JK Rowling's been an interesting one. And a far more palatable figurehead for 'contentious' trans views than shitty Graham Linehan. What intriguing about Rowling is that she's traditionally been a figure of veneration for a lot of those that are on the shrieking imbecile end of things, so it's almost like the village chieftess is being ousted, here. I try not to follow social media, but it's very telling how vicious some of these folk are being towards a reasoned, intelligent woman who is coming from a decent place. It's been a rather ugly reflection.

It seems, more than anything, that she's raising questions. It also seems like questions are becoming a genuine no-go area for that are-they-really-that-big-off-the-internet  group of people my generation (29) and younger that I could but won't use any number of overused, nauseating terms to describe.

I wouldn't have believed myself capable of saying it a few years ago when the world also seemed much simpler to me, but there's definitely a status quo of needing to be as identikit liberal as possible whereby you fall into herd allegiance, don't bother asking questions yourself and react with vitriol when someone like a JK Rowling does start rocking the boat a bit.

My friends and relatives would have all grown up with the auld Harry Potter - not the best written but still quite a story - and I'd know people myself whose reaction over the last few days would have been "Can't believe JK Rowling is having a go at transgender people now, what an idiot." They don't even stop to question why they feel that way. They don't really stop to mull over her views that much. It's just as simple to them as "She said trans is bad, and trans means freedom and love and that's good. So JK Rowing not good."

It's farcical.


At last someone had the guts to take a stand on this issue and it would be a woman. Fair play to her. She'll be dragged through the muck by these lunatics for it.

Inquisitions and witch hunts, if we look at history, all appealed to right think and convoluted codes and norms as to how one should act and think. Just look at how complicated the churches got, taking a very general and universal message and converting it into a whole hierarchy of saints and bishops and sins and penances, a corruption of all that was natural and instinctual.

In similar ways we are being dragged into a 'debate' that the vast majority of us know, by instinct, to be complete nonsense, a 'debate' shrouded in terminology and language that is purposefully obscure and complex and impossible to get right, the pronouns being a perfect example of this. What better way to shut people down and not allow them to talk openly and freely, than calling them out or shutting them down everytime they commit the SIN of incorrent utterance.

We are in the world of the priest again. They take different guises and appeal to different 'hidden knowledge' but the desired outcomes are the same. They target the child, it's purely cultural, the science is extremely weak and speculative, and the massive increases in 'dysphoria' are reflected in other worrying trends amongst teeneage girls, especially, like self harm, depression etc. John Haidt's data on those issues is very revealing: https://mobile.twitter.com/JonHaidt/status/1083018993991077888?s=20

So, no, this isn't some paranoid outburst by Rowling. She is being attacked and hounded by groups with very specific political goals in mind. It's an attack on the woman, it's self hatred turned up to 11 and the outrage and finger pointing does absolutely no good for those who are truly affected by these issues.

'The current explosion of trans activism is urging a removal of almost all the robust systems through which candidates for sex reassignment were once required to pass'.

So, I always think about child abuse here in Ireland when it comes to these matters. People didn't understand it and wilfully looked the other way. I have a close friend, like a brother to me, who went to a boarding school where there were 6 child sex predators amongst the staff. One priest was convicted in his 70's, around 10 years ago, of 74 counts of rape, molestation etc of adolescent boys. It got so normal in this school, it was such an open secret, that kids would joke that X priest has been sent away on 'retreat' and we won't be seeing him again probably. Kids would say it to their parents who told them they were imagining things and not to be inventing stories. The untold damage done to kids of my generation and those before has been swept under the carpet to a degree, and yet society never learns. We get swept up by these sorcerers,
and  every generation they reappear in some different guise.

Fantastic essay there, by Rowling. The online intimidation tactics from these 'woke' activists is sickening.

Tremendous pair of posts there, but you put them on twitter and it'll be 'shut up bigot'.

To the barricades, men!

I was reading a tweet there. Some young lad, poor little lost soul with green hair, asking this question:

'So, if I'm, like, with a trans person who defines as a woman but has a penis and asks me for oral/anal, does that make me gay?'

And the answer was: 'No(cue a long biblical post about how it's really a woman etc etc).


Welcome to the Madhouse!

Sucking female cock ain't gay,  you bigot!

