3 things immediately jump out from that article:

1. WHO took until July to admit that aerosol transmission was possible.

2. 27 people infected in a Starbucks in South Korea because everyone eating and drinking with no masks.

3. Proper ventilation and air filtration is necessary.

So the whole thing could have been contained a lot sooner if we had the right policies in place instead of 6 months of mixed messaging. The WHO completely inept and the policy makers have had no clear plan of action throughout any of this, at least one that makes any sense. Mask wearing makes sense, I can see how it would work, but if I then walk into a café and take the thing off and talk away to my heart's content to all my buddies, it just beggars belief.

Also, and more importantlty, there is no back up plan for sectors like Tourism which are now regularly at the whim of any slight blip in the economy or crises. Is it not time that some new tax bracket is created for businesses and employees in this sector? We jump from crisis to crisis and nothing seems to be done to protect our most vulnerable sectors. Agriculture would be another sector: the foot and mouth crisis a perfect example.

Yes, it's easy to see it that way with hindsight etc but this is far from the first time we've had whole sectors of our economy under attack in this way would be my point.

Quote from: Giggles on September 17, 2020, 09:40:53 PM

When did the government ever give a fuck about the well being of people? Why are they pretending to try now? Spoiler alert they don't.

Exactly if they did they would have taken action back in December when it was clear this was going to be an issue not if but when it made it to Europe. At first I just put it down to the normal Government incompetence but now it's starting to look like much more than that.

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on September 18, 2020, 10:35:16 AM
What are the 3 new tunes van morrison had apparently written about the government trying to control us with the coronavirus and take away are freedom?

On a side note, brown eyed girl is the shittest song ever.

Van the Man: Brown Eyed Goil is class lad...  :abbath:

Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 07:55:06 PM
They do still use it, right before masking up or donning the plastic visor or sometimes both so they can go to the shop, so people won't spread it to each other. On the way home they decide to grab a coffee, so they head into the coffee shop with their mate where they proceed to take off their masks and visors safe in the knowledge of the extremely minimal risk involved in sitting with other people with no masks on in an enclosed space. Then head home to sit with a nice bit of RTE's nightly scaremongering and brainwashing to reaffirm their desire to give up their basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes they go out for a pint as well because we all know it's ok to sit in that enclosed space as well as long as they are eating something.

Great, so if my nurse friend gets it I'll be sure to send her around to cough all over you while you lecture her that it's really not that bad and how it's all a plot to destroy "muh frEeDumBs"

Quote from: Ducky on September 18, 2020, 12:51:54 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 07:55:06 PM
They do still use it, right before masking up or donning the plastic visor or sometimes both so they can go to the shop, so people won't spread it to each other. On the way home they decide to grab a coffee, so they head into the coffee shop with their mate where they proceed to take off their masks and visors safe in the knowledge of the extremely minimal risk involved in sitting with other people with no masks on in an enclosed space. Then head home to sit with a nice bit of RTE's nightly scaremongering and brainwashing to reaffirm their desire to give up their basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes they go out for a pint as well because we all know it's ok to sit in that enclosed space as well as long as they are eating something.

Great, so if my nurse friend gets it I'll be sure to send her around to cough all over you while you lecture her that it's really not that bad and how it's all a plot to destroy "muh frEeDumBs"
Is she hawt?

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 18, 2020, 01:03:28 PM
Quote from: Ducky on September 18, 2020, 12:51:54 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 07:55:06 PM
They do still use it, right before masking up or donning the plastic visor or sometimes both so they can go to the shop, so people won't spread it to each other. On the way home they decide to grab a coffee, so they head into the coffee shop with their mate where they proceed to take off their masks and visors safe in the knowledge of the extremely minimal risk involved in sitting with other people with no masks on in an enclosed space. Then head home to sit with a nice bit of RTE's nightly scaremongering and brainwashing to reaffirm their desire to give up their basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes they go out for a pint as well because we all know it's ok to sit in that enclosed space as well as long as they are eating something.

Great, so if my nurse friend gets it I'll be sure to send her around to cough all over you while you lecture her that it's really not that bad and how it's all a plot to destroy "muh frEeDumBs"
Is she hawt?

She is, but she has a kink for wearing masks, so that's ye gents shit out of luck.

Didn't understand the Van Morrison thing til I saw that he's released a few songs criticising the lockdown measures. Gemma O'Doherty on bass, I believe.

Quote from: Ducky on September 18, 2020, 01:08:36 PM
She is, but she has a kink for wearing masks, so that's ye gents shit out of luck.

If a woman tells you that the way you turn her on is by wearing a mask, the problem probably isn't the mask.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 18, 2020, 03:31:48 PM

That's why most of these boiz end up playing with their own cum dungeons...  :laugh:

Quote from: Ducky on September 18, 2020, 12:51:54 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 07:55:06 PM
They do still use it, right before masking up or donning the plastic visor or sometimes both so they can go to the shop, so people won't spread it to each other. On the way home they decide to grab a coffee, so they head into the coffee shop with their mate where they proceed to take off their masks and visors safe in the knowledge of the extremely minimal risk involved in sitting with other people with no masks on in an enclosed space. Then head home to sit with a nice bit of RTE's nightly scaremongering and brainwashing to reaffirm their desire to give up their basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes they go out for a pint as well because we all know it's ok to sit in that enclosed space as well as long as they are eating something.

