And yet again it's the teachers behaviour and not the bloodthirsty muhammadan you choose to critique. Fuck sake lad.

There's nothing to "critique" about the murder, ffs! It can only be condemned, and in the strongest possible terms. As someone living and teaching in France, it is interesting, yet entirely predictable and understandable, that a teacher would think they could get away with this on the institutional level. It's a problem here. It's been discussed at length here. You wouldn't get away with it in the UK.

'Get away with it'?

What kind of society do you wish to live and love in if that's your precís? The teacher did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing. You fail to see the wood from the trees, and it's typical of intelligent brainwashed individuals like you.

The guardian is saying what you are posting here almost verbatim. There is no place for jihadis to exist in Western Europe without resistance. Would you be as philosophical if a Muhammad loses his head tomorrow in retaliation? I doubt it.

Hate crime!

I think you're definitely overstating the fault of the teacher here. Irrespective of a case of poor judgement, the fallout is on a completely other level. I think Kev is right is pretty much all he's put across here.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 17, 2020, 04:52:48 PM
Would you be as philosophical if a Muhammad loses his head tomorrow in retaliation? I doubt it.

Now, that's a strawman!

In the UK, a teacher wouldn't get away with "Muslims, leave the class now if you like, we're about to do something unnecessary to your education but that will probably offend you." In France, a teacher would, and did, get away with that. It's problematic in society here, this is just one manifestation of it.

That must have stuck in the craw after VAR gave you the high hard one :)

My brother in law to be, Pat the Spa couldn't even reply further than 'that Pickford is half a knacker anyway'


Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 17, 2020, 05:01:49 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 17, 2020, 04:52:48 PM
Would you be as philosophical if a Muhammad loses his head tomorrow in retaliation? I doubt it.

Now, that's a strawman!

In the UK, a teacher wouldn't get away with "Muslims, leave the class now if you like, we're about to do something unnecessary to your education but that will probably offend you." In France, a teacher would, and did, get away with that. It's problematic in society here, this is just one manifestation of it.

Why do you keep harping on about the teachers behaviour? Was it a bit spicy? Maybe. I often give clips round the ear and I've been in my job for 6 years.

An Islamic extremist beheaded a lad.

'Yeah but the teacher was being problematic'

You'll find no one with a brain to back you up kid.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 17, 2020, 05:02:33 PM
That must have stuck in the craw after VAR gave you the high hard one :)

My brother in law to be, Pat the Spa couldn't even reply further than 'that Pickford is half a knacker anyway'


Disgraceful offside decision. Not even going to entertain that particular conversation! Not til I've had a few beers anyway

#968 October 17, 2020, 05:13:27 PM Last Edit: October 17, 2020, 05:15:00 PM by Caomhaoin
Some header out of DCL.

You did a Razor Ruddock hatchet job on Chris there by the way...

'Stretcher, he can't continue; his day is done!'

Do you just see all the words in a paragraph at the same time and arrange them with the order and meaning you want??

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 17, 2020, 05:13:56 PM
Do you just see all the words in a paragraph at the same time and arrange them with the order and meaning you want??

You've been taken out. Talk to the medical team,

'We recommend an internet ban for 6 months and a further 6 months of de-education and no contact with Marxist idiots or their books for 12 months. Yokes once a fortnight.

Dr. Caoimhín

Dr.Cocaine, would you like to give a second opinion here?

A recommendation of a bottle of whiskey, slab of Guinness and 3g's of speed. But even that might not be enough.
I'll throw in a fistful of mushies too....

Down with the Moslems....  :abbath:

If Jesus was a mushroom, maybe Mohamed was 3g of speed!

Yeah but he'll say that Jameson is better than 16 year round of islay because of workers communes or something. Glens voddy and Mitsubishi's from 2002 (remember them? Fucking hell)