I won't have sex with a woman UNLESS she has a cock.  :abbath:

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Can just picture some big hairy farmer of a lad with the little twinky. 'Yeah I'm a fucking woman now get your lips around my clit'.

That X-Punk ruined that video.

Sunny didn't look great in hers either, kinda wish I hadn't bothered with that yin.

Quote from: Pedrito on June 11, 2020, 01:35:17 PM
I was reading a tweet there. Some young lad, poor little lost soul with green hair, asking this question:

'So, if I'm, like, with a trans person who defines as a woman but has a penis and asks me for oral/anal, does that make me gay?'

And the answer was: 'No(cue a long biblical post about how it's really a woman etc etc).


Welcome to the Madhouse!

Oh for fuck sake the poor bastard :laugh:

Actually edit: Defines as a woman but wants to bum him? hmmmmm

Quote from: Pedrito on June 11, 2020, 11:34:01 AM

At last someone had the guts to take a stand on this issue and it would be a woman. Fair play to her. She'll be dragged through the muck by these lunatics for it.

Inquisitions and witch hunts, if we look at history, all appealed to right think and convoluted codes and norms as to how one should act and think. Just look at how complicated the churches got, taking a very general and universal message and converting it into a whole hierarchy of saints and bishops and sins and penances, a corruption of all that was natural and instinctual.

In similar ways we are being dragged into a 'debate' that the vast majority of us know, by instinct, to be complete nonsense, a 'debate' shrouded in terminology and language that is purposefully obscure and complex and impossible to get right, the pronouns being a perfect example of this. What better way to shut people down and not allow them to talk openly and freely, than calling them out or shutting them down everytime they commit the SIN of incorrent utterance.

We are in the world of the priest again. They take different guises and appeal to different 'hidden knowledge' but the desired outcomes are the same. They target the child, it's purely cultural, the science is extremely weak and speculative, and the massive increases in 'dysphoria' are reflected in other worrying trends amongst teeneage girls, especially, like self harm, depression etc. John Haidt's data on those issues is very revealing: https://mobile.twitter.com/JonHaidt/status/1083018993991077888?s=20

So, no, this isn't some paranoid outburst by Rowling. She is being attacked and hounded by groups with very specific political goals in mind. It's an attack on the woman, it's self hatred turned up to 11 and the outrage and finger pointing does absolutely no good for those who are truly affected by these issues.

'The current explosion of trans activism is urging a removal of almost all the robust systems through which candidates for sex reassignment were once required to pass'.

So, I always think about child abuse here in Ireland when it comes to these matters. People didn't understand it and wilfully looked the other way. I have a close friend, like a brother to me, who went to a boarding school where there were 6 child sex predators amongst the staff. One priest was convicted in his 70's, around 10 years ago, of 74 counts of rape, molestation etc of adolescent boys. It got so normal in this school, it was such an open secret, that kids would joke that X priest has been sent away on 'retreat' and we won't be seeing him again probably. Kids would say it to their parents who told them they were imagining things and not to be inventing stories. The untold damage done to kids of my generation and those before has been swept under the carpet to a degree, and yet society never learns. We get swept up by these sorcerers,
and  every generation they reappear in some different guise.

this is proper fucken insight right here

you lose if you're swayed by the mindcontrol, and you lose if you know what's really going on and all the rest of them are just herd-types.

funnily enough you also lose if you view reality as eternal logic gates where it's always your reaction which counts.

#237 June 12, 2020, 08:11:05 AM Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 08:25:25 AM by Eoin McLove
I see the Larry Snotter brats are all predictably aligned in their renunciation of Rowling's compassionate, reasonable and emotionally intelligent piece on the trans debate.


She should tell them to suck her cock.  Their woke little brains would get all scrambled  :laugh:

Chris is sensibly avoiding these piranha infested waters ;)

Convinced my fiancee that Fawlty Towers would be in the firing line as a sort of watershed moment of the sheer buffoonery of this carry on, yesterday, when Mighty Boosh, League of Gentlemen etc were pulled from streaming services for blackface characters.


Wonder what's next. Whilst you're always going to be able to nab this stuff somewhere on the internet, it's made all the more real by the fact that unless you still have boxsets, you don't really own any of this stuff that those great cultural arbiters - the BBC - have now decried to be unsuitable to modern, nuance free living.