we will pay.

Yeah what's the buzz with them just sitting on the Apple dosh?

It's in a holding account while the appeal goes through the courts. It'll be years before it's released either way - unless they drop the case, in which event it'll be available. Not a chance that they'll do that, though.

Quote from: Carnage on March 25, 2020, 09:06:06 PM
It's in a holding account while the appeal goes through the courts.

New criteria is so stupid will give false hope to people, more will be going around now infecting others and Leo will spin the sudden drop in numbers to say he is doing a great job.

Quote from: astfgyl on March 25, 2020, 07:47:09 PM
As someone pointed out to me today, that few billion from Apple would cover the cost of all of this a couple of times over. But no, we will pay.

Some of those bankers have enough wealth to cure world poverty and still have plenty left over. I see big changes in the future the world is not gonna last if we are left paying back money to these assholes for the rest of our lives things were already bad enough as it was before this with the way things are structured working 5 days a week for peanuts putting peoples stress levels up to the point that it's causing them to develop major diseases etc. all so the few elite can have even more. People are eventually going to say enough is enough.

Depending on how long this virus lasts and bands are grounded from touring I wonder will there be a surge in new albums released next year?