#765 September 28, 2020, 10:33:46 AM Last Edit: September 28, 2020, 10:35:31 AM by Pedrito
Well when all Labour politicians are going to the same schools and Universities, most of them studying the same degrees as their conservative counterparts in Oxford and Cambridge, how can there be any distinction? That's old news. Champagne socialism it's called. It's essentially what a lot of this outrage culture is anyway. The idea that these social climbers give a fuck about some black/white/purple/green person living on a council estate is beyond a laugh. Them people were sold out decades ago. The dole and social housing a perfect way to buy them off and not have to create work for them. So, call it what you like, the terminology doesn't really matter because it's neither marxism nor fascism but just plain old simple politics.

Meanwhile, millionaire footballers kneel about a cause that is going on thousands of miles away, while up the street there are no factories, no jobs, lawlessness, homelessness, drugs, abuse, etc etc etc etc. A total sham.

"all" no. But certainly enough of them to explain the successful concerted sabotage effort to get rid of Corbyn.

Absolutely. A fella I know here is Marxist, in that he believes sincerely in Marxist doctrine, a socialist in the truest sense. He's completely bewildered by people conflating that ideology with the social causes celébres, identity politics, this generation's version of champagne socialism.

I don't claim to understand Marx fully, but from what my limited capacity has garnered, I disagree with. That and it has been a disaster wherever and whenever it's been implemented, the inevitable apathy, corruption, shortages etc. Still, it deserves a certain degree of respect as an ethos, and there is no reason whatsoever for shoehorning all the other bullshit in with it.

I do enjoy calling my political enemies 'commies' or 'Marxists', even though the accuracy of the label is usually quite a ways away from 100 %. But sure, s'all in the game yo.

The point about 'cultural marxism' has nothing to do with housing for the poor or poverty in general, factory workers, nothing of the sort. The 'cultural marxism' term refers to an attack on free speech and speech control that is going on in the States and now on a wider scale, throughout the western world. Whether it's correct to call it 'marxism' is a whole conversation in itself, but the fact is that much of this way of thinking, this weaponising of speech control, the shutting down of people with views that do not conform to the agenda these people defend, it's coming from sectors that are often self-defining as marxists. BLM has a huge 'marxist' undercurrent to it, it is written all.over their website, many of their leaders talk about it etc. So, this Marxism has about as much to do with Karl Marx as Trump has to do with a 'fascist' Hitler or Mussolini.

Quote from: Ducky on September 27, 2020, 10:20:21 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 27, 2020, 09:01:08 PM
Slight change of pace here, but if Black Lives Matter so much why isn't everyone trying to save all the black lives being needlessly lost in Africa every day of the week through starvation? The PC brigade could do with having a bit of a think about that instead of getting on their knees for the black criminals shot by the cops in the US. The situation in the US has so many facets to it and yet the world hunger situation has the solution staring us in the face. Feed them. The major difference I see is that there is no profit in it so that must be why that one isn't getting rammed down our throats, or indeed the throats of those dying of starvation.

Top 5 billionaires in the world wouldn't even feel a dent in their balance to solve that one, but instead use their influence to "save" us all from the likes of racism and that other thing I always bang on about.

Just some thoughts. Back on topic the easy solution for the Kardashian thing there is to put it in the women's prison. In solitary confinement.

Yeah because relief aid to African countries hasn't been a thing for decades. And advertisements for charities don't exist, no siree. Those guys on the street trying to sign you up for donations? Hmm, doesn't fit your narrative so let's just casually ignore all the efforts and put down people that are striving for change in another place that needs it.

George Floyd was a petty criminal, doesn't mean the cop was allowed to be his judge, jury and executioner, now does it? Breona Taylor - not a criminal. You know, I'm not arsed trawling the internet to find all their names because the information is freely available, but most of the black people shot by white police weren't criminals or engaging in activities that warranted lethal force.

Yeah you're right, they even had Live Aid and all. No protests as such though about the injustice of it all beyond a few crusties here and there. Where are the corporations pointing to the plight of people of all colours who are starving and stuck in abject poverty. As an aside, does it count if black cops shoot black people at all?

