Quote from: Pedrito on June 12, 2020, 11:56:42 PM
Look, we can dress it up all we want, we can cancel subscriptions and talk til the cows come home, but if we're honest, we all know this cancelling/banning/deplatforming, whatever you want to call it is insidious, nasty shit. Fawlty fucking Towers for fuck sakes. Sickening, weak, nasty worms of people who want to tell us all how to think and feel. It's the same type who asks you to please stop cursing in a bar. No I'm an adult I'll talk whatever I want after a few pints. Fuck Off!

I fully agree with you on this.

#301 June 13, 2020, 12:17:58 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:47:21 PM by mugz


They're trying to fight racism using segregation, do these people not understand how fucking ridiculous that concept is  :laugh:.

It would be funny if it wasn't representative of how weird things are actually getting.

No fuck it, it's still funny :laugh:

Such an odd, illogical backwards step. The cult of self ain't a healthy place to be.

I actually know a white lad who says he identifies more as a black person. Is that racist? The fact that he sees the two as different at all, I mean.

Can we put an end to it all now by simply saying nobody can be referred to by colour at all and it's all just left so we can move on? Like with true equality we end up referring to no one at all as anything at all. No more BLM, no more White lives matter too, no more LGBTQ+ and no more male female. No one gets referred to as trans so anyone who is trans doesn't get to use it as a stick to beat people with, they just have to get on with it and receive no attention for the switch and nobody gets to say I'm white or pink or brown or yellow or green or anything else because even if they do happen to be in the minority with that, making reference to it will only foster the sense of there being differences between us all. A fella won't even get to be gay or straight, he won't even be a gender it's just a person put their non gender specific mickey into someone else in some way and that's it. And religion as well fuck it leave no stone unturned, everyone just does their own thing around that too without promoting any aspect of it because that could be seen to be excluding anyone who isn't the same. And so on

Sounds fair.

We watch the news report and "today a human did a thing to a human, some other humans are looking for a human and anyone who saw one is to contact them and we can't say where they were because that might be construed as being a bit geographical locationist, so if anyone saw a person in a place, get on to another human of any organisation because we want to be inclusive with who can be contacted in the event of a human doing a thing to another human anywhere" ??

Next thing we know the fucking transhumans kick off.....

I dunno, everyone just needs to cop on. A lot.

#306 June 23, 2020, 06:31:06 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:47:42 PM by mugz

#307 June 23, 2020, 06:48:41 AM Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 07:07:18 AM by Eoin McLove
It's about reminding young people that they are part of a wide and diverse society and that respect isn't a god given right, but a two way street. It's something earned. Trying to brainwash everyone into not seeing things like race or sexuality is not only unrealistic, it's weird, because there isn't anything actually wrong with these things. It's even ok to be a straight white male, believe it or not. There seems to me to be a strange combination of narcissism and self- loathing at play among the perpetually offended. It's a really unhealthy outlook to have. They need to read some Jordan Peterson and take a bit of responsibility for themselves, raise their own self esteem a bit and not worry so much about other people's opinions, either real or perceived. A good healthy dose of reality will help. And a good honest job with lots of heavy lifting.

#308 June 23, 2020, 07:15:05 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:47:56 PM by mugz

#309 June 23, 2020, 08:08:05 AM Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 08:11:34 AM by Eoin McLove
I understand the problem completely. Being in a state of constant offence at things that are beyond your control is an unhealthy way to live. Being so upset by a joke that you demand someone needs to lose their job is an unhealthy way to live. Realising you have a minimum amount of control over those around you (though why a normal functioning adult would want to have such control is another issue,  I'm sure) but that you can actually effect some positive change in your own life by taking certain measures and changing your perspective on things is a more mature and healthy approach to your existence that will benefit you in many ways, not least of all in terms of your mental health. And as I've said countless times before, avoiding often malignant environments like Facebook and Twitter is a good place to start. Clean your bedroom, innit.

I don't subscribe to your world view, or from what you have shown of it on this forum. It's too pessimistic for me. I'm possibly too stupid for such grand musings anyway, and I'm fine with that. I'm happy to take stock of the simple things in life because that is what works for me, basically.

#310 June 23, 2020, 08:22:28 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:48:08 PM by mugz

#311 June 23, 2020, 08:44:51 AM Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 08:54:19 AM by Eoin McLove
I find that line of thinking pointless and counter productive on a personal level, which is what we are discussing here. Ignoring so called 'deeper levels' (deeper levels of what?) and focusing on your daily reality, as in the reality of day to day existence that most people agree on like work life, family life, paying bills, exercising, hobbies and interests etc, there is so much you can do to improve your own perception of the world. It's about making specific choices and sacrifices to improve your own state of mind regardless of the matrix or whatever you think is operating behind the scenes, as that stuff is beyond the grasp of most people anyway. I don't think you even need to be hugely radical in your lifestyle changes either, you can vastly improve your life with small, incremental compromises that lead in a better direction. Choosing the victim mentality is a dead end road.  You will never achieve any sort of self satisfaction if you spend your life blaming the world around you for how bad everything is in your own life. Some stuff is out of your control, certainly. But there's plenty of stuff you have control over if you choose a slightly- and I mean very slightly- more proactive mindset.

#312 June 23, 2020, 08:54:57 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:48:28 PM by mugz

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 23, 2020, 08:08:05 AM
Being so upset by a joke that you demand someone needs to lose their job is an unhealthy way to live.

And on that note, if you can get someone sacked for having a different opinion to you, you are neither a victim, nor oppressed. Something most of the folks viewing themselves as such fail to realise.

I wholeheartedly agree with that upward striving notion though. Find things to fight for, rather than against. Do something to fill the world with more of what you want to see, instead of trying to rid it of the things you want to see less of.

While being on the watch for an outside threat, don't forget to actually be what you are trying to preserve. Something along those lines. Seems like a far healthier state of being to me anyway.

That's it, Bigmac. There's a lot wrong in the world,  there's too much for most individuals to be able to tackle in any meaningful way. But you can choose your own mindset and choosing the victim mindset is probably very satisfying in the short term but it's not much of a life philosophy. Most people aren't really looking at the bigger picture anyway, even the virtue signallers who pretend to be concerned about every issue doing the rounds, so if you can get your immediate environment looking and feeling reasonable then you're on the right track. Positivity and creativity can have a knock on effect and inspire other people around you as well.  Showing people simple ways of making improvements is more likely to inspire them rather than screaming endlessly about how oppressed you are.