Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on February 12, 2021, 12:30:14 PM
Who is it here that loves The Guardian?


There are many countries that shit things happen in yet Israel is always the one that gets the flak. Nobody is stifled from discussing the transgressions of Israel. It's an international sport at this stage. That BDS bullshit wouldn't fly if targeted at any other non western country.

Quote from: astfgyl on February 14, 2021, 09:16:30 PM

Freedom of speech lives on

Quite a few things omitted from that account from an ultra Christian source, so might as well complement with the absolute polar opposite:

The University is well within their rights to block a master's student from covering a controversial topic they think he is at risk of botching. I mean, it's a master's dissertation, a ten-a-penny master's dissertation; prove you can handle a more manageable subject first, and then go for the big one. Sounds like the guy was hiding a lot of his cards all along and only really cares about the buzz; he'd have finished his master's long ago and could be working on whatever he likes now...presuming, of course, he had the actual capacity for the work required.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 14, 2021, 09:37:28 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on February 14, 2021, 09:16:30 PM

Freedom of speech lives on

Quite a few things omitted from that account from an ultra Christian source, so might as well complement with the absolute polar opposite:

The University is well within their rights to block a master's student from covering a controversial topic they think he is at risk of botching. I mean, it's a master's dissertation, a ten-a-penny master's dissertation; prove you can handle a more manageable subject first, and then go for the big one. Sounds like the guy was hiding a lot of his cards all along and only really cares about the buzz; he'd have finished his master's long ago and could be working on whatever he likes now...presuming, of course, he had the actual capacity for the work required.

Yeah that site seemed a little biased to say the least but the fact that he wasn't allowed to touch the subject seems to be  real enough.

The fact that other papers exist doesn't take from the point that he wasn't allowed to write about it, even with the reasons given. I think he could be judged on his work on its own merit. Or lack thereof as may well be the case.

I doubt I'd have read it anyway or heard of it other than his taking it further but I would be a small bit curious now to see how it turns out.

Maybe there's a case to be made that because it is so controversial that the university should stay out of it.

What's so controversial about it anyway? Surely it's to be expected that some who make the change will regret it, much like anything else.

Quote from: astfgyl on February 15, 2021, 03:02:55 PM
the fact that he wasn't allowed to touch the subject seems to be  real enough.

The fact that other papers exist doesn't take from the point that he wasn't allowed to write about it, even with the reasons given. I think he could be judged on his work on its own merit. Or lack thereof as may well be the case.

What's so controversial about it anyway?

It would have been a clinical study in psychotherapy using real human participants, not just some essay he was going to scribble out over a weekend. Even the most innocuous of psych studies require validation by an ethics committee, and if anything seems amiss, you're sent back to the drawing board. But, of course, Caspian himself has been completely hiding that entire ethics with regards to participants dimension of it. The guy is now being represented by groups called Christian Concern and Christian Legal Aid; it seems pretty clear he came at the subject already holding the drum he wanted to beat, and even his story about how his proposed subject supposedly "evolved" doesn't seem to stand up.

Aye, there is definitely a larger agenda here beyond his thesis. The names of his representatives give that away straight off. Even so, if he has the decade of experience that the story says he has, the likelihood of him doing much untoward with it was surely minimal enough.

I honestly don't even see how the subject is controversial. Like if he balanced it out with those who are happy with the change, it could be a grand bit of work.

Then again, if he is supported by the 2 christian groups it's unlikely he'd have been impartial. I'll be interested to see how he gets on if I remember it, or to see how the university responds to the accusation.

And I still have a feeling that if he was doing the thesis and focusing entirely on the positive aspects of the sex change, there would be less opposition. That's a hunch though, I don't generally pay much attention unless something seems ridiculous and if the story is taken at face value it does seem a bit dopey.

If you were the head of a university ethics board, would you give someone who believed in gay conversion therapy the university's stamp and approval to go out and interview gay people about whether they regretted coming out or not? You'd have to be fucking mad to trust them.

Fair enough point. I'm not familiar with his background but if he can't prove it's unbiased then fuck him I suppose.

Did he get the chance to produce anything before the refusal I guess is the next question. Or should he even have to balance it with positive stories?


Another beaut here. It's getting increasingly obvious that most of the world is lacking the inner monologue

Quote from: astfgyl on February 16, 2021, 03:09:41 PM

Another beaut here. It's getting increasingly obvious that most of the world is lacking the inner monologue

No primary source, zero attempt to provide any evidence that this may have actually happened. No idea who this "Rufo" character is, but anyone with a large audience relating something like this (whether or not it's genuinely true, which it may well be) in a format that is identical to hearsay is actually making people stupider and less critical, when what is needed across the board is precisely the opposite.

Why do you insist on sharing hearsay? I mean, it's not just you; this entire thread would be about 100 pages shorter if all the hearsay were removed, but still.

Got it from Glenn Greenwald who is usually fairly decent at avoiding the baseless claims.

Do you think it's far fetched? I don't.

Quote from: astfgyl on February 16, 2021, 03:43:14 PM
Got it from Glenn Greenwald who is usually fairly decent at avoiding the baseless claims.

Do you think it's far fetched? I don't.

I didn't say I think it's far fetched. Very little is far fetched these days. But that's got nothing to do with the fact that no evidence is provided for it having happened. The document itself presumably does exist, lots of things like it have been written, but the thing about the high school is presented as hearsay, and apparently that's not problematic even to Glenn Greenwald, which is perhaps indicative of how strongly his recent (understandable) anti-woke bias is working inside his head.