And yes I was being facetious. My point is that with all of the injustice in the world that the worldwide response to the US situation is a bit media driven more than anything we on this side of the world might really feel about it all. It's the corporate sponsored cause du jour and suits the virtue signallers. The same massive corporations going on their knees for the BLM could put their money where their mouths are and actually do something for someone. Supporting this one doesn't actually cost them anything that's the major difference there. Sure people are allowed protest for BLM against public health recommendations without condemnation, yet when 15,000 lined up in london the other day to peacefully protest the lockdown they were flogged by the cops and detained without charge. See any hypocrisy there?

I think the real problem with most things is the uneven distribution of wealth more than any black/white or left/right thing. The other stuff is all a consequence of wealth. And not just material wealth, spiritual wealth and health are also unevenly distributed not just between different parts of the world but also within countries such as this one and so many other western countries. The haves and have-nots thing is most of what I feel is wrong with everything. All the other shit just feels like an exercise in destabilisation to keep everyone's eye off the ball.

The delicate flowers of Trinity's Historical Society have pathetically revoked an invitation to Richard Dawkins:

Spiked - Now they've No Platformed Richard Dawkins
TAC - Wokeness Comes For Dawkins

Pathetically is right! They missed out on a fine opportunity to say they cancelled his invitation because he's morphed into a blithering idiot over the last 20 years.

#773 September 29, 2020, 12:22:43 PM Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 12:24:30 PM by Airneanach
Dawkins is indeed a human caricature now - without the imagination to sound engaging on much of anything outside his immediate academic field - but the actual reasoning from Bríd O'Donnell to rescind the invitation sounds equally ludicrous:

QuoteShe added the society "will not be moving ahead with his address as we value our members comfort above all else".

- https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/trinity-college-historical-society-rescind-richard-dawkins-invitation-over-authors-stance-on-islam-and-sexual-assault-39568028.html

God forbid feeling uncomfortable by words and ideas in a collegiate society. It's not the end of the world, I realise. He's still got plenty of platform available to him, and they're merely exercising their freedom to revoke their own platform to him. But we're still clearly beyond parody on some of this stuff.

What I hate most about it is that in terms of agreeing with people, it's pushing me into the same side of the Venn diagram as some absoloute weapons. I'm sure others here have plenty of experience with this too, recently.  I guess that's ultimately a healthy thing, though, as you really shouldn't find yourself pinned by your jocks to either the right or left side of the wall exclusively - for all those terms can mean now in terms of culture and identity politics. Mugs game, that.

To be perfectly honest, I'm more surprised to discover that he had been invited in the first place. Whatever about being emotionally offensive, some of his tweets over the last few years have been nothing short of retarded.

Ah, the safe space generation strikes again. Isn't part of the point of going to college to prepare oneself for the big bad world? Instead they learn to be perpetual children, firmly attached to mummy's apron strings for life. Pathetic indeed.

If he was allowed hold views on Christianity in traditionally Christian societies, then I see no reason he can't have an opinion on Islam. Fuck these SJW cunts. You give them a taste of even the tiniest sense of power and they start lathering at the mouth. Everyone else has to suffer because they couldn't hack it in secondary school.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 29, 2020, 12:31:20 PM
Such as?

I'll let him lay it out for you himself:

If you can find a shred of genuine intelligence in there, let alone - god forbid - wisdom, please scrub the shit off it and present it to us, because I'm at a loss.

How anyone, in 2020, thought Dawkins would have anything of interest left to say about anything is the surprising thing here. That the invitation ended up being revoked - agree or disagree - is not surprising at all, and that's where the towering instance of stupidity lies in this case; with the initial event programmers.

I don't know anything abbot Dawkins's tweets because I think Twitter is a waste of everyone's time but I would love to hear him talk on evolutionary theory. The religious stuff... well, whatever. It's only interesting to me from an evolutionary point of view, I'm not so excited about religion-bashing a I've heard it all a million times. Cancel culture,  however, can get fucked. It's inexcusable, weak carry on.

I see Hank Azaria will no longer voice Carl now because it's cultural appropriation. I mean don't bury Hank, bury The Simpsons. It has been dead for decades.