Quote from: Giggles on August 08, 2021, 10:01:16 AM
Quote from: Snare on August 07, 2021, 10:56:38 PM
To be fair to her I read Jennifer's explanation yesterday and it's perfectly reasonable the way she wants to protect others. It's not about herself at all, fair play to her. Imagine that, people thinking about others, disgraceful carry on in this day and age.

A few pages back, I mentioned how nobody seems to be talking about the family members who are being ostracised for not having the vaccine. Banned from attending birthdays/weddings etc or even just calling over for tea. Not even allowed to meet outside, being slandered as anti vaxxer etc. Some people are literally being told by their family "We're not speaking to you again unless you get the vaccine".  Not a text, not a phone call, nothing.

So yeah, I do find it particularly disgraceful that she is being lauded on the front page as some sort of shining example to set. I don't agree with it, I think it comes across as "I am right and you are wrong", when in reality, nobody knows what the fuck is going on.

Its frightening to think there are people being treated like this by their own families.
Its even more frightening to think of the kind of dull, thick, moronic, stupid fucking mong cunts that comprise these families.

I'm cringing at the possibility of vaccinated people actually distancing themselves from unvaccinated people because of Jennifer Aniston.

She won't be there for you...

Or had that joke been made already?

Edit*ah seemingly a version of that has been made*

Ricky Gervais wasn't hard enough on the cunts.

Back in the hometown for a few weeks, and I've made plans to visit my buddy and have dinner with him and his family tonight. Was looking forward to it as I haven't had the craic with them in about 5 years.

Just got a phone call from him, he says that his sister is flying out for work in a few days, and she has concerns about me calling over because I'm unvaccinated. She said she doesn't want to risk getting covid from me and fucking up her job, so now we have to eat outside and I'm not allowed into the house.
Not a bother on her visiting a plethora of cafes, restaurants, pubs and eating indoors up and down the country while she's been on her holidays over the last two weeks, but no, it's the unvaccinated cunt who doesn't have the privilege of visiting these confined spaces that will surely make her sick. Buzzkill.

That sucks. How are you going to dick their glasses if you can't get into the house??

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 08, 2021, 07:34:11 PM
That sucks. How are you going to dick their glasses if you can't get into the house??

:laugh: :abbath: well played.

Got the 2nd Moderna yesterday, along with my wife.  Both suffering now, like being hit by a truck, fever and shakes, can't sleep a wink.  Great fun for both of us to be looking after a young child with.  Off work sick at least.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 07, 2021, 08:10:58 PM
Good interview here:

Been following Prof. Balloux since the kick off of all of this. Seems like a reasonable chap, and (shock, horror!) appears to offer hope in a lot of his writings/interviews.

Quote from: Snare on August 07, 2021, 10:56:38 PM
To be fair to her I read Jennifer's explanation yesterday and it's perfectly reasonable the way she wants to protect others. It's not about herself at all, fair play to her. Imagine that, people thinking about others, disgraceful carry on in this day and age.

How far does that caring about others go? Would you go as far as vaccinating children (with unknown results) to protect the aged? Given the logic involved here, shouldn't everybody just stay away from everyone else forever, in case say someone has an asymptomatic common cold infection and passes it on to someone else who in turn passes it to someone else and eventually in their turn passes it to an 80-plus year old with several co-morbidities in a nursing home receiving end of life care and it ends up being the straw that breaks the camel's back for them? If we go too far down that road of being propagandized into doing it for others, then that is the logical conclusion.

Also, I don't know if it has escaped you, but getting vaccinated doesn't stop transmission or infection, and only possibly reduces the symptoms for those infected, so even if you are vaccinated you can still be the granny killer you never wanted to be by simply living your life as you did up until 2020.

As for Jennifer Aniston..

Quote from: ochoill on August 09, 2021, 07:24:48 AM
Got the 2nd Moderna yesterday, along with my wife.  Both suffering now, like being hit by a truck, fever and shakes, can't sleep a wink.  Great fun for both of us to be looking after a young child with.  Off work sick at least.

Ye'll be grand. By all accounts you'll only get the day out of it before you have to go back to work. Let us know how long before it expires on the vaccine pass. Just don't be a Jennifer Aniston about it!

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 08, 2021, 07:34:11 PM
That sucks. How are you going to dick their glasses if you can't get into the house??

:laugh: :laugh:

I was let inside and was greeted with a big hug from the supposed antagonist. Dinner/craic as normal with absolutely no covid talk.

Fuck Jennifer Aniston  :abbath:

Quote from: astfgyl on August 09, 2021, 11:40:35 AM
Quote from: ochoill on August 09, 2021, 07:24:48 AMGot the 2nd Moderna yesterday, along with my wife.  Both suffering now, like being hit by a truck, fever and shakes, can't sleep a wink.  Great fun for both of us to be looking after a young child with.  Off work sick at least.
Ye'll be grand. By all accounts you'll only get the day out of it before you have to go back to work. Let us know how long before it expires on the vaccine pass. Just don't be a Jennifer Aniston about it!
Got a photo of them putting together the vaccine cert there:

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

We  have a winner! Well played!

Fuck, went to change my avatar to that and now I can't find the original. Can hardly see how funny it is. Bollocks.