Definitely in liberal circles of adolescents these days, being a "straight cismale" has to be the uncoolest option going. In that sense, the obsession of our generation with not being gay and labelling other people as gay, "outing" as a negative, has simply flipped around. The obsession with genuinely not giving a fuck what manner of consenting adult(s) you or anyone else fucks from one day to the next to the point that any kind of labelling is redundant has yet to catch on and doesn't look likely to any time soon.

The trans issue with young kids is a worrying manifestation of that incapacity to let things flow, to let go of the urge to define. A modern libertine movement is what's needed. I'll volunteer to be the 21st century Marquis de Sade, minus the rape and paedophilia, naturally. 

J.K Rowling strikes again

I have to say, I've always had time for her as she usually has plenty of cop-on. She's not deliberately controversial like that other one, what was her name?

I agree with her too. She doesn't come across like a lunatic, she makes a lot of sense even outside this issue and she's not afraid to speak her mind.


I'm all for live and let live, but this issue, I think, has gone into the realms of the farcical.

Isn't she the one who got offended here and decided she just had to make a big deal about it? I mean, it was a) an opinion piece, and b) in a media outlet that very few have heard of. We all could have gotten through our week without having to think about it if it weren't for her, so for that alone fuck her and her lack of self-control.

It's also an issue that the media have decided to highlight the fact that she offended some people while disregarding the fact she had an equal or greater amount of support for her comments

The issue is that she has a wider reach than the original outlet and she decided to make a big deal of it. She got her way. Well done; now everyone is talking about it.

#174 June 07, 2020, 02:04:19 PM Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 02:05:59 PM by Caomhaoin
Just one of a number of reasonable opinions which are now taboo and in some instances criminalised.

If you object to a tranny taking a shit in the cubicle next to your seven year old daughter in a restaurant, you're now a bigot.

There's a huge supply and demand problem with Nazis and the left. They can't find many bona fide Hitler disciples so they will label anyone with contrary opinions as one.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 07, 2020, 02:04:19 PM
Just one of a number of reasonable opinions which are now taboo and in some instances criminalised.

If you object to a tranny taking a shit in the cubicle next to your seven year old daughter in a restaurant, you're now a bigot.

There's a huge supply and demand problem with Nazis and the left. They can't find many bona fide Hitler disciples so they will label anyone with contrary opinions as one.

Using derogatory, bigoted language like "tranny" is just A1 but somehow you feel slighted because people think you're bigoted... right.

#176 June 07, 2020, 02:39:39 PM Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 02:44:41 PM by Caomhaoin
I don't care if people who are men want to deny reality call themselves women and vice versa. I couldn't care less, why should I? However, I'm not going to deny biological realities, and if that's bigoted, then call me a bigot. You can't just alternate between one gender and another, unless you have found a way to change chromosomal make-up. I mean, can I identify as Chinese? As a 12 year old? No, but I can become a woman? Right...

Fine, maybe I shouldn't say 'tranny', thanks for pulling me up on that. Can I say 'gender dysphoria sufferers'? Or is that bigoted too?

Anyone remember when the word "tranny" used mean radio?

Possibly around the same time as wireless. I'm 90% sure it was a thing.