Any of you seen the story in the news yesterday about the gardai warning of a dangerous teenage girl being released in to the public, people have posted the court documents online and it turns out it's actually a biological male who identifies as a female, but the gardai and media never originally released that info. The whole trans debates going to get interesting...

Reg:    What?
Stan:   I want to be a woman.  From now on I want you all to call me Loretta.
Reg:    What!?
Stan:   It's my right as a man.
Judith: Why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?
Stan:   I want to have babies.
Reg:    You want to have babies?!?!?!
Stan:   It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.
Reg:    But you can't have babies.
Stan:   Don't you oppress me.
Reg:    I'm not oppressing you, Stan -- you haven't got a womb.  Where's the
        fetus going to gestate?  You going to keep it in a box?
(Stan starts crying.)
Judith:  Here!  I've got an idea.  Suppose you agree that he can't actually
         have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the
         Romans', but that he can have the *right* to have babies.
Francis: Good idea, Judith.  We shall fight the oppressors for your right to
         have babies, brother.  Sister, sorry.
Reg:     (pissed)  What's the *point*?
Francis:  What?
Reg:      What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies, when he
          can't have babies?
Francis:  It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.
Reg:      It's symbolic of his struggle against reality.

Quote from: ldj on September 25, 2020, 04:28:37 PM
Any of you seen the story in the news yesterday about the gardai warning of a dangerous teenage girl being released in to the public, people have posted the court documents online and it turns out it's actually a biological male who identifies as a female, but the gardai and media never originally released that info. The whole trans debates going to get interesting...
It's a horrifying, appalling story on every level. There's some background on this extremely dangerous and disturbed individual here, and more in the court report here (PDF). Some of the press stories mentioned reporting restrictions, but it still hard to understand the failure to report facts stated in court. As things stand in this country right now, this person's crimes are reported as a "woman's crimes" and, if detained again, they will be held in a women's prison just like this sexual offender.

But of course this kind of thing just "never happens" (and if it does you won't hear about it), and there are no problems at all stemming from Ireland's sneaked-through laws on self-ID.

She wants to rape and murder with her big female penis.  I knew we should never have let them out of the kitchen.

It's kind of hilarious though. So far is the extent of social justice warrior reach to find this fairly acceptable.

First thing I would be doing if facing a long sentence is declaring myself to be a woman.

Quote from: Blackout on September 25, 2020, 05:36:18 PM
It's kind of hilarious though. So far is the extent of social justice warrior reach to find this fairly acceptable.

First thing I would be doing if facing a long sentence is declaring myself to be a woman.

That's a fucking great idea!

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 25, 2020, 05:41:28 PM
WW3 is sounding sweeter by the day.

The Conflict of Nations is the game for you!
Actually, they keep spamming Twitter with their ads, but the amount of people losing their shit (because of the concept of a WW3 sim rather than the ads being everywhere) is insane. Over a fucking cheap war video game. Bet these people are the type to play GTA by doing no crime whatsoever, stopping at red lights, and generally tut tutting at people blowing stuff up.

#729 September 25, 2020, 07:33:36 PM Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 07:59:47 PM by Kunt 4 Life
Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 25, 2020, 05:35:20 PM
She wants to rape and murder with her big female penis.  I knew we should never have let them out of the kitchen.

I take it she still has her penis? I can't quite understand how if I said she's not really a woman, I'd be called a transphobe and a terf by the twitter mob and be worse then Hitler.

On another forum  I was on somebody was asking for advice cause they were thinking of starting a relationship with a trans woman but was worried what to do about telling his family as they were a bit concervative.
The general advice was 'tell them you're going out with a woman.... because you are.'

I wonder if it's kinda like the '28 days later has zombies' in it's debate.

Cause they are Zombies. You fucking Zerfs.

Latest on that story above: Teenager in custody charged with threats to kill two people

QuoteMs Kardashian was "very anxious she be detained in a prison facility for females, as she identifies as a female," Ms Finan told the court.
^ what believing the "just be kind" voices has led to.

There's a mugshot of 'her' doing the rounds on social media, looks like the fucking joker  :laugh:.

What is with these idiots? They ascribe all these societal and cultural characteristics to 'whiteness', it's such deeply inaccurate racist bullshit.

#733 September 26, 2020, 12:13:09 PM Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 12:14:49 PM by Pedrito
Think about how complicated the simple ideas of Christ became once these types got hold of them. You take an idea and analyse it into the ground, apply a tonne of 'intellectual' and impenetrable explanations to it and you're left with nothing but air, nothing that gives life but everything that restricts and hinders it.

The martial arts is another great example of taking something very much real and practical and over thinking it to the point of stripping it of all its meaning..see styles such as Aikido, Nin Jitsu etc. I spent plenty of time in classes listening to extravagant explanations on pressure points,chi manipulation, all sorts of nonsense bollox that served to cloak everything in myticism and deep explanations, hidden knowledge etc. Thankfully, in the last 20 years BJJ, MMA etc came along and tore the bollox out of the industry.

And this whole 'whiteness' and race studies genre is the very same thing. You take an idea and drag the absolute bollox out of it. Something that is in fact quite a simple concept to understand and layer it up in denser and denser layers of meaning. And like the martial arts there's definitely 'something' to it, but the constant talk of 'conversations' and perspectives is just more of the same completely impractical, unrealistic juju that infested the church, infested martial arts and I'd imagine many other 'disciplines'. But guess what? It's an industry too. And people live off it and have whole careers based on it, do doctorates in it. So there's a lot more at stake with these people than a 'search for the truth'. But that's the part they always fail to leave out.

Man, it's such an exhausting load of crap. Bringing everything back to ethnicity and skin colour is so utterly reductive. Indoctrinating people to view  themselves (and everyone else) first and foremost through the prism of their race, seems like a massive backward step.

I suppose the question is, are there enough sensible people in the world to see through this bollocks. It's niche, nutty thinking that has currency in certain quarters and has been pushed by the mainstream media, but I can't imagine many rational people take it seriously. It's far too divisive and damaging.