#1725 January 23, 2021, 07:43:55 PM Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 07:50:55 PM by Caomhaoin
Has anybody been required to do inclusivity or unconscious bias training? Kurt Bonnie Prince Charlie, take a look at what Chris and pals have planned for us in the workplace :)


Sign me up for the Sexism brainwashing session.

The examples of 'micro aggressions' are so dumb that there is no way a rational person could take them seriously.

Condescension is inevitable in Senior Counsel already. It's very much a boys club atmosphere. Rock Boys, moreover.

Christ on a crutch lads, ye are spouting some fucking childish, foolish drivel here.
In order to Qualify for senior counsel the applicant must have at least a dozen years as junior counsel under their belt, as such the scummy bloodcunts in the Dept. of justice know exactly who may apply for the post.
To my knowledge there are no "minorities" in acting junior counsel posts presently. there are a number of women.
Who gets the job is the person who has networked, cajoled, lobbied, slapped backs or sucked cocks the best during their time as junior counsel.
Its not who they are, its who they know.

Some of that is undeniable.

No disrespect to anyone in the legal profession here, but they are up there with the internal revenue (absolute cabal of gangsters here in Spain) as the biggest nest of fucking bastards going, regardless of what their privy parts look like. Hard to avoid dealing with either in life, mores the pity.

My sister is a lawyer, incidentally.

Is she good looking?
I might have a job for her.

Wit and discretion from this lad ☝🏻

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 23, 2021, 07:13:26 PM
Also, what you don't seem to realize, is that when it comes to Senior Counsel in Ireland, "diverse backgrounds" can mean literally anyone outside of a man who went to either Blackrock College or Gonzaga, etc., and then to Trinity.

I do realise that. I also don't think that being female should in any way preclude anybody from the job. Same goes for any other under-represented group. I believe in the ideal of true equality, where no one gives a fuck who or what you are and you either suit a given position through your qualifications or not and no one gets to be fucking special because there are less of them.

It's like when someone says that minorities are under-represented in governments etc, I think sure why wouldn't they be if things are fair? If a group makes up 10% of the population, it might be proportional if they only make up 10% of a typical workforce. All of this focus on diversity seems counterproductive to me. We're all human and differences are part of that. So fucking what if less women apply to that job, it's up to themselves to have the belief to apply, and it shouldn't be discouraged or encouraged, just let it happen.

All this equality shit has set us all back years by constantly pointing out differences and making distinct groups out of everyone. No need for it, shit was progressing anyway. Surely most of us are enlightened enough to think that people should be given equal opportunity without it being pointed out to us all the time. The whole world could do with taking the yokes, it would sort a lot out. I bet every one of us here has friends of different nationalities, religions, any of the 45 genders etc, so we already know all of this. Like there is only one judgement and that is are people sound or not. Personally, beyond that I don't give a flying fuck. People in positions like McEntee there should know better and simply point out that all are welcome instead of pointing out that some are more welcome than others.

I work for a company with over 80% female workforce. So fucking what? Do I think every day that there should be more blokes in it? No, I don't give a fuck once I have a job and get paid. I don't even feel like I'm in the minority, it doesn't make a fuck of a difference. I applied, I got the job, end of. Isn't everyone an equal opportunities employer these days and has been for years?

You're reading into it all skewed. Since there is a pretty damn well justified reason for believing that access to Senior Counsel is a boys club type affair (even Morrigan alluded to this above), women in Junior Counsel are less likely to apply...and so disparity continues. The word from above is that, no, it's no longer a boys club deciding, so please, women, apply; you do have as much of a chance. So, in fact, encouraging women to apply is the only way of saying that "all are welcome", because the default understanding is already that "some are more welcome than others". See?

If a certain ilk of person wasn't so keen to find offense at what they perceive to be overly "progressive" trends, then, indeed, no one would have batted an eyelid at this word of encouragement. Personally, I think parity in law and parity in politics are of particular importance, insofar as "representation" is of any meaning. You can't just compare wherever it is you work to the courts of the land, to the law-makers of the land, and especially not in Ireland (among other countries) where the law has been so absolutely deaf to women's plights for decades. If you really think about it, we actually are a country where we need things to be pointed out to us all the time, aren't we?

#1735 January 24, 2021, 05:37:57 AM Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 08:21:16 AM by Caomhaoin
'The plight of women'. Ya. Most American women didn't want suffrage when it was granted, as there was a widespread fear of it being a prerequisite to being obliged to do military service. Being cannon fodder was and always has been a big, back slapping 'here we are now, all the lads' club too though, right?

King of the ludicrous non sequitur. Conversation is about historical reasoning for promoting gender parity in the Irish legal system, Kev brings up fear of US women being used as cannon fodder. Couldn't find anything "pertinent" from South Africa for this one, no?

#1737 January 24, 2021, 09:14:52 AM Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 09:16:52 AM by Caomhaoin
You said it was a big boys club, which as far as I can tell is idle speculation.

I'm referring to your white knighting with the 'plight' of women. You mean, when a Ryanair trip was needed to have live dismemberment performed on the unborn?  Or the 'slavery' of marriage?

Or the 'pay gap' (ha ha)?

I think it's pretty obvious that this Morrigan chap and I come from very different political poles, but he also takes it as fact that Senior Counsel and the inner bar in Ireland are an old boys club. Besides which, I have two classmates who work in the four courts, one male, one female, both of whom struggle because they went to some unknown Irish school in Bray rather than one of the private old boys schools, like Blackrock or Gonzaga, who explicitly promote each others careers, fight against reform to access to those schools, etc. It is well known, not idle speculation.

As for why it may be good to have gender parity before the law rather than letting only men decide, I think you do quite a good enough job illustrating why that is all by yourself.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 24, 2021, 09:14:52 AM
You said it was a big boys club, which as far as I can tell is idle speculation.

I'm referring to your white knighting with the 'plight' of women. You mean, when a Ryanair trip was needed to have live dismemberment performed on the unborn?  Or the 'slavery' of marriage?

Or the 'pay gap' (ha ha)?
Well yeah I would include access to abortion, but you could throw in stuff like the laundries, or even more recent the complete shite made of maternity care during lockdown