There are a staggering number of border crossings - policing all of them isn't really practical.

Stormont have neither the political will nor the funding to tackle something like this.  They could shut the schools down, but then that involves shutting down the pre-school childcare - for which parents will still have to pay, but you've just removed their ability to work and hence, likely, get paid.  Stormont doesn't have the funding to cover sick pay or pay in lieu for a situation like that and Boris has made it very clear with his actions over the last few months that he'll leave them to swing in the wind.

Neither O'Neill or Foster are exactly covering themselves in glory here.

No they aren't and it's not like the Republic is much better tbh. Temple Bar booming, I know of people leaving for holidays in Spain up until a couple of days ago. Maybe we needed this kick in the hole to start maturing and make tough decisions again. If anything, this outbreak should highlight the need for far tighter(reasonable) restrictions in terms of movement of people. It's not nationalities or race or colour, it's the actions of the few from every part of the world, people who just don't give a fuck if everyone else dropped dead as long as they get to do what they want and we keep giving into their childish behaviour. I love my freedoms and we need to safeguard them. Having to be locked in your home is not freedom.

Temple Bar has already been closed down though, I thought. Ireland is still well ahead of the curve of Spain, France, Germany, etc. France only shut bars down last night at midnight. Videos in Paris of crowds on the street doing a countdown to it and revelling about. Incroyable!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on March 16, 2020, 08:50:30 AM
Is the real news story here the oncoming recession that has been spoken about? Getting constant updates about numbers of corona virus victims and which MP has tested positive today and how many pubs and restaurants have closed their doors... Is it a big distraction from another fuck up that's about to bury us?

I think the fuck up is the virus. Can you imagine what tax increases are going to come in to try and manage the ampunt of people out of employment by the end of all this? Hotel sector, pus and restaurants, hostels etc etc. I think we're only at the start of something, which may explain why the UK are taking a different approach.

#229 March 16, 2020, 11:45:11 AM Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 11:47:11 AM by Pedrito
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 16, 2020, 11:43:26 AM
Temple Bar has already been closed down though, I thought. Ireland is still well ahead of the curve of Spain, France, Germany, etc. France only shut bars down last night at midnight. Videos in Paris of crowds on the street doing a countdown to it and revelling about. Incroyable!

Yes it's shut down but the scenes from the weekend were beyond a joke. As for the French, do they have that anti-system thing running through their society that is prevalent in certain parts of Spanish society? The man out to get them all the time..poor things.

Seems it's been said that they are shutting down people travelling in an out of the country as of Thurday? Never sure whats real at this point.
I'm wondering if this will effect public transport. I'm heading on the train to Dublin to view 3 apartments as im meant to be moving up in the next 2 weeks. Wondering how that will work out!

Quote from: Pedrito on March 16, 2020, 11:44:25 AM

Can you imagine what tax increases are going to come in to try and manage the ampunt of people out of employment by the end of all this? Hotel sector, pus and restaurants, hostels etc etc. I think we're only at the start of something, which may explain why the UK are taking a different approach.

The country that this originated from should be forced to pay through the nose to all those effected but that will never happen they will go to war before they do that and it will all be forgotten about until they decide to unleash the next deadly virus onto the rest of the world. The fact that a country can get away with this with absolutely no repercussions is just crazy. Just saw on RTE this morning 140,000 people have already lost their jobs and the country isn't even on lock down yet.

Quote from: Aborted on March 16, 2020, 01:22:36 PM
Seems it's been said that they are shutting down people travelling in an out of the country as of Thurday? Never sure whats real at this point.
I'm wondering if this will effect public transport. I'm heading on the train to Dublin to view 3 apartments as im meant to be moving up in the next 2 weeks. Wondering how that will work out!

In Italy as far as I know you are allowed out in public if you have a good excuse like you are going to get food etc. otherwise you get arrested.

Luckily it's not that extreme here.  Went out for a nice ramble this morning and despite cafes,  pubs and restaurants all being closed,  people were out and about. I think a bit of fresh air is probably a good thing,  just maybe don't meet up in groups or just lie low for two or three weeks.

I can't help but fear another recession as the last one was catastrophic.  Kind of a catch 22 scenario going on with the need to temporarily close businesses to contain the spread but two or three weeks of unemployment might see more people losing their homes and ending up in the seemingly endless nightmare of emergency accommodation. 

Which is the worst case scenario? I don't know the answer but either way it looks grim.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on March 16, 2020, 01:52:39 PM
Luckily it's not that extreme here.  Went out for a nice ramble this morning and despite cafes,  pubs and restaurants all being closed,  people were out and about. I think a bit of fresh air is probably a good thing,  just maybe don't meet up in groups or just lie low for two or three weeks.

I can't help but fear another recession as the last one was catastrophic.  Kind of a catch 22 scenario going on with the need to temporarily close businesses to contain the spread but two or three weeks of unemployment might see more people losing their homes and ending up in the seemingly endless nightmare of emergency accommodation. 

