Nobody ever said it would stop transmission is a good one that's doing the rounds at the minute.

They are deleting all the videos, tweets etc they can of people saying it stopped transmission. The same is happening with clips / tweets of people saying the 2016 election was rigged / Russian collusion. Post 2020 it is now a threat to democracy to question elections but it was perfectly fine to do up until the 2020 election.

Yep, even Piers Morgan, odious fanny that he is, is backpedaling furiously.

Listening to that Jacinta Arden at the UN, between her, Trudeau, Klaus Schwab the fuckin' Bond villain and his Israeli henchman, it's a 'Brave New World', in the Huxlonian sense of the word, on the horizon.

These tits have devalued elements of language and twisted logic into such knots that 'misinformation' and 'free speech' have lost their meanings entirely. Eric Blair wrote that you are free to be a drunkard, an idler and a fornicator but it is strictly forbidden to think for yourself. Warnings have now become instruction manuals for these pigs. Nice one.

Quote from: astfgyl on October 15, 2022, 11:15:54 AM

Nobody ever said it would stop transmission is a good one that's doing the rounds at the minute.

If you read the thread this was a reply to, you'll find some informative stuff from Balloux:

I did read it. I like Balloux he's been a voice of reason throughout but you have to admit the backtracking is pretty spectacular (not from Balloux) and I'm not aiming at the efficacy or lack thereof, just the bullshit and I've also no right to be in this thread because I'm actually not the worst of em when I stay away from it

All the BS peddled in order to get vaccine mandates and passports pushed through, that was all totally illegitimate. What Balloux shows, using his own tweets from back when as support, is that there was a transient effect on transmission at first, and it was this, rather than anything Pfizer, etc., claimed about results from their clinical trials, that governments jumped on and used to start making claims that went well beyond the science, especially when omicron came along.

It also stands to reason that if it prevented symptomatic covid that it would presumably do something around transmission but I think the passports and all that bollix was about something else altogether and if I had to take a stab at it now I'd say that was a test run and it'll all be back but for the climate or some other lark. Again I'm not even rubbishing the vaccines at all, I'd be far happier to think they work than not and I genuinely believe they were designed to succeed rather than fail. Might have even got one or two myself without the associated bullshit.

#3743 January 27, 2023, 11:05:22 AM Last Edit: January 27, 2023, 11:44:55 AM by Bürggermeister
Pfizer executive, Jordon Trishton Walker went on to explain how Big Pharma and government officials, such as at the Food & Drug Administration [FDA], have mutual interests, and how that is not in the best interest of the American people


A fact check from newsweek  :laugh:  :laugh:

Yeah, it's all gas  :laugh:

It is indeed considering how reliable we all know these fact checkers are. I can't see a lot of comments at the bottom of the link you posted that support this fact check either.

#3747 January 27, 2023, 12:04:44 PM Last Edit: January 27, 2023, 12:06:20 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
That is definitely Pfizer's director of research and development, whose name is definitely Jordan (or Jordon) Tristan (or Trishton) Walker. He doesn't seem to have any online presence prior to three days ago. But maybe he was just being careful. Even though that's the absolute opposite of what he's being in this video.

In the real world though, either Project Veritas are duping or they are being duped, I'd put money on one of those two options being the reality of this. And, either way, whoever is doing the duping, they know all that matters is that the idea will stick and spread fast and people who want it to be true won't even lift their little finger a millimetre to dig into its veracity.

Or, to echo Master Burger:  :laugh:

Of course because there is no way his profile would be scrubbed once this got out. It's not as if things like this haven't been scrubbed before like the countless times we were told if you get vaccinated it stops the spread. You would also think Pfizer would have commented on it already if he didn't work for them. I wonder why Tristan also went into a rage after he was told he had been filmed? Who knows maybe his real profession is acting.

To be fair, I'm a bit of a cunt for telling earth-shattering conspiracies to complete randomers too. I'm more amazed than anyone that I could also reach a senior executive position with such a careless mouth. You'll also find no pictures of me on the internet from before three days ago. I just love telling strangers the secret goings on of my company, though. Will I never learn?