Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 04, 2021, 09:53:09 AM
Quote from: Bigmac on January 04, 2021, 09:13:41 AM
I could be wrong, but the "coverage" of most other publications seem to be dodging this on their "news" sites, so at last with this we have a full view of everything going on.

I mean, I don't know to what extent some random, and more importantly nameless, guy standing on a corner talking about things he doesn't have full knowledge of (such as that, when the British slave trade was abolished, Ireland was more of an occupied colony than, say, Nigeria) actually constitutes "news", but, sure, I guess the main news sites aren't giving so much attention to the violence, while not completely ignoring it either.
Why shouldn't some guy spouting false shite with a microphone on the junction of a main road constitute news?
Same as a guy calling for cop's blood constitutes news.
Same as dopes posting false information on a knife wielding crim on the web constitutes news.
Some balance here Chris, please....

Yes, the brother of a guy killed by the police seemingly calling for violent retribution against the police is news-worthy.
No, a nameless randomer on a soapbox with a loose grasp of historical fact is not news-worthy.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 04, 2021, 10:36:37 AM
No, a nameless randomer on a soapbox with a loose grasp of historical fact is not news-worthy.

Subjective I guess. With over 4,000 comments on that particular video, it would seem many think otherwise.

From the article previously posted by Blackshep:

'Nkencho, who had a history of mental health issues and threatening behaviour, was followed to his mother's home in Clonee by gardai. They say they repeatedly asked him to drop his weapon but he refused to do so.

Officers say they had previously been called to deal with disturbances arising from his behaviour at the house in Manorfields. Members of the family had obtained protection orders against the young man on the basis that he posed a threat to their safety'.

Case closed.

Everything else is just noise. Some of our politicians should be absolutely ashamed of themselves trying to drum this into some sort of points winning exercise. Ambulance chasing tactics to seem more in with a certain community. An absolute disgrace that only serves to get peoples' back up and foster an unease between 'communities' that likely didn't exist in any physical format before that.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 04, 2021, 10:36:37 AM
Yes, the brother of a guy killed by the police seemingly calling for violent retribution against the police is news-worthy.
No, a nameless randomer on a soapbox with a loose grasp of historical fact is not news-worthy.
He's doing a great job of pissing off a large proportion of the honest hard working people of this country as was that silly bitch screaming at the 'whites' through the shutters of what I assume is Spar, the other day.
Way to make friends and influence people alright...

This is what's a hot topic here at the moment in Ireland but obviously not in Ivory Towers somewhere in France.

Quote from: Pedrito on January 04, 2021, 10:46:57 AM
From the article previously posted by Blackshep:

'Nkencho, who had a history of mental health issues and threatening behaviour, was followed to his mother's home in Clonee by gardai. They say they repeatedly asked him to drop his weapon but he refused to do so.

Officers say they had previously been called to deal with disturbances arising from his behaviour at the house in Manorfields. Members of the family had obtained protection orders against the young man on the basis that he posed a threat to their safety'.

Case closed.

Everything else is just noise. Some of our politicians should be absolutely ashamed of themselves trying to drum this into some sort of points winning exercise.

The podcast I posted a link to above, it turns out, is the podcast run by the guy who wrote that article in The Times. He is of the opinion that some of our politicians should be absolutely ashamed, but also of the opinion that the far right false information instrumentalization of the story, at both the national Irish level and international level, is something to be taken seriously, as a recurring and ongoing phenomenon in its own right.

There's an awful lot of 'far right' about nowadays. They're pouring, just pouring out of the woodwork.

#1567 January 04, 2021, 11:27:28 AM Last Edit: January 04, 2021, 11:41:19 AM by Kurt Cocaine
Quote from: Bigmac on January 04, 2021, 08:17:55 AM
The far-right at it again in the comments.

I just watched that again, jaysus it's cringe. Have these people no handlers or anyone to guide them in the right direction?

The irony is, if this well spoken well intentioned African gentleman here in this video ever did get himself into a good position of wealth and power in this country he'd be gone outta the hood and soapbox city like a snot off a fingernail, never to return.

The 'Far Right'. 'White Nationalists'. Using this vocabulary in completely unsuitable contexts is evidence of brainwashing.

Sure you probably don't even think Vox are far right Kev.

#1572 January 04, 2021, 02:42:35 PM Last Edit: January 04, 2021, 02:51:58 PM by Caomhaoin
They are a conservative catholic party, nothing whatsoever to do with 'far right', which is just a hijacked word used by the left to discredit their political opponents without having to engage with them. Así de simple.

Having a negative view of illegal immigration and abortion is not extremist, and if you believe that it is,  you're buying into the leftist herd think and not using your brain, it's just labelling and confirming your biases.

They wanted to make the gender violence law here in Spain to apply to both genders (not removing the law, just making the same avenues available to men) and the feminists here went absolutely spastic. FAR RIGHT! NAZIS!

For a man who demands more nuanced thinking from others, you are decidedly lazy in your approach to those who don't think like you do.

It's a real pity that it had to be a black fellow who was killed because it's galvanising both sides of a mostly nonexistent racial divide here. I say mostly because of course there will always be elements of that anywhere but the vast majority have no real interest in any of that shit. A sad situation we find ourselves in.

Same with the left and right thing how everything boils down to that divide which of course isn't half as apparent in every day life as it is on social media and the news. Sure look at ye two above this able to argue a point and still keep it good humoured while doing it. Real life is way more like that here than the shit we read and watch.

Don't be so sure it's good humoured, I'll be packing my Air Max, trackie bottoms with hot rock holes, moustache and enormous Irish flag for my next trip to Bordeaux :)