However, point taken. I agreed only with one sound byte she made, I was ill informed as to the extent of her  extremism.

Her way of describing immigration is, of course, daft. But a normal person can see past a lot of the nonsense of her language and put their own nuance on it. I know Kev is a bit slow, being from Kilkenny and what not, but even he wouldn't take her opinions and, more importantly, the way she voices them as being correct.

Quote from: Emphyrio on October 24, 2020, 09:59:34 PM
Therein lies a lot of the problem. A right wing nutjob can have a coupla very valid points, and they are, but their other crap dilutes it all. Then when someone says but point x and y should appeal to most people as being common sense, which it is, but coincidentally, people in the vein of BSC, completely bypass the sensible points of view, and go straight for the low-hanging fruit of yer wan being  a daft bitch, which she is.

She is a spa, and her iteration of "policy" is completely bizarre, but underneath her spa-ness there are elements there that need to be taken into account through the prism of a non-spa.

Yeah I agree, the fully polarised dopes are taking the debate away from the more reasonable. There are many fully valid and reasonable debates to be had around immigration, integration, national identity and lots more besides but the noise created by idiots at both ends of the scale really clouds the shit out of it.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 24, 2020, 10:22:33 PM
However, point taken. I agreed only with one sound byte she made, I was ill informed as to the extent of her  extremism.

I have had problems like this myself a lot. But being from Tipp it's only fair I enjoy seeing a Kilkenny cunt suffer

Quote from: Emphyrio on October 24, 2020, 10:24:42 PM
Her way of describing immigration is, of course, daft. But a normal person can see past a lot of the nonsense of her language and put their own nuance on it. I know Kev is a bit slow, being from Kilkenny and what not, but even he wouldn't take her opinions and, more importantly, the way she voices them as being correct.

A normal person would learn to ignore her completely and form their nuanced views from sane sources.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 24, 2020, 10:36:37 PM
Quote from: Emphyrio on October 24, 2020, 10:24:42 PM
Her way of describing immigration is, of course, daft. But a normal person can see past a lot of the nonsense of her language and put their own nuance on it. I know Kev is a bit slow, being from Kilkenny and what not, but even he wouldn't take her opinions and, more importantly, the way she voices them as being correct.

A normal person would learn to ignore her completely and form their nuanced views from sane sources.

So, unless a sane source comes out with, "Controlled immigration should be considered". What's the difference whether the source is a mentalist or anybody else? Would you then say that any and everything out of her mouth is rubbish? Or are you....yet again... reaching the low hanging fruit of her being a bint overall makes everything she has to say automatically null and void?

Quote from: astfgyl on October 24, 2020, 10:28:39 PM

Yeah I agree, the fully polarised dopes are taking the debate away from the more reasonable. There are many fully valid and reasonable debates to be had around immigration, integration, national identity and lots more besides but the noise created by idiots at both ends of the scale really clouds the shit out of it.

Ain't that the bloody truth.

The phrase "playing the ball and not the man" is very important these days as we all try to wade through the mire

I'm just baffled why there's any defence of her coming from you Emphyrio. Of course a sane source can advocate for controlled immigration, but that doesn't mean we have to give the benefit of the doubt to every nutter who expresses that view either, does it? In fact, people letting O'Doherty get a foot in the door because of x,y, or z view she holds that they agree with is precisely why we hear so much of her shite. Don't get your angle here at all tbh. Nobody sane should be lending any credence to anything she says by saying, "but she's right about controlled immigration." No, she's not right about controlled immigration if she thinks uncontrolled immigration is a Soros orchestrated Zionist conspiracy. That's the ball!!

Ah come on man, of course he is saying that she might have a point we could consider around controlled immigration but we are smart enough to leave the zionist shit out and talk about it as the moderates that we are

As I say, she is a mentalist. But anybody that comes out with anything along the controlled immigration line is automatically labelled a racist or something very, very akin. Unfortunately it takes a high profile person to even bring it into the realm of the RTE News layperson.

