Squad car and a moped burnt out in Rotterdam.  A few people were shot at by the cops, apparently.

The mayor called it an "Orgy of violence". Sounds like so much fun  :laugh:


Is there a metal album called Orgy of Violence? I feel like there should be.

It used to be that stuff like the genocide in Rwanda was an orgy of violence. These days the bar is low enough to include mean words.

Well it is the Netherlands. Orgies ahoy for 50 euro! Fuck and suck!!!

Spicy indeed and he does seem to have been a soldier, if his videos can be believed.

#3426 November 22, 2021, 10:37:21 AM Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 10:39:13 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Spicy? I'd say rich. Rich of an adult who obviously places themselves central to the anti-COVID vax movement in Ireland to claim concern for the well-being of children and the elderly. People like this cunt are actively responsible for wasting hospital hours, thousands and thousands of hospital hours. Shall we look again at the latest with the data of an extra week added?


COVID infections in ICU since April 1st: Up to 589 in total now, made up of 63% unvaccinated, 37% at least one dose vaccinated, and 29% confirmed fully vaccinated (some overlap with former).

I'm only here for the drama. How many of the unvaccinated had underlying health issues?

Haha, the drama is mighty alright. But it's funny, tragically, pathetically funny, to see the same people who last year were claiming such concern over urgent hospital procedures being cancelled now saying nothing about all the unvaccinated using up hospital beds for weeks on end.

In more important news from Belgium: In the 18-64 age bracket, you're now 14 times more likely to end up in ICU in Belgium if you're not vaccinated:

How is that? Not registering to read that.

It's the same basic maths every time, just the specific numbers change by country. A minority of adults who are not vaccinated taking up almost as many, as many, or more (this is where it varies country by country) ICU beds as the majority who are vaccinated.

It's the same as your chances of dying of lung cancer if you're a smoker: even if you smoke regularly, your chances of dying of lung cancer specifically are statistically low, around 1/1,000 or so. But if you don't smoke, your chances of dying of lung cancer are around 1/10,000. So, you're 10 times more likely to die of lung cancer if you smoke than if you don't, even though the chances remain statistically low for any particular individual, all other things being equal. COVID vaccine is exactly the same; for any given individual, the chances of ending up in ICU are low, but averaged across all western nations (i.e. where we have reliable data) they're around 10 times higher if you're not vaccinated.

Would you not just vaccinated to make your life easier, and hopefully put the kibosh on this shit sooner?

The tactics and bullshit are enough to drive anyone mental (not to mention the spurious far right shite), but just suck it up. Principles are grand until you are stopped at the airport or you have to wear a mask on the fucking treadmill.

If the figures are correct, it means that roughly 90% of the unvaccinated who end up in ICU are there unnecessarily. Do any of the cunts actively spreading misinformation think about their well-being?? No, of course not, because when it boils down to it the majority of them are really only thinking about themselves, regardless of what BS about children and the elderly they roll out to justify their madness.