Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 01, 2020, 11:41:22 PM
The Uighurs (which my phone wanted to autocorrect to Hobbits!)? That's been big news for weeks now. Even unbearable John Oliver did a 20 minute piece on it.

Well it's been going on for over a year now (maybe even longer) and lot of people still aren't aware of it yet they could tell you about Trumps taxes. If it was happening in the West I have no doubt the media would make it a priority to report on everyday.

Even shitty RTE has covered it for months, it just hasn't made the evening news until now. But then, if you're relying on the evening news to know what's going on in the world, you're bound to be missing out on anything that isn't deemed "spectacle" enough:

The snobbery of that last statement is absolutely incredible.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 02, 2020, 12:48:49 PM
The snobbery of that last statement is absolutely incredible.

Quote from: mickO))) on October 01, 2020, 09:50:52 PM
You would think something like that would be front page news on every newspaper yet it's been going on for a while now and not many people are even aware of it. The first main stream coverage I saw about it was on RTE last night.

It has been front page news in newspapers; I'm just responding to what was said, but sure if you can't get offended on behalf of someone else in this thread, where can you, eh Kev?  ;)

I just mean if I said that to my auld fella he'd tell me to fuck off out of his house!

If you said to your aul fella that RTE was a shit source for news? All of a sudden stating that obvious fact is snobbery? The tiniest bit of coherence in your views would go far lad. People who follow the news, who read newspapers...I don't know how they wouldn't have been aware of the Uighurs story, that's all. Like these fucking FB posts you see all the time, "You won't see them talking about X in the mainstream media", where X is invariably something I've seen reported in a mainstream newspaper.

It has been covered but it's also a sign of how fucked journalism and media has become that clickbait thrash media takes precedence over what are effectively the modern equivalent of concentration camps. They haven't quite started burning them and they took the chimneys out for PR reasons, but it's the same thing. That Donald Trump or some kneeling millionaire athlete takes precedence over this says all we need to know about how twisted and perverse the media has become.

No, the part about 'if you rely on the evening news...' which a lot of your working class darlings do, so I think you practically define the champagne socialist and their innate snobbery.

We've all seen Network, right? 1976 that was made, the guts of half a century ago. The media has been a perverse PR machine since the get-go! If you want to know what's happening, you need to know to scratch the smallest bit, and where to scratch, and where not to scratch: if the media who are frothing at the mouth to gasp about some individual arrested for organizing an anti-confinement event aren't reporting on events impacting millions of Muslims in China, it's up to the individual to review the channels they get their news through.

Stop being a spa Kev. The chap's own words were; "you would think something like that would be front page news on every newspaper." Well, it has been heavily covered for months in newspapers:



Hundreds of articles going back over a year.

#834 October 02, 2020, 01:46:33 PM Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 01:49:47 PM by Caomhaoin
Again, I took umbrage with your haughty tone and dismissing your mates in the overalls from the factories who 'rely on the evening news'. You made a good point apart from that.

It's playing the man not the ball but sure lookit.

Stop frothing at the mouth.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 02, 2020, 12:45:21 PM
Even shitty RTE has covered it for months, it just hasn't made the evening news until now. But then, if you're relying on the evening news to know what's going on in the world, you're bound to be missing out on anything that isn't deemed "spectacle" enough:

:laugh: Sorry yes I forgot RTE was a global broadcaster with an audience of what 4 billion. 

Lads it's been reported for fucking months. Even gobshytes that I work with who haven't a clue on fuck all really have heard about it. Move on already.

Lads, page 56 and I'm struggling to keep up. Who's winning the argument?

"China in human rights abuse shocker"

Could surely stick that as the headline 365 days of the year and find a different story to stick under it. It seems to me that there is a certain acceptance that sure China will do what they will do and most just shrug and forget it before settling into more of the proverbial American Gladiators.

There shall be no winners in any of these threads. It just doesn't work like that.

Has anyone here had their mind changed about being PC or feeling offended during the course of this thread? Or anyone changed their views on Trump in the other one? I'd be amazed if there was even one.

Quote from: mickO))) on October 02, 2020, 02:57:38 PM
:laugh: Sorry yes I forgot RTE was a global broadcaster with an audience of what 4 billion.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here. But if you're aghast at not hearing about it until now, then I'd suggest the best thing to do is reconsider your news sources. Saying that, I don't think anyone is obliged to be up to speed on everything that's happening globally and don't see anything "wrong" with only getting your world info from the evening news; all I said was that, those who do that, are bound to miss out on what isn't deemed worthy of the spectacle that is TV, especially so in the case of RTE whose international news coverage is particularly weak. I'd imagine Channel 4 and the BBC have been talking about it for months.