Ah yeah,  it's mad as fuck but I'm possibly in the dinosaur camp too.  It matters fuck all to me as I have zero interest in The Oscars.  Actually,  making it some kind of gender battleground might make it interesting.

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on September 23, 2019, 06:28:17 PM
So apparently the Brits awards are considering getting rid of the best male/female catorgery cause its offensive to non-binary people like Sam Smith. He wants to be referred to as 'they' instead of he.
Maybe I've finally become that old man who just doesn't understand the world anymore. Am I being a dinosaur by saying I think this is fucking ridiculous? He's got a willy and an y chromosome and hasn't had any tranny ops. He's a bloke who's probably gay (and there's nothing wrong with that )

No you're not out of touch. He's a fucking self centred asshole who became famous blatanltly ripping off Tom Petty in a way that wasn't even slightly subtle. All the rest of it just strikes me as a culture that has become extremely sick tbh. A couple of months footing turf down the bog would sort a.lot of it out.

TRANSGENDERISM: when a fetish is allowed to become a civil rights movement

To be honest, I'm surprised the question of male/female categories in the arts hasn't been phased out earlier in the name of equal rights. Although, as anti-anti-PC I am (because there's a safe 90% or so chance that any anti-PC statement will be retarded), it's true that what may come out of this in today's world is one catch all category (ciswomen plus all non-canonical, let's say, identifiers) versus a "cismen" category.

Which will open up another line of bullshit. If it's mostly straight white men that win ..OMG THE PATRIARCHY etc etc

Every year someone representing a letter of LGTWTFBBQ etc will need to win to show 'diversity' and 'inclusivity' and whatnot.

I have literally no idea why someone would want to get rid of their willy. Are they using it wrong? Did it not grow properly?

The amount of quality time I've spent tearing away at my flute over the years, and even better, putting it into warm moist holes, has been some of the best I've spent. Of course I won't be telling the grandkids all about it on my death bed, but it's certainly made life a whole lot more bearable and indeed enjoyable.

Quote from: Pedrito on September 24, 2019, 05:37:40 PM
I have literally no idea why someone would want to get rid of their willy. Are they using it wrong? Did it not grow properly?

And neither do I. I can understand what it is to be gay as it is an attraction to someone. I'm attracted to females so it's the same premise. So there is an understanding there.

I don't want to be a female hence I don't have that understanding. But that dosent mean some people do feel totally trapped and feel they should be another gender. If you're a fully formed adult capable of making reasoned decisions and want to transition then that's your perogrative. As with anything people who abuse (not saying you are) transgender people (or gay or black etc) are only sad cunts who dont have the balls to better their own lives.

#157 September 25, 2019, 11:35:53 AM Last Edit: September 25, 2019, 11:37:54 AM by Aborted
Quote from: Ollkiller on September 25, 2019, 10:21:11 AM
Quote from: Pedrito on September 24, 2019, 05:37:40 PM
I have literally no idea why someone would want to get rid of their willy. Are they using it wrong? Did it not grow properly?

And neither do I. I can understand what it is to be gay as it is an attraction to someone. I'm attracted to females so it's the same premise. So there is an understanding there.

I don't want to be a female hence I don't have that understanding. But that dosent mean some people do feel totally trapped and feel they should be another gender. If you're a fully formed adult capable of making reasoned decisions and want to transition then that's your perogrative. As with anything people who abuse (not saying you are) transgender people (or gay or black etc) are only sad cunts who dont have the balls to better their own lives.

And none of us will probably ever understand the mentality of someone going through that.

It must be a horrible position to be in to grow up believing you are the wrong gender.  I think in the past it was treated with disdain and overly negative. Now with the whole OTT acceptance of everything with no logical thinking it's almost a case of people being pushed to go full in without thinking it through or getting the appropriate help first. All evidence points to their being a serious mental health issue surrounding it but they don't want to say that as it might hurt feelings, yet they will push for better understanding and help for mental health issues!!!

The suicide rate of transgender people is quite high but it's even higher for those who have gone through gender reassignment.
All the shit you read about parents putting kids on certain medication now because the child says they want to be a girl.. a young undeveloped mind says something and grown fucking adults (who's brains clearly stopped developing when they were 2) just go straight into it because it's cool to be open minded/accepting etc etc

If a kid says they want to change gender then it should be handled appropriately. If not then you should be sterilised and your kids taken from you as you are clearly not fit to have a fucking clue.

If a grown adult wants to go through the process, it is their prerogative however it should be the correct way (which I believe if you go down the right route there is a lot of therapy involved and a long process before getting to the final stage.
But unfortunately as I said above the suicide rate after the operation is even higher. I can only suggest that it's remorse after going through with it and or realising they still feel the same way regardless of their genitalia.

