Quote from: Blackout on November 29, 2020, 05:11:07 PM
Quote from: Giggles on November 29, 2020, 12:10:18 PM
Can you give a better example of what you're talking about?

I don't agree with what you've said (or at least, my understanding of what you've said) and here's an example of my own:

A friend of mine works at an organic farm. One day there was a lot of digging to be done and when she volunteered to do it, the guy in charge looked at her and said "Nah, we usually leave the digging for the lads, there's work inside you can do that will be easier". She was having none of it so she grabbed a shovel and surprised them by showing that she was just as capable at shovelling shite than any of the lads there.

Now, whenever there's digging to be done, she's one of the first to be asked because "she's better than most of the other lads and she doesn't whinge and moan about it like they do".

So the lad in charge obviously had his own gender roles in mind: digging for the lads only cos the girls wouldn't be good at it. Or who knows, maybe his judgement could have been based on personal experience, maybe he had girls digging before and they weren't great at it? But still, isn't the whole point of feminism to give everybody an equal chance, regardless of their gender?

I'm curious if you've asked other women for their opinion about what they think about this kind of stuff being taught to kids?

This is quite the made-up story.

It's very believable, actually, especially the bit about her whinging less.

I've worked a lot of festivals where you'd have women in the crew in various roles and guess what? They were among the most capable on site, always, and did as much of the heavy lifting (I mean that literally) as any of the lads. Electricians, carpenters, riggers, engineers. Their gender had no bearing on their ability, which is the main message of that, however it's framed.

The "biological realist" arguments on these things are based on very shaky foundations tbh, as there seems to be a lot more variation between individuals than along any gender lines.

I would like to see real world studies that women in manual jobs would be more capable than a man based on physical traits as well as longevity. Its all very well saying biology is irrelevant but scientific evidence is always going to trump Anecdotal.

Neither of us have stated that women are hands down more capable than men at manual labour.

If it makes my story any easier for you to believe, I can point out that they were all volunteers who work the odd day every couple of weeks. It's not like she went in, grabbed a shovel and suddenly outbested a bunch of lads who do it for a living. But that's all irrelevant to the point I was trying to make.

I have no doubt that on paper, men come out on top in these situations.

I'm just saying in terms of real-world application, I haven't seen it actually making much of a difference to the job at hand and I think it's funny that you jump to the conclusion that there's no way a woman could possibly be outperforming a man and so that must be made up. 

I said I require scientific evidence uninfluenced by ideology. Your evidence  - whether you like it or not - is anecdotal.

#1190 November 30, 2020, 03:55:51 PM Last Edit: November 30, 2020, 03:59:35 PM by Nazgûl
Your 'requirement' is a bit of a strawman argument though that nobody was getting into here. You didn't believe a guys story about his mate, then made it about scientific evidence after another lad backed his example up with another.

Yung Zeppelin summed it up in everything he said there, particularly: 

Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on November 30, 2020, 02:08:56 PM
I have no doubt that on paper, men come out on top in these situations.

I'm just saying in terms of real-world application, I haven't seen it actually making much of a difference to the job at hand. 


Quote from: Yung Led Zeppelin on November 30, 2020, 02:08:56 PM
it's funny that you jump to the conclusion that there's no way a woman could possibly be outperforming a man and so that must be made up. 

Which you did.

The subject was regarding manual labour jobs.  At no stage did I say there was no way a woman could outperform a man at anything.

Steve Hughes (slaughter Lord, mortal sin, nazxul) on triggernometry. A show I've only dipped in to occasionally but liked whatever I've heard.


Plenty of metal references as well as the usual straight ahead woke slaughter!

Ex Footballer Dion Dublin is a retard. He said this today to the BBC after Millwall fans booed the kneeling down shite-

'They don't agree with taking the knee, which means they are racist. They don't agree with Black Lives Matter; that says they are racist to me.'

What a spastic.

It's laughable all these goons calling for the fans to be banned for BOOING.

Yeah but hauld on Kev now, ye can't be booing a solemn and sincere show of solidarity like thon.

It's hardly surprising outta Milwall fans either. Another set of goons.

This endless obsession with race is so unhealthy. It's a backwards step.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on December 05, 2020, 06:24:54 PM
Ex Footballer Dion Dublin is a retard. He said this today to the BBC after Millwall fans booed the kneeling down shite-

'They don't agree with taking the knee, which means they are racist. They don't agree with Black Lives Matter; that says they are racist to me.'

What a spastic.

Ah jaysus did he actually say that and does he not realise if he did say it that he is probably 10 times more racist than the lads he is condemning?

I thought it was a touch of class from the Millwall fans. Looking around twitter I see a good few black people agreeing with them too.