666 days.... how very Metal of our leaders  :abbath:

Poor Justin Trudeau catching the virus and having to isolate just as the Truckers convey is about to hit Ottawa. Hopefully this whole thing will finally show the world what this man is truly about.

Matt le Tissier has made a video about the new sporting phenomenon that is sports people dropping like flies over the last 12 months...


Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on February 01, 2022, 08:20:38 PM
Matt le Tissier has made a video about the new sporting phenomenon that is sports people dropping like flies over the last 12 months...


"This needs to be investigated."

Don't worry Matt, researchers, who had noticed that although rare the phenomenon was not in fact a case of "few and far between", started taking this problem seriously in the late 90s and have been investigating it ever since, all over the world, and will continue to do so. You should talk to some of them. 

#3695 February 02, 2022, 07:42:46 AM Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 07:46:48 AM by Kurt Cocaine
Saw a clip on Sky News UK....
The new Omicron sub variant (BA.2) is far more transmissible than the original and is also  far more likely to infect the vaccinated. This is according to scientists in Denmark...
The newsreader was laughing her flaps off as she read it out...  :laugh:

Edit: here's the clip...  :laugh:


Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on February 01, 2022, 08:20:38 PM
Matt le Tissier has made a video about the new sporting phenomenon that is sports people dropping like flies over the last 12 months...

Facebook,Twitter etc are in overdrive this morning banning this video....   :laugh:

I was reading the last couple of days about Cuba independently kicking COVID's ass: they developed their own vaccine, have since vaccinated a higher percentage of their population than any nation over 1 million inhabitants apart from the UAE with it (Cuba don't got none of the trust in the medical institution problems many western nations do, since both health and education are where their socialist ideals have historically always shone, with an essentially 100% literacy rate), and have managed to just generally turn the whole thing around and get more on top of it than most nations, despite all the obstacles thrown in their way because the US is still hellbent on "proving" that socialism cannot work anywhere.

It's a pity that Cuba is one of the most crackpot, shitty countries to live in by almost any other standard.

They'd be the first to agree with you that it's a pity.

Isn't there some Indian region that did the same thing?

Denmark have called off all restrictions, all measures, all everything. No longer even any legal obligation to isolate if positive. Have left this open-ended to potential need to reintroduce measures, but given that cases are still high, and mortality too tbh, it would have to be something pretty serious to get them to change back I think.

I see Bayern Munich and Germany international footballer Thomas Müller has made a 'sudden death' video now too...
It's all the rage these days don't you know...

You will let us know when someone who has spent their career studying the tragic phenomenon says something about it, won't you?

For all you Joe Rogan haterz....