Which is the worst case scenario? I don't know the answer but either way it looks grim.

There has to be some sort of freeze put on mortgages rent etc.
I've already lost loads of work and I'm going back on the dole tomorrow.

Quote from: mickO))) on March 16, 2020, 01:28:23 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on March 16, 2020, 11:44:25 AM

Can you imagine what tax increases are going to come in to try and manage the ampunt of people out of employment by the end of all this? Hotel sector, pus and restaurants, hostels etc etc. I think we're only at the start of something, which may explain why the UK are taking a different approach.

The country that this originated from should be forced to pay through the nose to all those effected but that will never happen they will go to war before they do that and it will all be forgotten about until they decide to unleash the next deadly virus onto the rest of the world. The fact that a country can get away with this with absolutely no repercussions is just crazy. Just saw on RTE this morning 140,000 people have already lost their jobs and the country isn't even on lock down yet.

So if a virus originates in your country, you have to pay for the consequences? Would you retro enforce this amazing tabloid rule??

#235 March 16, 2020, 03:07:15 PM Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 03:09:01 PM by mickO)))
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 16, 2020, 02:55:58 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on March 16, 2020, 01:28:23 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on March 16, 2020, 11:44:25 AM

Can you imagine what tax increases are going to come in to try and manage the ampunt of people out of employment by the end of all this? Hotel sector, pus and restaurants, hostels etc etc. I think we're only at the start of something, which may explain why the UK are taking a different approach.

The country that this originated from should be forced to pay through the nose to all those effected but that will never happen they will go to war before they do that and it will all be forgotten about until they decide to unleash the next deadly virus onto the rest of the world. The fact that a country can get away with this with absolutely no repercussions is just crazy. Just saw on RTE this morning 140,000 people have already lost their jobs and the country isn't even on lock down yet.

So if a virus originates in your country, you have to pay for the consequences? Would you retro enforce this amazing tabloid rule??

When the country did very little to contain it until it was too late and it's not the first time a major virus came from this place either and won't be the last so yes. Or how many more events like this do you think should happen before someone accepts responsibility? After this is all over the food markets in China will continue to operate exactly the same as before.

If this originated in some other country and hit China hard do you really think they wouldn't be demanding someone pay for the consequences? They are already demanding apologies from the west because they feel they handled the virus very well.

Come on there is a time for political correctness but now is the time to be realistic.

I think it's widely accepted that Europe's response has been far more irresponsible, delayed, soft and ineffective than China's. Just look at the number of cases per million habitants between China and other countries. Faced with the total unknown, they did respond better than Europe has responded with all that warning.

We'll see whether they change their habits based on this though. They have said they will, but there's no sure way of preventing new viral infections, only more or less effective ways of responding to them when they hit. Taking them seriously. Europe, for the most part, hasn't taken this seriously until too late, despite all the time to observe its effects in other countries. Again I repeat, France held public elections yesterday. Public. Elections. I mean, only fucking France should have to pay for the consequences of that! Plenty of examples from other individual nations too.

Everywhere in Sligo town is effectively shut, but sure fuck it the nail bar is still open... worse still, they're full of huns in getting them done.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 16, 2020, 03:34:12 PM
I think it's widely accepted that Europe's response has been far more irresponsible, delayed, soft and ineffective than China's. Just look at the number of cases per million habitants between China and other countries. Faced with the total unknown, they did respond better than Europe has responded with all that warning.

We'll see whether they change their habits based on this though. They have said they will, but there's no sure way of preventing new viral infections, only more or less effective ways of responding to them when they hit. Taking them seriously. Europe, for the most part, hasn't taken this seriously until too late, despite all the time to observe its effects in other countries. Again I repeat, France held public elections yesterday. Public. Elections. I mean, only fucking France should have to pay for the consequences of that! Plenty of examples from other individual nations too.

Yes I agree with not only Europes but the world response being poor but my argument is again this would not have been an issue if the virus had not come from China in the first place and for what all so people can eat anything with a pulse.

Every country flew back permanent residents and citizens of convenience using tax payers money putting everyone else at risk. All this just to look good and I am sure this has had a big hand int he current increase in cases as they are now saying some people need quarantining for 21 days not 14 like was originally thought.

My girlfriend is Chinese not only her but all of her friends are ashamed at how China has handled things and they are also saying that when this blows over the Chinese Government will announce new rules and regulations that they will make sure the rest of the world sees but none of it will be enforced. A lot of the people working in these markets will end up starving to death if any type of regulations are brought in as they are just scraping by as it is.

Here in Canada people are still entering and exiting the country as easy as they did 2 months ago people reporting not even seeing hand sanitizer dispensers anywhere in Pearson airport nor are they being asked any questions. Even people flying from hot zones are just being let right through the airport. All this after the Government said weeks ago safety measures would be implemented at airports. Already Ontario alone has more cases than Ireland.