Great, so if my nurse friend gets it I'll be sure to send her around to cough all over you while you lecture her that it's really not that bad and how it's all a plot to destroy "muh frEeDumBs"

You are honestly quoting what I wrote there and trying to make out I'm some sort of a dumb cunt for seeing through all this bollix, while you play that fucking thick game I described? You needn't worry about your nurse friend anyway sure she won't get it wearing a mask. You have been so indoctrinated by media driven fear that I feel bad for you and as I already said you come across as generally sound everywhere else round here, so nothing personal or anything. I was afraid too, but then I started looking into it and copped all of the glaring inconsistencies between the hype and the damage done by the completely irrational response, and the actual facts of what is happening. They didn't tally up at all.

You have been sold a lie, and unfortunately so has your nurse friend. Did she tell you of how her workplace is riddled with poor sick old people half dying on trolleys and the hospitals so clogged up from the victims of this virus that the health service can no longer function? Oh wait that was flu season every year since god knows when. Wake the fuck up lad, and stop wanting to make everyone else suffer because of your irrational fear of getting a cold.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 18, 2020, 10:18:05 AM
Quote from: Juggz on September 18, 2020, 10:13:31 AM
It's almost as if there's a perfectly rational logic behind all the actions which have been taken  :o

Well, almost...with the caveat that you include a healthy dose of what Pedrito called human "dopiness" in policy decision, update, and communication, which has certainly played a part. Of course, if you cast aside any scientist who isn't anti-policy as being a big pharma shill, well, there's not going to be any reasoning anyone out of that position.

QuoteHowever, there have been several documented instances of infections that don't fit with droplet or surface spread because they happened even when people maintained their distance. Perhaps the most famous example is the choir rehearsal outside of Seattle, Washington, a superspreader event where 52 out of 61 people were infected during a two-and-half-hour practice. What's notable about this case is that the singers maintained distance from each other and used plenty of hand sanitizer, per safety guidance at the time. Also, the infected person was presymptomatic, so they weren't coughing or sneezing and projecting droplets further. Despite all this, one person was still able to infect 52 others.

Be very interesting to know how many were sick vs how many were tested positive by PCR. Shame that was left out of a bullshit article that says we should be afraid of the air around us. With all of the research done in the world on common cold viruses such as coronavirus and rhinovirus, it is truly fucking amazing that this bollix is only coming out now when the idea of wearing masks needs propping up. Is it not to be fully expected that if a load of people are breathing in the same air as someone carrying any virus that there would be traces of it there to conveniently amplify through PCR to validate the research?

I am really genuinely surprised that you, as learned and critical as you seem to be, haven't seen this for what it is yet.

Quote from: Ducky on September 18, 2020, 12:51:54 PM

Great, so if my nurse friend gets it I'll be sure to send her around to cough all over you while you lecture her that it's really not that bad and how it's all a plot to destroy "muh frEeDumBs"

This is the kind of shit that's pissing me off, people's reactions are being tuned to jump straight in pointing fingers about how we're supposed to be protecting somebody.
Your nurse friend has the freedom to make a choice about whether or not she wants to work where she does.

#1558 September 18, 2020, 04:15:00 PM Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 04:16:43 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: astfgyl on September 18, 2020, 03:57:24 PM
Be very interesting to know how many were sick vs how many were tested positive by PCR. Shame that was left out of a bullshit article that says we should be afraid of the air around us. With all of the research done in the world on common cold viruses such as coronavirus and rhinovirus, it is truly fucking amazing that this bollix is only coming out now when the idea of wearing masks needs propping up. Is it not to be fully expected that if a load of people are breathing in the same air as someone carrying any virus that there would be traces of it there to conveniently amplify through PCR to validate the research?

I am really genuinely surprised that you, as learned and critical as you seem to be, haven't seen this for what it is yet.

Well, as possibly the only person in this discussion who has ever performed a PCR and studied how they work and their limits, maybe you should turn that surprise back around. For all the poo-pooing of over-sensitivity, I know of plenty of cases where people were co-habiting and co-habitants tested negative; in fact, if you read the article neutrally, instead of employing what you have begun in bad faith to refer to as some kind of poetic employment of hyperbole to say that it enjoins us to be afraid to breathe the air, you would have read this: "an infected person had a 17.2% chance of spreading the virus to a family member who lived with them, but just a 2.6% chance of giving it to someone outside the home." That figure will be based on PCR testing. Going by your inflationary logic, an infected person should have a much, much higher chance of, let's say, making a family member test positive for PCR. But no, it's a sober 17.2%, much higher than the level outside the home, but still nothing that would indicate widespread or problematic inflation of incidence via PCR over-sensitivity.

So, in that choir case, it looks like what we're dealing with is what they say we're dealing with, rather than whatever it is that you imagine it must have been, such as single virus molecules alighting in 52 people's nostrils and staying there, without infecting them, for the few days it would have taken until they were tested.

I do see this for what it is; an extremely complex and delicate situation that is being made worse by the media, by politicians' inability to admit to having been wrong and thus allow themselves to rapidly change policy if need be, by the general public's constant avidity to blame someone - preferably an authority figure, real or imagined - for everything that goes wrong in life, and also - perhaps above ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ELSE (irony incoming) - by hyperbole on both sides.

Them choir groups are notoriously into gangbamgs also. We're not being given the full story here  :abbath: