Perhaps, but most importantly, what it refers to as "lies" is code for "lies".

I can't even remember who was at the other side of that discussion with you, literally everyone else had moved on from what Pedro referred to as "noise" on both left and right, but hey, you keep running with that baton.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 03, 2021, 07:00:34 PM
Gardai showing themselves to be as disconnected from reality as I am by worrying about lies being spread in both narratives. There's just no reasoning with them!

QuoteAn Garda Síochána is "very concerned" by "lies" being circulated widely online by "fascists and racists" falsely stating that the dead man, who had mental health problems, had more than 30 criminal convictions.

In fact the 27-year-old had no criminal convictions at all.

Of course, natural disclaimer, it's not impossible that the communist BLM LGBTQ 5G COVID conspiracy has infiltrated to the highest levels of the police and they're lying about the criminal record. Only time will tell. I for one am absolutely shocked to discover that people have in fact been fabricating stuff to make a bad egg immigrant look even worse, it's so...unprecedented, I mean, how could anyone ever possibly have predicted that that might happen unless they paid the mildest amount of attention to similar events of the past?

In one sentence they berate people for sharing that he had convictions, without proof, while promoting the idea that mental heath issues played a role, without proof. Strange one. Unless I've missed it being confirmed somewhere.

With sourcing being so important, would they not tell us who these "fascists" are? Seems a bit wishy washy for an article regarding unsourced claims.

Quote from: Emphyrio on January 03, 2021, 07:29:06 PM
but hey, you keep running with that baton.

The baton of "intelligent people should take ownership of and responsibility for the incriminating unconfirmed stuff they communicate to others"? You can be sure of it. People need to learn to recognize what has a high chance of being bullshit. It's really surprisingly easy. And if it annoys people to hear that, well, that's also part of human nature, to be accepted or overcome, as one wishes.

This video is blatant and unabashedly racist, yet YouTube does not take it down. The like/dislike ratio tells its own story, but it's outrageous shit like this is allowed on YouTube and calling a person with a penis and a wig a man on Twitter can get you the jail.

Strange that the Gardaí would even release a statement of that sort. I've never seen anything like it released, EVER, for crimes committed in our country. We've hard Gardaí murdered intentionally by assassins and never once was the mental health of the murderer discussed. Obviously a directive from above and meant to placate a section of the community who are seen as different, as many ways that is such a racist view of things, and it's the powers that be that are making the distinction and I think they're making a massive mistake.

You'd wonder who the victims are in all of this? Why are they so intent on making this different to every other crime committed in our country? Is he not considered Irish? Should the law be different because he is a different colour? I get Chris' obsession about details to a point but lets review the very serious details revealed in the article he linked above:

'Earlier he had twice been tasered by gardaí, as well as pepper sprayed, after he attacked a Eurospar manager and threatened gardaí with a knife during a 30-minute stand-off during which he was repeatedly asked to drop the knife he was brandishing'.

Is this ok behaviour or am I just out of touch or old fashioned or something? A Garda had to shoot someone. It's a big deal in our country  it doesn't happen much and I've seen loads od rumours fly about in relation to previous 'big news stories' that were subsequently proved wrong as details emerged. That's my view of it all. Any attempt to sway this to some support for right wing nonsense can go fuck itself as far as I'm concerned as I believe the attempt to swing it towards a left wing narrative has already done enough damage as is.

John Carthy's mental health was absolutely central to the situation.

I'm also quite confused as to why, in an article that states that a direct threat was made by a member of the public against Gardai, that that the focus of attention is on an incorrect meme.

Quote from: Bigmac on January 03, 2021, 08:04:45 PM
I'm also quite confused as to why, in an article that states that a direct threat was made by a member of the public against Gardai, that that the focus of attention is on an incorrect meme.

This is, in a word, just a thick thing to say.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 03, 2021, 08:05:42 PM
Quote from: Bigmac on January 03, 2021, 08:04:45 PM
I'm also quite confused as to why, in an article that states that a direct threat was made by a member of the public against Gardai, that that the focus of attention is on an incorrect meme.

This is, in a word, just a thick thing to say.

Do go on.

#1511 January 03, 2021, 08:16:44 PM Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 08:28:23 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
No, it doesn't merit any more than that. Pedro's points do though:

Quote from: Pedrito on January 03, 2021, 07:56:13 PM
Strange that the Gardaí would even release a statement of that sort. I've never seen anything like it released, EVER, for crimes committed in our country. We've hard Gardaí murdered intentionally by assassins and never once was the mental health of the murderer discussed. Obviously a directive from above and meant to placate a section of the community who are seen as different, as many ways that is such a racist view of things, and it's the powers that be that are making the distinction and I think they're making a massive mistake.

You'd wonder who the victims are in all of this? Why are they so intent on making this different to every other crime committed in our country? Is he not considered Irish? Should the law be different because he is a different colour?

The reason that you don't get it is because you're downplaying the potential danger of racial tension. The gardai are not. Do you know better than the gardai what the racial tensions are like today [edit - in these communities you used to live in], in 2021, after, what, more than a decade of immigration?

To answer your hypotheticals, though not in the way you intended, no, he's not considered Irish by the anti-immigrant movement (soft, hard, in-between). He's not considered an Irish person with mental health problems; he's considered a multiple recidivist African "animal", which some believe is typical of all African immigrants (many more than you seem willing to believe too). It's different to other crimes because the perpetrator has been killed, so they have to treat it with extra care. After John Carthy was killed by police, an FBI team was brought in by the gardai to it's totally normal for a case like this to be treated differently and with extra care which pays attention to whatever particularities are specific to it. In this case, racial tensions are one of those things. The gardai are doing their job now just as much as they were doing their job when they decided he had to be taken down. In the latter instance, that fit with how you see the world, so you applauded; in the former instance, it challenges how you see the world, so you doubt. Confirmation bias once again.

There are tensions of all kinds between different groups living cheek by jowl, and this has been the case for as long as history has been recorded. In the last decade, and amplified by the Floyd killing, however, if one of those groups happens to black, God bless and praise us, you'd need a brass ring piece not to shit yourself if you're  on the other side of it.

Quote from: Bigmac on January 03, 2021, 07:36:23 PM
In one sentence they berate people for sharing that he had convictions, without proof, while promoting the idea that mental heath issues played a role, without proof. Strange one. Unless I've missed it being confirmed somewhere.

They've already said, as the family have also confirmed, that he was known to them for some amount of time as someone who had mental health issues, so presumably from their house visits the police as an entity had first-hand experience of this.

Ok lads, does anyone here think this shooting was racially motivated? No.

Does everyone here know that the story will be distorted to fuck as it Chinese whispers its way around social media and word of mouth? Yes.

Will it fuel needless racial tension? Of course it fucking will.

It's really fucking annoying.