I suppose it's similar to the rise of Trump and right wing in America. While there is a very needed discussion, Gemma and her polar opposites are the only ones that will get air, but the majority that fall somewhere in between are largely unheard. The problem being, any mention of controlled immigration raises the hackles of what Kev would call lefties.

All the more reason people need to know not to mention such nutters in the same breath as their own views.

I work with a lad who, although a mate, is very wary of talking to me now because he thinks I'm a Nazi over a whole host of issues, the most recent being the Polish abortion situation.

Gemma is a crank, a poor mans Katie Hopkins, but it's not inconceivable that she can be right about something. Chris and Marx, the synapses might snap faster than mine, I'm from Kilkenny, but I detest their worldview. Doesn't mean they aren't absolutely right about the odd thing.

Well as I've often said, me own young lad and his pals are a shining example of the fact that there is fuck all wrong with immigration. We do however live in a small town so the effect is not the same. Take that to a city and multiply it by 100 though and then you end up with isolated pockets of immigrants away from the wider communities they have ended up migrating to and there is the problem. Dublin is a shining example of this. No one Irish in Dublin knows anything about the Syrian communities there because those communities are large enough to afford themselves the opportunity to be insular, but everyone in the small town I live has gotten to know the immigrants because the pockets are so small that they have no choice after a while. So yeah maybe control the immigration to being dribs and drabs from any particular community and the solution presents itself.

Quote from: Emphyrio on October 24, 2020, 10:59:30 PM
As I say, she is a mentalist. But anybody that comes out with anything along the controlled immigration line is automatically labelled a racist or something very, very akin. Unfortunately it takes a high profile person to even bring it into the realm of the RTE News layperson.

I suppose it's similar to the rise of Trump and right wing in America. While there is a very needed discussion, Gemma and her polar opposites are the only ones that will get air, but the majority that fall somewhere in between are largely unheard. The problem being, any mention of controlled immigration raises the hackles of what Kev would call lefties.

Herein lies the frustration of the silent majority and the reason for the likes of Brexit and Trump because there is no voice for a majority swathe of very mild mannered, middle ground people who have certain questions about certain policies that have been forced upon them out of nowhere.

Again, I can't state it enough, the middle needs to be reclaimed. Am I a nazi, absolutely not. Do I think kids should be operated on and have their penises removed..absolutely not. Do I like hot, sexy Polish, African, Latina, Asian, Monegal, Mayo, anything with a pulse women and welcome them to my shores for procreation and fiddling..absolutely. Do I wonder if open borders and the constant stream of over and back of populations across borders is completely healty as evidenced by Covid..yeah I wonder it, I'm not completely against it but I wonder if it needs a touch of controlling.

So, where's my representation, with my mild mannered, happy go lucky, but don't be forcing your commie gender bending shite down my throat views on things attitude, to things..just a touch of representation please, it's all I'm asking, a nuanced conversation and not the same PR machined fucking tripe that I'm meant to swallow religiously without gripe or dissention. I won't be marching or burning shit in the street and maybe that's why nobody is representing me, because I don't go on like a fukin bipolar child-adult retard, screaming about shit means of protest limited to just turning off the TV whenever I hear these wafflers and their completely transparent, to anyone with half a braincell, read from the same hymnsheet day in day out ad nauseaum, sanitised in bleach so as not to get themselves in any bother, keep the fukin ship afloat politics, without ever making a go of anything that might actually make a deep impact on society, drivel, while the general joe on the street has no voice and is supposedly represnted by a press, that has all the protection in the world, and which is supposed to speak for Joe, but is only now interested in absolute bollox clickbait shite, gobshites like Gemma O'Doherty, Donald Trump and any other oul caricature they can find to stir shite at monumental levels. A good batin with a hurl would sort a lot of it out but we can't allow that anymore unfortunately.

Bringing a salty tear to me eye there Pedro.. I feel you