As bad as things are now it's even scarier seeing all these ideas floating around about immunity passports, forced apps on phones tracking you wherever you go and telling you who has and hasn't been vaccinated. It will just be like 9/11 governments will advertise it as a temporary loss of more privacy in the name of the greater good but once things die down the new restrictions will still remain in place. It's coming close to the point of no return and people need to put their foot down and say enough is enough.

The next big row now will be who should get a vaccine first and then rows between those who do and don't want to be vaccinated.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 29, 2020, 10:01:02 AM
If you exclude tiny places like San Marino, Andorra, etc., Ireland now ranks 7th in deaths per million.

I saw something the other day that we were worse than America? Could you post the link you got it from? Curious to see how it all stacks up.

I just got it through the main site I guess most people are using to follow the numbers:

By clicking on the name of any column, it'll rearrange the whole table according to decreasing order of those figures; so 'Deaths/1M pop' in this case. Then just pan back across left to see the country names. San Marino and places like that are up high because their tiny populations make 'per million' a nonsense statistical concept.

Right at this second, that puts Ireland 8th (because some countries have declared already today, but not Ireland) and the US 10th.

Government announced here in Switzerland today that restaurants can open again from May 11th - with distancing protocols in place of course. I believe the Swiss football teams will be back training then too, and all remaining shops can open.

Most shops opened as of Monday just passed there. Finally got a haircut after 9 weeks!

Quote from: StandupPaul on April 29, 2020, 04:46:24 PM
Government announced here in Switzerland today that restaurants can open again from May 11th - with distancing protocols in place of course. I believe the Swiss football teams will be back training then too, and all remaining shops can open.

Most shops opened as of Monday just passed there. Finally got a haircut after 9 weeks!
Ring our Leo will ya lad...

Quote from: Blizzard Beast on April 29, 2020, 10:16:39 AM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on April 29, 2020, 09:09:26 AM
So, it looks like our beloved government are going to impose another two week lockdown this Friday.
Sorry Leo and friends, but the people have already voted with their feet if where I live is anything to go by. I live in the centre of town and it has been jammers every day so far this week.
The government's saving grace may be that the weather is going to turn and it looks like rain is on the way.
Where is this being reported ?


Quote from: Paul keohane on April 29, 2020, 03:08:38 PM
I know my young fella can be a handfull,if some teacher has to tell him to shut the fuck up,its ok by me.

On a similar note to that, my young lad was climbing on top of the neighbours car and the lad didn't want to tell him to get the fuck off it in case he'd upset me or the wife. I gave him full permission to tell him him to get the fuck if he sees him doing it again. It's a good summation of a lot of things that are wrong with the world that he was more worried about the parents' possible bad reaction than the young lad denting his motor.

Back on topic and regarding this 2 week extension thing, do any of ye think that the reports coming out now are somewhat like the pre budget leaks coming out every year? Like it always says that fuel is going up by 20 cent for example and when it goes up by 10 cent instead we are relieved rather than infuriated. Unless one happens to be a smoker in which case you're in for it no matter what but in general it's to try give a soft landing by sending out possibly worse scenarios. So in this case, let everyone think it is the same degree of lockdown for another 2 weeks at least by the leaks and then give something nearly as bad but slightly less so to make it more palatable. I sincerely hope that is the case anyway.

Personally I foresee a lot of people going back to work after the bank holiday but social restrictions outside of that still fully applying which ok isn't great for a lot of people but fuck it if it works it works. If we fuck this up now it would be like defaulting on the last finance payment on the car or something and all the previous work will be for nothing.

Lastly, one of those he said she said stories but I was talking to a fella says he is good pals with a Garda sergeant and said Garda reckons the government will try to get the May and June bank holidays out of the way before lifting any restrictions on movement. Which could obviously be a load of shit but makes sense as although most of us will do what we see to be the right thing to affect a return to any degree of normality, there are pricks everywhere who will ruin it for us all if not strictly policed and will be throwing parties and the like and other general types of skullduggery.

you've just equated people socialising with skullduggery. you don't need police if you're policing your own neighbours.

6 weeks to enact 1984.

I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what I actually meant there, but sure choose to pick a word instead and run with it rather than contribute to any discussion of the general point. I feel most people should be able to socialise perfectly well in a manner which reduces the chance of spreading this thing, but then there are the door handle lickers and coughers and spitters who are too clever for anything as socially evolved as copping the fuck on.

If you were to go back and read my previous post in this very thread a couple of pages back, it would give you an idea of my general thinking on the whole thing. Obviously I feel you have taken me up wrong entirely.

As I mentioned on the previous page, the government/cops are absolutely blessed that the weather isn't looking great for this weekend.
People are out in force already. The sitting at home and being obedient to the government's lockdown wishes seem to be over in many people's minds.

Our whole company is resuming work fully on Tuesday as far as I know. It's being confirmed on Friday I heard....

#805 April 29, 2020, 06:30:00 PM Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 06:43:54 PM by astfgyl
I hear a lot of businesses and workplaces are gearing up for getting back to business on Tuesday. It seems to be the general tone of the leaks coming from the government's private meetings anyway.

