I just read there that she used to write for the independent? Granted, it's gone downhill rapidly over the last 15 years, but she must have been taking it all ways to get that gig!

No. She is a knob even if there is some semblance of something worth thinking about in what she says. No matter what she might be saying she is entirely the wrong face of it. It is because of the likes of her that nobody really gave any consideration to the constitutionality of lockdowns for example. Wanting to be free is now labelled as Far Right by 99% of people who see her as the poster girl for it.

The extremists need to be kept out of rational discussion.

As a matter of interest, what is the general feeling here about Tommy Robinson? I find him far more agreeable than Gemma, past associations aside.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 24, 2020, 03:23:05 PM
As a matter of interest, what is the general feeling here about Tommy Robinson? I find him far more agreeable than Gemma, past associations aside.

I'll get my coat  :laugh:

I've never heard of him, what is his buzz?

It was bait on the end of my hook for Chris principally, but he's like the anti-Christ for the left over in the UK.

He's anti-Islam for the most part, he used to be leader of the EDL. He's been in the slammer for basically fuck all aswell. His is an interesting story.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 24, 2020, 04:36:35 PM
...he's like the anti-Chris

Fixed that for you by the sounds of him. Will check him out though for the craic, although I find the EDL tag off-putting.

He's disavowed them since. Still, he'll have to eat any criticism he gets for it.

#1073 October 24, 2020, 09:04:26 PM Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 09:29:47 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
O'Doherty more or less (as in, she has tweeted and spoken about it at some points in recent years) believes the view that mass immigration is a Jewish elite organized conspiracy to depurify the white race. This is why her illegal publication of a photo of school children caused a stir; because one of the children of immigrants in the photo she reflexively referred to as Irish, since he was white, was no more Irish than some of his unwhite classmates. I.e. you can be seen as Irish if you're born in Ireland to immigrant parents if you're white, but not if you're not white. You indicated in the direction of the same thinking when you expressed surprise at Polish (i.e white) people being subject ti racism in Ireland. Well, yes, the average anti-immigration mind is that superficial, so that's understandable. If anything, the racism this Longford woman is undergoing is a result of what some would say was her being a "race traitor" by attacking O'Doherty for instrumentalizing her kid's incidental (with respect to Irishness) skin colour.

'The average anti-immigration mind is superficial'

The arrogance, the inflated self-esteem behind some of your remarks is startling.

Was your entire post designed to slip that in there?

Fuck sake ladín

The average mind is superficial, full stop. If it weren't, politics in general would have a very different surface!

#1076 October 24, 2020, 09:32:14 PM Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 09:40:56 PM by astfgyl
I would like to think I'm above all that superfi.... fuck sake those foreign polski cunts are after going 1 nil up vs the boys in green and our boy McGoldrick is after being pure robbed of a peno there!!! I'll be having this out big time with piotr and mateusz at work tomorrow

Edit: But I won't even bother getting into it with the neighbour Abayomrunkoje. Sure that nigerian bollix smoked 3/4 of the joint last time we were sessioning together..

Therein lies a lot of the problem. A right wing nutjob can have a coupla very valid points, and they are, but their other crap dilutes it all. Then when someone says but point x and y should appeal to most people as being common sense, which it is, but coincidentally, people in the vein of BSC, completely bypass the sensible points of view, and go straight for the low-hanging fruit of yer wan being  a daft bitch, which she is.

She is a spa, and her iteration of "policy" is completely bizarre, but underneath her spa-ness there are elements there that need to be taken into account through the prism of a non-spa.

Kev said he agreed with O'Doherty "on immigration". I have spoken about nothing besides her takes on immigration. It's hardly my fault she has bat-shit notions on every issue she touches, along with a mean-spirited and reckless way of expressing them. I'm guessing Kev didn't really know the extent of her actual views on immigration, but that's why it's not a good idea to say "I agree with [known crazy person] about X" unless you know everything they have ever said about X, because a safe assumption is that a lot of it will be crazy! Is this not all obvious??

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 24, 2020, 09:19:02 PM
The average mind is superficial, full stop. If it weren't, politics in general would have a very different surface!

You are well read and you are clearly highly intelligent so resorting to such banal generalisations points to some kind of re-education process. Somebody monitor this lads library card!