Ah no, I meant more they were aggressive cunts because they essentially told me to fuck off because I was a fascist, without succinctly explaining their viewpoint or trying to explain their aims

The leader of the frente obrera in spain, a doctrinaire Leninist is horrified by all the social justice bullshit being lumped in with his politics. He has a point, and the man on the street in 2020 will view socialists and social justice warriors as interchangeable.

Liberals in the true sense of the word have little or nothing to do with 'progressives' but the same thing occurs there.

I dislike socialism as an ethos, but it's deserving of more solemnity and respect than all that other blue haired shite.

Quote from: Trev on October 14, 2020, 12:57:31 PM
Ah no, I meant more they were aggressive cunts because they essentially told me to fuck off because I was a fascist, without succinctly explaining their viewpoint or trying to explain their aims

They obviously never had to endure a childhood of TK Lemonade and Dunne's Stores brand piss, otherwise they'd have been praising the lawd for Coca Cola's monopolising.

TK wasn't bad. The shite you get in Lidl and Aldi these days though, it's strip paint!

Mace cola, now that was the absolute lowest of the low. The amount of flower pot holders we had around the house, made from the bases of the bottles. Jaysus.

It was all Country Spring around our way, the orange was decent, the cream soda was an abomination

3 litre of american cream soda and a day in the bog go hand in hand in my childhood memories

Cream soda will do that to you alright  :o

I was mad for the cream soda in my early teens. 3l bottle, some Pringles, a C90 of MoP and RtL, and all nighters of Space Marine or Warhammer. Thems was the days!

Some capitalism is just a beautiful thing I'm sorry. Obviously not all of it but my jesus an ice filled coke from McDonalds when you're dying of a hangover. I'd vote Reagan, Trump, whoever you want in for a big refill of that. Saved my life many's the times and I haven't eaten a McDonalds in about 10 years at least.

Quote from: Pedrito on October 14, 2020, 09:15:57 PM
Some capitalism is just a beautiful thing I'm sorry. Obviously not all of it but my jesus an ice filled coke from McDonalds when you're dying of a hangover. I'd vote Reagan, Trump, whoever you want in for a big refill of that. Saved my life many's the times and I haven't eaten a McDonalds in about 10 years at least.

Nothing wrong with capitalism but only when it works for everyone. As in there should be no tax breaks for big business. If we pay income tax of 25 to 40 percent business should pay that too. And pay that tax in the country where the product or service is provided. Unfethered capitalism is rife with bleeding the working and middle class dry.

Country Spring lemon and lime all the way. Christ I drank gallons of that stuff back in the day. And fuck cream sodas.

The Spanish government announced there, in the middle of a pandemic, that in this country's version of the football pools, from now on, at least half of the matches will be for women's footer.

Pigs from Podemos is grunting shocker!

What's the story with the history teacher in Paris being decapitated? Was it because he showed a cartoon of Allah? Or am I confusing causation and correlation?

You're confusing Allah and Mohamed. You can't get much more cancelled than beheaded anyway.