Quote from: StoutAndAle on December 09, 2020, 05:09:17 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on December 09, 2020, 04:27:28 PM

His wife was having an affair with an 18 year old glass collector who worked in the club bar and he himself got caught trying to rob the bingo money so I didn't really get too upset about it.

If ever a paragraph summed up small town Ireland that's it right there 😂

Quote from: Caomhaoin on December 09, 2020, 04:27:28 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on December 09, 2020, 03:28:49 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on December 09, 2020, 12:25:01 PM
The same principal as wearing red or white or any colour apart from black  boots when I played soccer or hurling was grounds for an ankle cruncher or snakey pull.

Only fags wear black boots now it seems. Or homophobes, I dunno, it's all very confusing.

I was the first on my team to play in white boots. The white Adidas predators. And as you said every spud picking cunt in mayo tried to give me a snakey hit. I loved it though. Made me play better knowing some prick was out to get me.

Soccer might have been slightly more forgiving but any kind of pony tails or coloured boots on a GAA pitch in the 90's was basically hanging a sign on yourself saying 'I'm a homosexual, please assault me'.

I played soccer, football and hurling (yes hurling exists in mayo, standard was shyte and I used to play during the summer for ardfinnan in tipp as the ould lads from there so was miles ahead of mayo people) in the 90's.

I got dogs abuse every training session and every game. Fucking queer, homo, hippie, cut your hair etc etc. Didn't faze me one bit. You learn to give it back. If someone said "Cut your hair ya ___________" I'd go "I'm still waiting for your old lady to come round and cut it, its being fucking weeks. I must have fucked her too hard last time". I'd love to be 12 and do it all again.

I did not have long hair as a young fella, but I do remember getting loads of slagging over a surfing t shirt I had at training once, rip curl or something, I think it belonged to my brother. I was bemused at all the 'surfing USA' stuff at first, I had no idea it was even a surf brand. And the first lad to turn up with red boots? Jaysus he got called all kinds of queers for the entire session, and he was a big boy aswell. Those hot shoes were quickly retired :)

Ah yeah I'm only slagging it's fairly deadly now to be fair.

I'm offended by all of the easily offended people. What a circle of shit. I wish I felt more zen about it all.

The PSG and Istanbul players walking off the pitch because the match official referred to some black coach as 'the black guy' and it being plastered all over the BBC, non-stop interviews with him, calling it a 'historic moment in the fight against racism'.

Because he was called 'the black guy'. No epithets, no abuse, 'the black guy'. What should the official have said?

Welcome to Dystopia my friends.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on December 12, 2020, 05:55:33 AM
The PSG and Istanbul players walking off the pitch because the match official referred to some black coach as ‘the black guy’ and it being plastered all over the BBC, non-stop interviews with him, calling it a ‘historic moment in the fight against racism’.

Because he was called ‘the black guy’. No epithets, no abuse, ‘the black guy’. What should the official have said?

Welcome to Dystopia my friends.

I dunno man, how about calling him by his bloody name? How's that for a wild stab in the dark. Learn people's names is the moral here really.

Ya, I think in this case it was poor judgement out of the 4th official. Even if he didn't know his name, he'd surely have known he was an assistant coach. You can get crucified for poor judgement these days, of course.

#1274 December 12, 2020, 01:19:05 PM Last Edit: December 12, 2020, 01:22:02 PM by Nazgûl
My initial reaction would be that it sounds like poor judgement too, although John Barnes had this to say on the matter (a man who experienced a lot of racism during his own career):

"Barnes wrote: "Its NOT racist to describe the offender as the black one! We are telling people to call us black ... he doesn't know his name, there are 6/7 coaches standing together all Turkish ... 1 is to be sent off, the ref says which one THE BLACK ONE what else can he say to let the ref know? Why can't you describe a black man as being a black man?"

He added further context to it too by rejecting the claim that the official could have simply pointed him out, given there was 6 coaches, 15 feet away all wearing the same tracksuit.