Y'know, I haven't paid a lot of attention to China in a while but it has been fun to hear the brother in law complain about lockdown there when he was telling me the only reason it wouldn't work here was because we wouldn't comply hard enough and if we would just properly copy the Chinese then we could be as free as he was living there.

He has changed his tune somewhat of late.. hopefully the rest of the world won't be so taken with the Chinese response in future as all it seems to do is prolong the inevitable. I suppose had there been a sterilising vaccine then one could say they had a point though, so I doubt the lockdown debate will ever truly be settled.

Finally got Rona'd. Balls

#3723 September 10, 2022, 07:25:44 PM Last Edit: September 11, 2022, 04:35:49 PM by ochoill Reason: drunk spelling mistakes
Quote from: Emphyrio on September 10, 2022, 06:52:44 PMFinally got Rona'd. Balls
Took you long enough, I got hopped three times now.  (But only once since I got the shot, but it felt way worse than the first time)

3 times! Jaysus. Ya, it was a miracle I avoided it this long.

I don't know if that's how things are usually done and I feel she said no to a question that wasn't asked there but whatever about what Pfizer did or didn't do, it shows up how preposterous those Papers Please were. Entirely built on a false premise and someone somewhere should fucking hang for those. Also I love all the online backtracking going on: "I never supported blah blah blah..." Go to hell, cunts.

As for anyone who supported the use of them: congratulations, you are a little Nazi cunt in the making and the only reason it all failed because enough people could see the horror and stood against it. How many rejoiced as the likes of me couldn't bring my kids to the cinema? Well fuck ye, I bought a projector. No pub? Fuck ye, I'll drink at home. Anyhow, that won't be let go and the dirty little QR codes will be back in some other guise like for your carbon footprint or some other bollix.

Remember the Heineken ad, "The night belongs to the vaccinated"? Well fuck them and all the whole house of cards built on a foundation of shit.

As for anyone who thinks this is anything to do with taking vaccines, it's not in any way. Many folk just took theirs and shut the fuck up about it but a certain amount weren't happy unless I was forced to take mine whereas I never cared if you took yours or not, it should be a personal choice. I remember all the things that were said to me about it by members of the public when they presumed I'd have mine taken because of where I work. Fucking cunts, extra hot coal lashed on down in hell for you all, there will be no redemption for you fucking animals.

"My vaccine protects me, my vaccine protects you"

Indeed it doesn't. Anyway goodbye covid, you belong to the old and terrified now.

It didn't bother me in the slightest. I took it to protect me. Fuck everyone who isn't me.

Quote from: hellfire on October 14, 2022, 10:38:46 AMIt didn't bother me in the slightest. I took it to protect me. Fuck everyone who isn't me.

I know many many people with the same attitude and fully believe that's how it should be done. Might sound hard to believe but I'm not anti vaccine at all as tempting as it was too become so in the face of the passports.

Wow, it's almost as if they were only ever interested in making money... imagine!!!

I wonder what will happen this winter, does anybody give a fuck about covid anymore?
What will be the next scare and how will it be all the unvaccinated people's fault?

Are you now a cunt if you don't get the flu shot, cos you're probably going to spread it and somebody's granny is going to die.

Actually no, I don't care. As long as they don't stop me from attending gigs again and, y'know, being a somewhat equal member of society and all. Whatever that means.

Still around 60% of all COVID deaths in the US are in unvaccinated. Their contribution to the overall COVID mortality rate makes COVID the number 2 cause of death in the US at the moment, something which massively fuels those pushing for reintroduction of other measures. Without that 60%, COVID would "only" be the 8th or 9th ranked cause of death. Having no reason to believe otherwise, I guess in other countries the mortality rate among unvaccinated is similarly 8 to 10 times higher than in vaccinated. Certainly the only two people I know, one of our age, one in his 50s, who ended up in intensive care were unvaccinated.

#3731 October 14, 2022, 03:00:07 PM Last Edit: October 14, 2022, 03:20:24 PM by astfgyl
Define unvaccinated. Then find out how many of those deaths were too infirm to receive a vaccine due to whatever else was wrong with them. Also define a covid death and convince me those numbers aren't open to manipulation.

Actually convince me of nothing, I'm entirely done with the whole thing as long as I'm left alone to do my bit in peace. I've nothing else to say about it really that can't already be found in this thread.

It's a tiny, tiny fraction of the ~30% of the population who are unvaccinated where genuine medical reasons are the explanation. Unvaccinated here means just that; having received no vaccine. Less than 5% of the ~30% who are unvaccinated declare any intention to get vaccinated. The COVID death numbers are all deaths "with" COVID, but that doesn't change the proportions or what they indicate.

In any case, all I was saying is that the panickers are now being skewed towards even more alarmism than necessary because of the still disproportional number of unvaccinated people dying. In a nutshell, the best thing anyone could do now in order to really get everyone to shut up about the whole thing, is to get vaccinated, since either it works and the mortality rate drops to less than half what it's at now, or else it doesn't work, the mortality rate doesn't go down, and the anti-vax brigade will have been right that vaccination didn't change anything BUT, by the same token, the panickers will also have been right that we "need" to enforce other measures as well. Personally, I'd be betting on the first outcome.

#3733 October 15, 2022, 10:08:40 AM Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 10:10:18 AM by astfgyl
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 14, 2022, 03:58:53 PMIt's a tiny, tiny fraction of the ~30% of the population who are unvaccinated where genuine medical reasons are the explanation. Unvaccinated here means just that; having received no vaccine. Less than 5% of the ~30% who are unvaccinated declare any intention to get vaccinated. The COVID death numbers are all deaths "with" COVID, but that doesn't change the proportions or what they indicate.

In any case, all I was saying is that the panickers are now being skewed towards even more alarmism than necessary because of the still disproportional number of unvaccinated people dying. In a nutshell, the best thing anyone could do now in order to really get everyone to shut up about the whole thing, is to get vaccinated, since either it works and the mortality rate drops to less than half what it's at now, or else it doesn't work, the mortality rate doesn't go down, and the anti-vax brigade will have been right that vaccination didn't change anything BUT, by the same token, the panickers will also have been right that we "need" to enforce other measures as well. Personally, I'd be betting on the first outcome.

Riddle me this, do you still wear your mask? And no not when you're forced to, do you wear it by choice?

Thing would've ended by itself anyway by now hopefully the vaccines did work but at this stage I wouldn't touch em with a gun to my head and I've probably had the bould covid 3 or 4 times if I'd bothered getting tested but I just went on as normal instead

I wear my mask as little as possible. I've never been a panicker over COVID and believed the vaccines were efficient against serious illness. So once those vaccines were easily available to everyone, well, at that point if people were preferring to run a 10x higher chance of ending up in intensive care or dead, that was on them, no need for everyone else to keep wearing masks everywhere. Don't see at all what my masking habits have to do with anything though. I'm not calling for reintroduction of measures, I'm saying what is true: those who are calling for it are regularly pointing to the still significant mortality figures, a large proportion of which are still in unvaccinated patients.