#158 September 25, 2019, 12:00:50 PM Last Edit: September 25, 2019, 12:07:33 PM by Pedrito
Yeah I was obviously messing around. I totally agree, it should be the person's own adult decision. Anything else is child abuse pure and simple. Cutting pieces off children, changing their entire bodily makeup, it's crazy that it's even a debate. More power to anyone who wants to do it as an adult, god knows what state they are in to get to that place, but we should treat them with compassion and understanding. I also know there are other cases out there whereby someone might be born without a clear sex(don't ask me to get the wording rifht here) and I understand that that is complex and should be approached as such. But taking a perfectly formed little boy or girl, filling them full.of drugs and cutting or adding bits onto them is Josef Mengele stuff and nothing will convince me otherwise.

I know a woman who works with transgender people throughout the process and after and some of her stories are incredible and certainly not all negative. I just shut my mouth and listen to her speak and it's fascinating stuff. Something she says time and time again is that a lot of the politicization of the issue is something a lot of the people she works with want no part in. They have enough on their plate and other priorities that they would put first. What's very clear is that the process is not just something someone wakes up in the morning and decides to engage in and there is a lot of drop off in terms of going through with operations etc. Complex stuff.

If the rate of suicide among post-op transgender people is higher than that of pre-op, that surely implies that there's a far deeper issue at play than mere gender identity.  There must be some profound psychological damage at the heart of these cases and perhaps the gender confusion is more of a symptom of that breakdown rather than the cause of it? Who knows what the fuck hardship these people are going through to arrive at the quite extreme conclusion that they need to have a gender realignment, despite it being presented by the far left as just another option on the menu of personal identity.  To allow kids to toy with such dangerous ideas must constitute neglect. As said above,  adults are free to make adult decisions but in this instance I think they need a lot of psychological help and guidance to make sure they are making the right choice.  It should be kept far away from the innocent realms of childhood.

Definitely a psychological quagmire/labyrinth

Quote from: Pedrito on September 25, 2019, 12:45:01 PM
Definitely a psychological quagmire/labyrinth


First off you should be an adult to make these decisions. If you're a child then if you want to talk about it, get counselling/advice etc no harm.
If you as a child, want to take any medication or undergo a procedure for it, you should, in my view be told to go and shite for yourself.
I was in no way fit to make life altering decisions when i was under 18.

Quote from: Ollkiller on September 25, 2019, 12:53:10 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on September 25, 2019, 12:45:01 PM
Definitely a psychological quagmire/labyrinth


First off you should be an adult to make these decisions. If you're a child then if you want to talk about it, get counselling/advice etc no harm.
If you as a child, want to take any medication or undergo a procedure for it, you should, in my view be told to go and shite for yourself.
I was in no way fit to make life altering decisions when i was under 18.

A lot of it is from when you are young trying to fit in.. except for a lot of us it might be clothing/hair etc Not life altering things like trying to change your sex. It seems to me at least that being one of the letters in long list of ]LGTBBQ letters is deemed as cool right now so everyone wants to jump on board and out do each other. Being gay is probably boring now to the cool kids.. you gotta be non binary liquid solid snake in the process of going trans so you can live your best life..

Fuck it im out!

Quote from: Aborted on September 25, 2019, 02:18:21 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on September 25, 2019, 12:53:10 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on September 25, 2019, 12:45:01 PM
Definitely a psychological quagmire/labyrinth


First off you should be an adult to make these decisions. If you're a child then if you want to talk about it, get counselling/advice etc no harm.
If you as a child, want to take any medication or undergo a procedure for it, you should, in my view be told to go and shite for yourself.
I was in no way fit to make life altering decisions when i was under 18.

A lot of it is from when you are young trying to fit in.. except for a lot of us it might be clothing/hair etc Not life altering things like trying to change your sex. It seems to me at least that being one of the letters in long list of ]LGTBBQ letters is deemed as cool right now so everyone wants to jump on board and out do each other. Being gay is probably boring now to the cool kids.. you gotta be non binary liquid solid snake in the process of going trans so you can live your best life..

Fuck it im out!

I highly doubt people are trying to change sex to fit it. Maybe they are but i doubt it. Or maybe i'm picking you up totally wrong.

One of the lads I work with was telling me that his younger sister and her pals are obsessed with their sexuality and were taking the piss out of one of their mates for being straight.  The rest of them all proclaimed to hold various positions on the bi-gay axis or were trans this and fluid that.  That's purely anecdotal and may not be representative of most young people but with the current buzz around these so-called issues it's possible that there is an element of truth to it.  Maybe it's considered dull and boring to be merely straight when you have this entire new world of sexual possibility open to you and maybe there's a bit of peer pressure around it all,  too.  I imagine, for most of these kids,  it's a phase they'll pass through.