A quote from a manager in my work (who's an appalling piece of shit anyhow):"Its just a cold".He wasnt playing for laughs either.

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on March 13, 2020, 08:53:05 AM
Quote from: Juggz on March 12, 2020, 10:57:48 PM
The lasses on chaturbate are going to make a fortune over the next few weeks.

What is chaterbate....?

Take the first four letter and the last four letters....

I just want you all to know I only went there to ask for directions to get away from there...

Boozers and cafes here still doing decent trade. What's the story with pubs etc in Ireland at the moment, much the same? I'm only leaving the house because I have to go to the doctor about a hand injury and to be honest I'm in two minds about that even.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on March 13, 2020, 09:35:24 AM
A quote from a manager in my work (who's an appalling piece of shit anyhow):"Its just a cold".He wasnt playing for laughs either.

The world seems to be full of these pompous cunts. My brother saying his bosses are going on with the same bullshit.

With the rest of Ireland going into lockdown, my own office is still going. Outsourced tech support for one of the big fintechs. Their own internals are now working from home but heels are still being dragged here in terms of trying to get us access to do the same. Everything we do is on a locked down VPN, Chromeboxes jacked into it via ethernet cable etc. First world problems but it's definitely doing my nut in a bit, tempering being an overly sensitive, semi hypochondriac snowflake with being pragmatic with the available data and my own risk levels.

I do hope we get turfed out of here for a bit, although I think doing it now might be a bit premature. We're probably two weeks off the real peak. Especially when 20,000 empty wallets get back from Cheltenham. Buildings like this are a mass incubator waiting to happen, even with all the precautions we're taking. They need to make some difficult decisions.

Imagine the legal implications of being a pompous tosser. 2 or 3 people get sick in one workplace and you would surely see legal action. Putting employers at risk etc. Any work that can be done on a computer..well there's no excuse.

Quote from: Pedrito on March 13, 2020, 12:00:50 PM
Any work that can be done on a computer..well there's no excuse.

There's situations where you have to bite the bullet and let data protection take a back seat. A global pandemic being one of them.

Now gonna be doing 3/4 days a week from home til restrictions are lifted. So glad that geebag wasnt the one making the decision

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on March 12, 2020, 10:45:06 PM
Hello family, just a wee heads up, I know your probably reading it everywhere but just a little I'm extra information I got from a friend who's front line in Dublin, she's a doctor and the Infectious diseases consultant did a briefing to them today briefing on the 'major catastrophe plan', there's currently a hotel in Dublin with 30 cases that they haven't announced to the news yet, 13 cases confirmed yesterday and 35 on the way to Beaumont today. The virus is going to spread quickly (as it has else where in Europe) so although no need to panic, listen to the 'wash your hands' advice etc. They reckon that there's the potential for the uk to do a bit of a shut down as soon as next week and Ireland will follow suit. There's also a 2nd man about to die but they are keeping him on life support for now so as now to create mass panic. Advice is be smart, try keep from touching your face and stay clean.. 💪😊
The army are moving to status yellow on Monday, fairly big deal , hasn't done that since the troubles and foot &mouth I think . Everything non essential will be cancelled so like no ranges , no courses , no sports . Looks like there will be platoons basically confined to barracks on rotas so they don't get infected and can basically still maintain capabilities. Then we could be sent into prisons & hospitals too. It hasn't been announced nationally yet cause they don't want people panicking basically but it got out across the army yesterday so the director pulled us all in to tell us what was happening.

Source of this??

That post about Clayton Hotel has been going around for about 2 weeks now on WhatsApp/Boards along with terms like 'media blackout'...... No doubt there will be mass clusters but I wouldn't put any stock in these type of rumours

It's the new normal for now anyway the UK doesn't expect to reach it's peak until over three months for now and if Ireland is not back to full economic activity by midsummer we will be in a fully blown recession. We are considered two weeks behind Italy in terms of our outbreak so we will know how serious a medical crisis we have at that point.

Quote from: Born of Fire on March 13, 2020, 01:12:22 PM
That post about Clayton Hotel has been going around for about 2 weeks now on WhatsApp/Boards along with terms like 'media blackout'...... No doubt there will be mass clusters but I wouldn't put any stock in these type of rumours

Neither would I however the chief executive of the HSE has publicly stated that there have been negotiations with hotels and "significant offers" I think the use Garda training buildings has also been proposed. It's actually be week point for us like the the shortage of ICU.

The Clayton rumour is bullshit. My sister works for the group and they've been trying to clear it up since it came up to no avail. The group is already taking a big hit - €1m loss last week alone - due to cancellations in accomodation & events, and are discussing redundancies for large amounts of staff. That's a situation that's only going to spread.

Which reminds me, I need to cancel my booking for the Blade Runner show.