And you are right, everyone is already out doing their thing anyway in anticipation of the lifting of restrictions. I see a lot of it here anyway but I also see that most are doing it in a way that seems mindful of reducing transmission. I think myself that most of what we are seeing now regarding new cases is actually in nursing homes and the like and the fact that most people aren't seeing their friends neighbours workmates etc actually getting sick at this stage seems to reinforce that idea. I'm not saying nobody is getting sick outside of those settings because I don't know if they are or not but I think the rate of transmission for the general public is a lot lower at this stage than the figures would have us believe. Not that it would do the government any good to admit that it is themselves who have failed before any of this even kicked off here rather than the general public so they will have to keep trotting out the total figure every evening on their RTE news rather than the active figure or exactly where the cases are occurring or anything like that. You have to dig a bit to find all that stuff and a lot of folks won't do that digging, the simple headline will be enough for them.

I have a friend (hard to believe, I know) who works in construction, says he's been filling out hse forms for travel and is due back in work on Tuesday. I think similar is happening for others that work outdoors.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 29, 2020, 05:42:33 PM
I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what I actually meant there, but sure choose to pick a word instead and run with it rather than contribute to any discussion of the general point. I feel most people should be able to socialise perfectly well in a manner which reduces the chance of spreading this thing, but then there are the door handle lickers and coughers and spitters who are too clever for anything as socially evolved as copping the fuck on.

If you were to go back and read my previous post in this very thread a couple of pages back, it would give you an idea of my general thinking on the whole thing. Obviously I feel you have taken me up wrong entirely.

I was trying to make the point that it's a battle of a 1000 small mental adjustments being inflicted every day on the average person. Before you know it your actual beliefs become something else. I wasn't necessarily saying you've gone full Orwell, just that every tiny moment online can move us in a better or worse direction. I usually hate loud messy social events, but they're kind of good for telling the government to fuck off to an extent, which is a necessary part of the social contract even in these strange times.

Im prepared to accept others won't see it that way.

#808 April 29, 2020, 09:16:04 PM Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 09:19:32 PM by Bogmetaller
Quote from: Emphyrio on April 29, 2020, 11:01:02 AM
Haha, all accurate and true. But look, I wouldn't be trying to force a workload on the lads anyway. Parents at home have enough going on. I'm just putting the work online so the parents can tell the kids to do an hour's work and take an hour to themselves. Some teachers are going mental. My lad's teacher is sending a hape of work, grand, I wouldn't usually question a teacher's methods but she's giving new concepts in Maths. There's a very large assumption there that parents understand the topic and ear able to teach it. Anything important will be caught up on. It's easy to find the time once you put nonsense subjects on the back burner for a while.

I'm a secondary teacher in a DEIS school in Dublin - I leave work for the week on the Monday and if they want to do it happy days and if not I really don't care. People might say that's a bad attitude to have but when you're in the job long enough you realise that kids, results wise, are going to get what they are going to get and you may be able to swing that 5percent . The worst year by far for doing work online are my 6th yrs ironically enough. But there's teachers losing their reasoning because kids aren't engaging - that makes no sense to me to be honest.

Quote from: mugz on April 29, 2020, 08:01:18 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on April 29, 2020, 05:42:33 PM
I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what I actually meant there, but sure choose to pick a word instead and run with it rather than contribute to any discussion of the general point. I feel most people should be able to socialise perfectly well in a manner which reduces the chance of spreading this thing, but then there are the door handle lickers and coughers and spitters who are too clever for anything as socially evolved as copping the fuck on.

If you were to go back and read my previous post in this very thread a couple of pages back, it would give you an idea of my general thinking on the whole thing. Obviously I feel you have taken me up wrong entirely.

I was trying to make the point that it's a battle of a 1000 small mental adjustments being inflicted every day on the average person. Before you know it your actual beliefs become something else. I wasn't necessarily saying you've gone full Orwell, just that every tiny moment online can move us in a better or worse direction. I usually hate loud messy social events, but they're kind of good for telling the government to fuck off to an extent, which is a necessary part of the social contract even in these strange times.

Im prepared to accept others won't see it that way.

Ok I get that more now. I agree with what you are saying and I also would enjoy a good round of telling the government to go fuck themselves but I do feel that if the public get the transmission rate down by doing the recommended things for now and if that actually works we will all be in a much better position to get out and explain to them our general disappointment with their buzz. I also feel that there is a lot of terribly convenient methods of surveillance and intrusion of privacy and erosion of personal freedoms being introduced behind our backs while we are all looking at the daily figures. That element of things is truly frightening and bodes very badly for the future. It will take quite a while for the full picture of what has been done to emerge but there is certainly every possible angle of agenda being pushed in the meantime.

Regarding the right to messy public protest situations I think it's a pity that if Waters and pals had anything of note to say that they fucked it up badly for themselves by not doing it in a publicly palatable fashion as they were bound to upset anybody working in the health service or anybody who has caught the virus or lost someone to it, or lost their business, or lost their job or are in danger of losing their home in the future as a result of the impending downturn. Those idiots lost any point they may have been making by their actions and if anything only served to reinforce the general belief that anybody not doing exactly as they are told is endangering us all, further adding to the situation of turning neighbour against neighbour and increasing the sense of, and appetite for public self policing. They could surely have made their protest as loudly as they liked while observing social distancing measures and bending the rules to their will rather than openly flouting them.