Amazing how much salt some ye boys are display regarding an "overreaction". Would ye prefer if they didn't do enough and half your family were keeled over dead?

Ye can run around without your masks and catch it all ye like, pity ye wouldn't take off the tinfoil hats while ye're at it.

#1531 September 17, 2020, 07:19:29 PM Last Edit: September 17, 2020, 07:22:02 PM by Bigmac
Quote from: Ducky on September 17, 2020, 07:11:36 PM
Amazing how much salt some ye boys are display regarding an "overreaction". Would ye prefer if they didn't do enough and half your family were keeled over dead?

Ye can run around without your masks and catch it all ye like, pity ye wouldn't take off the tinfoil hats while ye're at it.

I wouldn't consider not being able to attend my uncles funeral, essential treatment for my Ma being pushed back, and subsequently not being able to see her while she suffered alone in hospital for weeks as salt, but to each their own.

The point being, with much of what has been discussed here thus far, there's a reasonably compelling case that all is not what it seems. So musing over that is a seemingly worthwhile endeavor.

Do people still use the tin foil hat thing to try and be funny? Amazing.

They do still use it, right before masking up or donning the plastic visor or sometimes both so they can go to the shop, so people won't spread it to each other. On the way home they decide to grab a coffee, so they head into the coffee shop with their mate where they proceed to take off their masks and visors safe in the knowledge of the extremely minimal risk involved in sitting with other people with no masks on in an enclosed space. Then head home to sit with a nice bit of RTE's nightly scaremongering and brainwashing to reaffirm their desire to give up their basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes they go out for a pint as well because we all know it's ok to sit in that enclosed space as well as long as they are eating something.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 07:55:06 PM
They do still use it, right before masking up or donning the plastic visor or sometimes both so they can go to the shop, so people won't spread it to each other. On the way home they decide to grab a coffee, so they head into the coffee shop with their mate where they proceed to take off their masks and visors safe in the knowledge of the extremely minimal risk involved in sitting with other people with no masks on in an enclosed space. Then head home to sit with a nice bit of RTE's nightly scaremongering and brainwashing to reaffirm their desire to give up their basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes they go out for a pint as well because we all know it's ok to sit in that enclosed space as well as long as they are eating something.

I really have to buy you a nice cold pint of Corona sometime man.  8)

Quote from: astfgyl on September 17, 2020, 07:55:06 PM
They do still use it, right before masking up or donning the plastic visor or sometimes both so they can go to the shop, so people won't spread it to each other. On the way home they decide to grab a coffee, so they head into the coffee shop with their mate where they proceed to take off their masks and visors safe in the knowledge of the extremely minimal risk involved in sitting with other people with no masks on in an enclosed space. Then head home to sit with a nice bit of RTE's nightly scaremongering and brainwashing to reaffirm their desire to give up their basic rights and freedoms. Sometimes they go out for a pint as well because we all know it's ok to sit in that enclosed space as well as long as they are eating something.

If only I'd suggested eating a 9 euro meal with my Ma in hospital, she wouldn't have been on her own.

And sure we should have just dragged my uncle's coffin to the local coffee shop and congregated there.

Jesus, we are some fools in hindsight.

It's a great point made by the man with the worst username known to man Astfylgfywbbwei...

It's not that Covid isn't dangerous. It's the fact that the response is a farce. You wear masks and then take them off in a Starbucks which has air conditioning pumping recycled air around the premises. Yeah you might not be spitting on the lad beside you, but come on, nobody is buying this bullshit. And yet a family member dies and you have to watch them be buried from a distance, neighbours wave the hearse goodbye from inside their porches in case something comes couldn't make it up really.

People are going to die every day in car crashes. Do we ban cars? No.
People are going to die every day from alcohol abuse and/or related violence. Do we ban alcohol? No.
People are dying everyday from diseases that are linked to shitty cheap processed foods that are widely available. Do we ban these? No.

When did the government ever give a fuck about the well being of people? Why are they pretending to try now? Spoiler alert they don't.

If Covid 19 didn't have a name and wasn't so hyped up, we would have just called it "an awful bad dose of flu that's done the rounds".

I don't like the way the narrative is being pushed to guilt people into being cooperative. Like Astdyfl said, I'll wear my mask in public and I'll stay away from old people. But let me go about my fucking business.

And at least my tin foil hat doesn't cover my eyes and ears.

Yeah I think someone mentioned a while back that 25% of the population are high risk because they are obese.

The fact that things were allowed to get that bad health wise, and suddenly it's all about caring for everyone's health, just seems like such a jarring contrast.

Masks don't seem to be helping much now (if at all) .... still don't understand why people weren't made to wear them months and months ago when it was at its "first peak".

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 18, 2020, 06:20:18 AM.... still don't understand why people weren't made to wear them months and months ago when it was at its "first peak".

I agree 100% with this. Seems like too little too late when it was rolled out.

Don't know about in Ireland, but in France the simple reason was that all surgery style masks were needed for medical purposes because the country was severely understocked. The worry was that if people were told to wear masks, they'd stockpile on the easiest ones to get, i.e. those surgery style ones. At our labs, for example, we donated the entire stock of masks we had to compensate for lack in the hospitals. The idea of wearing the cloth masks, known from the start not to be as functional as the medical ones, took longer to catch on. They're not exactly satisfying or even complete explanations, but they were at least driving factors in policy decision.

Quite a lot of interesting considerations and perspectives in this easy to read "Six months in" non-alarmist piece:

It's almost as if there's a perfectly rational logic behind all the actions which have been taken  :o

Quote from: Juggz on September 18, 2020, 10:13:31 AM
It's almost as if there's a perfectly rational logic behind all the actions which have been taken  :o

Well, almost...with the caveat that you include a healthy dose of what Pedrito called human "dopiness" in policy decision, update, and communication, which has certainly played a part. Of course, if you cast aside any scientist who isn't anti-policy as being a big pharma shill, well, there's not going to be any reasoning anyone out of that position.

What are the 3 new tunes van morrison had apparently written about the government trying to control us with the coronavirus and take away are freedom?

On a side note, brown eyed girl is the shittest song ever.