Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 11, 2020, 07:18:43 PM
I don't think he's an arch-bungler at all. I think he's an arch-charlatan  ;)

He's delivered on as many of his promises as one can expect, and has been blocked from delivering the majority of the balance. What's the criteria?

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 11, 2020, 06:48:16 PM
Trump signed the practice into law where there previously hadn't been one. He then rescinded the law, realising most people weren't going to tolerate the horror stories of kids being taken from their families in every case. No such law existed under Obama, although the practice did occasionally occur.

So the ending of the law (fair play for holding his hands up) was soured a bit by him claiming (dishonestly) that he ended an unjust practice legalised by the previous administration. He should have said 'that was wrong, but look, I've held my hands up and I've sorted it out'. He couldn't resist the sugar and spice of being the even bigger hero by bullshitting. But sure as annoying as it is, the way the left react to it is daft as well.

My position is Trump is not that bad. The issue is, his enemies are unwilling to give him even a modicum if the credit he deserves for his achievements by either rubbishing the context, or 'yeah, maybe, but what about Tom, Dick or Harrying' it. He does talk shite. He also has gotten plenty done for the good of his country. Some people might do well to widen their horizons on the subject.

So it sounds like he just flat out lied with regard to "Obama creating the family separation law at the border"? Or what is the kernel of truth you mentioned?

I'd be honest and hold my hands up that I don't 100% understand that situation. But I watch his press conferences a lot these days, and the amount of lies and misinformation is unbelievable IMO. He's only ever a few minutes from saying something that is objectively wrong. And I probably miss loads too as I don't understand things such as above.

The kernel of truth is that he did end the policy. But the thing about Obama creating the law was shite, although it wasn't an  unprecedented phenomena (kids being taken away from their parents).

What was funny actually was at the beginning of the whole COVID thing I wouldn't have really sat and watch him live, but started in lockdown. And he'd say something in relation to testing or some technology or something America had achieved (nobody thought possible, unimaginable etc :) ) and I'd be like, oh that sounds really cool / that could be a game changer and then google it and discover it was all rubbish ha. He got my hopes up a few times!

It's crazy that someone can just stand in the White House and say false things that we all know are false, that most standing beside him know are false and it's all fine. I think by now in most jobs you'd be told not to bother coming back tomorrow!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 11, 2020, 08:20:15 PM
The kernel of truth is that he did end the policy. But the thing about Obama creating the law was shite, although it wasn't an  unprecedented phenomena (kids being taken away from their parents).

Ah I get you sorry.

Yeah I guess he just likes to point at Obama. Sure Obama left him with no COVID 19 tests :) He's a gas man.

That's the long and the short of it, he's a bullshitter born and bred, and after a while, no matter how sound or industrious, a bullshitter will eventually exhaust your patience and trust. Trump has been very industrious, but the faux pas and the crocks of shite burn holes in the goodwill he deserves for the good work he has done.

I'm just looking back at the last 4 or 5 American Presidents and which one of them wasn't a total bullshit artist? Obama? Give me a break! Weapons of mass destruction Bush and Predator Clinton. Joe Biden in the White House or The Donald? Jesus what a choice  :laugh:

The democrats only had to not choose another certified plum duck...And they even fucked that up.

I used to get some laugh out of that spoof website 'whitehouse.org' taking this piss out of bush. The 'patriotic posters' were something else :)


It's amazing how narratives change. Bush in the past few years suddenly became acceptable, even celebrated by democrats, despite him being ridiculed constantly as president..weird

Quote from: pete on August 11, 2020, 08:23:11 PM

It's crazy that someone can just stand in the White House and say false things that we all know are false, that most standing beside him know are false and it's all fine. I think by now in most jobs you'd be told not to bother coming back tomorrow!

You have just described every president in US history the only difference today is the public have easy access to information with the internet. 15, 20+ years ago most of what the presidents said would have to be taken at face value. It's kinda similar to how people are waking up to just how biased and one sided the media is because they have the ability to research what they say instead of accepting it as fact.

Quote from: Pedrito on August 11, 2020, 09:46:53 PM
It's amazing how narratives change. Bush in the past few years suddenly became acceptable, even celebrated by democrats, despite him being ridiculed constantly as president..weird

The one and only reason for that is because he jumped on the anti Trump bandwagon.

Ha true but Trump brings it to another level. Press conference incoming now. Let's see how many minutes he can make it without lying ha!

Kungflu might not be the most PC term in the world but it's entirely accurate. Countless deaths, a world in lockdown because of one country's hubris. And yet the attention is constantly diverted to Trump. Says everything about the state of the world at the moment and the manipulation that is taking place.