#2025 February 24, 2021, 12:12:28 PM Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 12:16:43 PM by Kurt Cocaine
And feminists can fuck oof too....  :laugh:


Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 24, 2021, 12:05:08 PM
Quote from: Emphyrio on February 24, 2021, 11:58:54 AM
I don't think anyone likes the idea of being lectured to by a brand, so I definitely see people boycotting Coke.

That's what I mean; imagine being so self-absorbed that, after all the decades worth of multifarious crimes to the planet, society, and the species committed by the Coca-Cola company, it would be a perceived insult to one's own ego that would tip it over to publicly declaring a personal boycott. But then sure, isn't that just another expression of the very human condition that really does unite all of us homo sapiens!

"Be less white" is a racist statement to make. If any company where to come out with such blatant racism against black people with a "be less black" campaign, you and the rest of the "Wokeies" would instead be championing a "Cancel Coke" campaign along with the rest of the SJW loons.

#2028 February 24, 2021, 01:12:15 PM Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 01:15:04 PM by Caomhaoin
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 24, 2021, 09:36:03 AM
The Coke stuff is all highly ridiculous, btw, but there is still a fundamental issue that the whole concept of "whiteness" that all these diverse parties are trying to grapple with is, it seems to me, not understood at all, not even abstractly, by everyone getting outraged by it and repeating the "replace white with literally any other ethnic or minority group...yadda yadda yadda."

I know people who take pride in having mush for brains don't care, but for everyone else, there is something in there to be grasped, and which in part explains why the whole discussion, from both sides, has become such a clusterfuck.

People are 'outraged' by it because it's racism, pure and simple, and asking that question with any other group other than whites or heterosexuals is a valid point. Why not just call it out for what it is?

If whiteness is such an incoherent concept, surely all other 'colours' are subject to that criteria.

There is no way you or anybody else would be philosophical about it if 'try to be less gay' or 'try to be less obviously transsexual' or whatever the case may be was extolled.

Be less white and more gay please....

Quote from: Mower Liberation Front on February 24, 2021, 01:09:25 PM


Yo blud. How do you size the photo to fit the size of the page?

Asking for a friend....

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 24, 2021, 09:36:03 AM
The Coke stuff is all highly ridiculous, btw, but there is still a fundamental issue that the whole concept of "whiteness" that all these diverse parties are trying to grapple with is, it seems to me, not understood at all, not even abstractly, by everyone getting outraged by it and repeating the "replace white with literally any other ethnic or minority group...yadda yadda yadda."

I know people who take pride in having mush for brains don't care, but for everyone else, there is something in there to be grasped, and which in part explains why the whole discussion, from both sides, has become such a clusterfuck.

I fully get that by saying whiteness, they mean something other than colour, but in the interest of not pissing people off they really need to come up with another term for what they actually mean.

Maybe you could explain what it is they do mean for those who see it as the racist term that it has become

I had this in another thread so pasting it over here where it fits

Anyway, this was also funny: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/life-style/coca-cola-racism-robin-diangelo-coke-b1806122.html%3famp

Especially when viewed in light of the second result when searching "racist coca cola"..


Cant have it every way, Coke.

Or can they?? https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/fanta-our-favourite-bright-orange-drink-with-a-dark-past-7f3224d23b6a

Should have given the race training its own product to associate with

Quote from: Caomhaoin on February 24, 2021, 01:12:15 PM
People are 'outraged' by it because it's racism, pure and simple, and asking that question with any other group other than whites or heterosexuals is a valid point. Why not just call it out for what it is?

If whiteness is such an incoherent concept, surely all other 'colours' are subject to that criteria.

There is no way you or anybody else would be philosophical about it if 'try to be less gay' or 'try to be less obviously transsexual' or whatever the case may be was extolled.

I personally wouldn't call it "racism". I'd call it confused, and also confusing as a result. Confusing in the sense that it is confusing the general discourse, on both sides of what it is making a very blurry debate, rather than clarifying it. As has been pointed out, one of the major figures behind all of this stuff is Robin DiAngelo, who is white. And confused. Being white and confused, I personally wouldn't call her a "racist" towards her fellow white people. By the same token, I don't think all instances of blackface, for example, are acts of racism, and neither do you. And in that sense, it seems to me that a lot of the people who are outraged by this stuff aren't outraged because they feel they are the targets of what they would deem to be racism; they're outraged because they feel like some other group are getting away with something that they feel they're not allowed to get away with anymore. Hence all the, "replace 'white' with literally any other minority and see what happens" argumentation. Trump had authoritarian personality traits but wasn't a fascist, blackface on the whole is insensitive but not every instance of it is racist, and this entire critique of "whiteness" (qua physically embodied symbol of historic domination) schtick is highly confused and confusing but not racist.

Basically, I think people can hold themselves to a higher standard for their own discourse than simply turning criteria they otherwise consistently criticize back on the people who came up with those criteria at the first opportunity they get. In an important sense, in doing that, you're literally reducing yourself to their level in order to spite them. So maybe you succeed in spiting them; bravo. But then you've also reduced yourself to their level, the level you've spent so much energy criticizing, and that lowering of your own criteria should be of higher personal concern to anyone trying to elevate the discourse than scoring points. Especially against, as Pedrito has been correct to emphasize, as hypocritical an entity as Coca-Cola.

Again, it's the story of this entire thread; The PC and Perpetually Offended Brigade... containing for the most part only tabloid outrage, i.e. a brigade whose bread and butter ($$$£££€€€) consists in perpetually amplifying shit for its audience to take offense at. 

Dear God can you please make a point without a wall of text???

Answer this please in one sentence or less, if I said to my employees that they should "try to be less black", would you call that racist?

Quote from: Blackout on February 24, 2021, 03:41:39 PM
Dear God can you please make a point without a wall of text???

Answer this please in one sentence or less, if I said to my employees that they should "try to be less black", would you call that racist?

Did I miss the memo where I owe you something?

I've made my point, and the answer to your silly question is already contained therein, should you care to find it.

Coke already tried to be less black, as it happens..


The long answer above does make a fair point re whiteness, but just as blackface is not always racist, but now universally vilified in the media, I must insist on the same standards being applied to the term whiteness in the interests of fairness and in spite of knowing what it is trying to get at.

It's like how the words queer and faggot have taken on a meaning beyond their original intent. I know what they really mean but I don't use them for the most part (quare gets a pass if one is Irish) because they have become controversial. So while it was quite alright for frodo and sam to throw a few faggots on the fire, we try to avoid it nowadays. The term whiteness must now go the same way for better or worse.

Also readying my letter to Jacobs complaining about the racist undertones in their continued insistence on selling cream crackers. They must henceforth be referred to, and marketed as, cream caucasians. Crackerjack firelighters are also bang out of order.

Black pudding is racist so it'll be known as Pigs Blood Pudding. Meanwhile White Pudding will remain the same.

White is much better than black anyway.

Pudding that is.

Black is better than white.

So the wife says anyway.