Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 12, 2021, 08:21:36 PM

Amazing 😂😂😂

Ah for fuck sake just fucking get over it. So they are sending signals that they don't give a fuck. So fucking what?!

Just learn to not give a fuck in return says me ignoring my own advice. Sticks and stones and all that

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 12, 2021, 08:21:36 PM

Amazing 😂😂😂


The saddest thing about this is that there's always been certain Irish people who give out reams about Brit journalists who can't pronounce Taoiseach and various Irish names.

Yeah sure imagine not being able to pronounce a word you've never seen before the imperialist cunts. And then they really stuck the devil in us all with that imperialist heavy metal music. And all they had to do was get a few names right.

I know a welsh fella who pronounces Áine as On Ya

Yeah, the lead singer from Skerries or wherever he's from must suffer extreme doses of unconscious discrimination!

I wonder what Stalin and the boys would have thought about 'wokeness'? At its core, their doctrine and this shite have nothing in common. The big lad would probably be as nauseated as the rest of us. Which is reassuring :)

Jesus, the feminists will give out about anything.


During the early stages of pregnancy, women were advised to hang up a small-sized outfit that they want to wear after giving birth to "motivate" them not to overeat or skip exercises.

"By not putting off household chores like cleaning and doing the dishes, it will help with maintaining your weight even without doing extra exercise," the Pregnancy and Childbirth Information Centre website said.

As their due date approaches, an expectant mother should prepare a few meals in advance for her husband who will be "unfamiliar with cooking", and ensure he has clean underwear, socks, shirts and handkerchieves to last him until his wife returns from hospital.

"Avoid causing inconvenience to your family by checking if there are enough toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and detergent," the website stated.

Woman executed yesterday for killing a woman and baby. The first thing people say is "oh the poor woman was mentally ill feel sorry for her". Idiots.

Did she kill yer wan cos she wanted the foetus or something?

Quote from: Blackout on January 13, 2021, 03:19:15 PM
Woman executed yesterday for killing a woman and baby. The first thing people say is "oh the poor woman was mentally ill feel sorry for her". Idiots.

I think it's more that she was a victim of intense sexual abuse as a child, that's what I saw reported anyway. The nature of the murder was fairly "mental" as well; strangled a heavily pregnant woman, cut the baby out of her belly, and tried to make out the baby was hers. And then, 17 years later, executed. Her execution will no doubt be a powerful deterrent to anyone who ever considers committing such an act themselves from here on out!

That last sentence was sarcasm btw. An utterly pointless execution, all things considered... such as y'know, the purported objective of capital punishment.

Don't think opposition to the death penalty reasonably comes under the umbrella of "PC gone mad" unless you're already down a path.

Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on January 13, 2021, 03:35:06 PM
Don't think opposition to the death penalty reasonably comes under the umbrella of "PC gone mad" unless you're already down a path.

I wasn't defending the death penalty you idiot, I am saying that the go-to auto-defence of women committing heinous crimes is "hur dur poor woman mentally ill".

I and plenty of people I know have had rough upbringings and never committed a crime in our lives nevermind the murder of a young woman.

The death penalty is not an effective deterrent, that's borne out. Its cunts who truly deserve it, like Jon Venebles, not being punished appropriately that brings people's blood to a boil and shouting for the return of hanging.

I'm not in favour of it simply because there is too much room for error. 'Living' in a horrible maximum security prison in the US with no chance of ever leaving is worse in any case.

From what I've seen in that 'worlds toughest prisons', prisons in Norway and Greenland would suit a hell of a lot of people better who  still at liberty.

Quote from: Blackout on January 13, 2021, 03:57:32 PM
Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on January 13, 2021, 03:35:06 PM
Don't think opposition to the death penalty reasonably comes under the umbrella of "PC gone mad" unless you're already down a path.

I wasn't defending the death penalty you idiot, I am saying that the go-to auto-defence of women committing heinous crimes is "hur dur poor woman mentally ill".  This qualifies as "pc gone mad".

I and plenty of people I know have had rough upbringings and never committed a crime in our lives nevermind the murder of a young woman.

A woman has to be fairly legitimately touched in the head to hack a baby out of a dead woman's womb and try to pass it off as her own. I mean, some acts surely speak for themselves as far as mental stability goes.

Quote from: Emphyrio on January 13, 2021, 02:06:14 PM
Jesus, the feminists will give out about anything.


During the early stages of pregnancy, women were advised to hang up a small-sized outfit that they want to wear after giving birth to "motivate" them not to overeat or skip exercises.

"By not putting off household chores like cleaning and doing the dishes, it will help with maintaining your weight even without doing extra exercise," the Pregnancy and Childbirth Information Centre website said.

As their due date approaches, an expectant mother should prepare a few meals in advance for her husband who will be "unfamiliar with cooking", and ensure he has clean underwear, socks, shirts and handkerchieves to last him until his wife returns from hospital.

"Avoid causing inconvenience to your family by checking if there are enough toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and detergent," the website stated.

Must show this to the wife. She is getting away with murder