Need to subvert the movement by making up a rake of National Party and Irish First branded WWJD bracelets  :laugh:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 06, 2024, 11:47:00 PMNeed to subvert the movement by making up a rake of National Party and Irish First branded WWJD bracelets  :laugh:

I'll distribute them down the polling booths and the cognitive dissonance should be enough to make several lads heads explode  :laugh:

There's going to be a hullabaloo about Ukrainians and foreigners voting in the locals today and of unscrupulous candidates doing the things they did to get them to vote but when I was in the queue there was a Ukrainian woman who I have met a few times coming away from the booth holding her passport having cast her vote and I was hit by a sudden wave of humanity thinking of herself and her family being afraid that if they didn't vote then they wouldn't cast out the idea of the likes of Derek and the lads who are actively campaigning to get rid of them on the next possible plane and I was a bit bothered by this, knowing that all that had to be done was apply some sort of sensible rules to stop the place being abused by cunts and welfare tourists from wherever they say they're from. Last time I met her I made a paper aeroplane for her kid and he was delighted, well until it was shit to fly at least....

Then I downloaded the latest mix of Auslander Raus from iTunes and I felt good again in my own skin..


There's a total of nearly 3.6m eligible for voting for MEP's, and 3.7m for local elections, so difference of c.100k.

Foreigners eligble to vote in the local elections therefore account for c.2.7% of the eligible voters. Not necessarily voting, but eligible.

Despite this Derek and the lads claim hundreds of thousands of illegals are voting so make sure you vote or else...

As an aside, it was great to see Derek get owned telling someome working that they were a guest of the nation, and the guy responded so is Derek's wife  :laugh:

Quote from: Snare on June 07, 2024, 11:39:06 PMThere's a total of nearly 3.6m eligible for voting for MEP's, and 3.7m for local elections, so difference of c.100k.

Foreigners eligble to vote in the local elections therefore account for c.2.7% of the eligible voters. Not necessarily voting, but eligible.

Despite this Derek and the lads claim hundreds of thousands of illegals are voting so make sure you vote or else...

As an aside, it was great to see Derek get owned telling someome working that they were a guest of the nation, and the guy responded so is Derek's wife  :laugh:

I'm the government's strongest critic but I'm not fucking stupid enough to fall into that bollix. I'm not getting into any of the politics this time for once though. Its just too depressing to think that this is the general level of shit we have to vote on.

Not a single one of them deserves that absolute money train of a job that they want us to put them in.

Here's something I often think of: how come none of the lads that get voted in come back halfway through their term to see if we're happy with how they're going?

Astfgyl, do you mean Derek Blythe? Tbf, I do agree with you mostly but if you are talking about Derek Blythe, that's not correct. If I'm wrong, point it out but I'm certain Derek has only campaigned for helping Irish people in need first, then any genuine asylum seekers and wanted to highlight why there is blatant preferential treatment. Over a year ago in Mitchelstown I believe, vacant property belonging to the church were being refitted for Ukrainians and Derek offered to do the work for practically nothing with his team if half of the six houses were reserved for Irish families, the authorities said no so he again offered finally to do the work as long as just one house was reserved for an Irish lad who lost his house and was living in his car in the town and they said no. Why because, it's not about humanity it's all about money, money and more money. You've heard them say "we have international obligations" the lad in the car doesn't qualify. I've have never heard anyone say get Ukrainians on the first plane out of this country as a campaign. What I have heard is deport any migrants claiming asylum who have no documents and are proven to be either rejects from other EU countries or economic migrants from safe countries looking to bypass the legal route as they would be rejected any other way. I completely agree with this, who wouldn't? Honestly.

Yeah I mean that Derek. I share the concerns of many with the unfairness of it all and I entirely blame the government and pals for allowing the place to be absolutely flooded with cunts who shouldn't be here at all and all for the money involved in it and there's a real point to be made about treating foreigners better than our own because I'm wondering how I'm going to make ends meet trying to pay the daughter through college while the Ukrainians can have it for nothing but I can't and most of the stuff is obscene but I meet a good few of the Derek supporters and the ones I talk to have basically turned to racism altogether rather than anything like what you're saying the lad did. Now I could write all day about how the absolute pisstake of a system we have going is destroying the place, because it is tbf, but every now and again I'm stricken by a tiny bit of humanity because I know a good few of the foreign lads around the place and get on well with them now that they're here. Anyway, I saw a tweet the other day that sort of summed up where I see things going and it just wouldn't be where I'd be at whatsoever despite sharing many of the concerns of most people. Yes it's all the government's fault but the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend so now I'm in a position where I agree with fucking nothing anymore

Ah Lunar Blood, seriously, have you not seen the videos in Fermoy where he's telling workers go back to your own country, and tries to stop them from doing their job?
Also stopping another person of colour from doing his job last week, and starting it again this week before he got his come uppance about his own wife being a foreigner.

What makes you think the church in Mitchelstown is getting paid for doing as they like with their own property? Is that not the same property that Bazz did the retrofit on RTÉ and got racist abuse for doing so? A lad here was involved in tiling the place.
I didn't hear of Derek offering to work on the place but with his baggage (getting a charity shop closed down for starters) and blatant lies it's hard to see why any organisation would get involved with him and give him a propaganda platform.

He's a despicable, hypocritical piece of shit along with his thug brother (who changed his surname to try to absolve himself from his past crimes all over Cork).

Have to presume they meant without spoiling the ballot paper, etc., but what an awful choice of words!

I saw Heasman getting mocked and more for illegally taking a photo of his complete ballot paper, inside the booth, and then sharing it to his social media account. And I'd say he's not the only one of the candidate bunch this year who could have done with a hand voting "correctly"  :laugh:

There were 27 candidates on the European Parliament ballot paper in my area, it was about two foot long. At least half of them I'd never heard of, and some of the clowns going for it this time, fucking hell. Nina Carberry, Peter Casey, Ciaran Mullooly, wudja stop.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 08, 2024, 01:28:29 PMHave to presume they meant without spoiling the ballot paper, etc., but what an awful choice of words!

I saw Heasman getting mocked and more for illegally taking a photo of his complete ballot paper, inside the booth, and then sharing it to his social media account. And I'd say he's not the only one of the candidate bunch this year who could have done with a hand voting "correctly"  :laugh:

Those twitter posts telling lads to make sure and sign the ballot so it couldn't be tampered with and to draw circles around the candidates they didn't want to vote for were fairly funny. Some of them were very subtle indeed

I hear your points lads and no snare I haven't seen but I'll take your word for it as what I was talking about would have been well over a year ago and if that is the case we'll he's fucked himself rightly hasn't he because that's awful behaviour. And I'm unaware of his brother so again I'll take your word for it. I understand he has said and done a lot more since then, but I was just making the point I think he had the right idea at the start of the Ukrainian migration to at least have a conversation about but to respond to Astfgyl's point I agree and think certainly lads have come to this conclusion but for all the wrong reasons, jumping to hatred of the person rather than the system and it doesn't help anyone. And Snare, I wouldn't be surprised if he is a scut, I was just separating the man from the argument and seeing was there something to consider.

Quote from: Lunar blood on June 08, 2024, 02:12:12 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 08, 2024, 01:05:36 PM

Then there's this "to make sure they voted correctly"

Some scam

Is this a joke?! 😅, that's fairly bad jesus.

There's videos from all over of lads bussing in migrants to voting centres and it's not going to make people any happier even if it works in the locals it's going to be felt at the GE. Don't forget the migrants can't vote in that one so today's results are not going to be a good indicator of what's to come at the next vote and government parties who gain from it would do well not to be too emboldened by any of it