Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2024, 06:17:00 PMAnyone see the headlines from the German stabbing incident actually? Very misleading indeed.

I did, makes my piss boil. The most benign headlines like "Man stabs multiple people at anti islam protest", no indication of who was doing the stabbing but of course had to mention they were "anti-islam" ie; racist? or anti immigration in general one might think?

instead of what actually happened, here's a better headline :

"Jihadist thug who targeted extremist Islam protesters in a frenzied knife attack stabs 5 people killing one police officer."

Quote from: Lunar blood on June 03, 2024, 09:57:10 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 03, 2024, 06:17:00 PMAnyone see the headlines from the German stabbing incident actually? Very misleading indeed.

I did, makes my piss boil. The most benign headlines like "Man stabs multiple people at anti islam protest", no indication of who was doing the stabbing but of course had to mention they were "anti-islam" ie; racist? or anti immigration in general one might think?

instead of what actually happened, here's a better headline :

"Jihadist thug who targeted extremist Islam protesters in a frenzied knife attack stabs 5 people killing one police officer."

You could be absolutely pro immigration and pro Islam and still write the proper headlines. It's no wonder people are being driven mad and thinking the government and media pals are against them. I know a couple of lads here would try to justify that shit but it's just wrong and an obvious agenda.

Sure look at the Virgin Media news team getting caught giving lifts into Dublin for the asylum seekers and then reporting on their return when they set back up in town after being removed.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 04, 2024, 07:56:46 PMHaha, still on about that.

Haha me bollix. Unless you've never heard about the two things known as propaganda and history you could only be taking the piss. I say this from what I thought was the leftist position I've been taking for all these years.

I really thought we could change things but when I have this shit served up...

And by someone I thoroughly enjoy arguing with and all...

Under what conditions would one allow an International Protection Applicant into their home to live? Not having the capacity is obviously no barrier to the enthusiasts, so is there another place that one would draw the line? What if you agreed that you should give refuge to Ukrainian women and children but when you opened the door it was a few Arab men instead? Would you be as good with that? What if you found out that the people you were hosting were simply chancers and were sitting at your table eating your bread while your own family who you worked to provide bread for were getting less because now there were chancers to feed as well? What then if one or two who weren't chancers turned up but nobody wanted them because everyone was going all Auslander Raus and shit over the pup they'd already been sold? Wouldn't be great really would it?

Fortunately there are fair solutions. Unfortunately they will be eschewed in favour of stupid shit, cheered on by the hopelessly entrenched.

Did you ever watch the "propaganda" Virgin News actually broadcast that day btw?

Didn't want to be called a racist or anything so when a few Somalian lads (well they said they were, I have no real way to verify or disprove that) called to my door and asked to move in with me and my wife and children, I of course immediately agreed with enthusiasm.

Well they moved in and nearly all of them were grand for the most part so when they suggested bringing their extended families with them I was really looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, I was unprepared for how many there would be so I put the new lads in the garden shed until I could find something better for them.

My wife became concerned and said to me that although she wanted to help these people who had obviously been running (well they said they were, I had no way to prove it or anything but why should I doubt their character as they were, after all, foreigners, and we all know that diversity is strength and can only have a positive impact otherwise I'm racist) away from something terrible and their character was obviously beyond question because they were of a colour that it would be racist to think anything bad of,  but at the same time my wife was concerned that the way they were decorating the house to make themselves feel more comfortable was a bit intrusive and she felt we were somehow losing a little of our own stamp on the place. Now to be fair she liked some little bits but she felt that she should have a say in it because it was her house and she should be able to decide what goes in her own house.

Well I rode roughshod over her dirty little racist thoughts and I told her she was like the far right or something and in response I doubled down but this time instead of just taking Somalian lads I brought an absolute ball of nationalities on and told them all I'd look after them no matter how many of them turned up.

Now prior to this me and my family weren't especially wealthy but at least we could afford some food and medicines even though it was tight at times and in the winter when we were all sick with colds and stuff sometimes we found it hard to look after us all, but now that we have become the absolute menagerie that we currently are it has become extremely difficult to keep everyone fed and healthy.

So I've decided to prioritise and because it would be racist not to, I've decided to help the new lads more than my own lads because they were obviously privileged in the first place to be having things so they can just figure that one out themselves and if they don't like it they can move to Australia or Canada or wherever they like because over my dead body will we be treating them as if they've been here all along and it was their home in the first place.

No no we won't doing that fair thing that we could have done for our own lads all along because it's racist and far right to let them nearly go to the wall to send their kids to college in the future unless we give it to the new lads for nothing ten minutes after arriving at the front door with nothing only the clothes on their backs. That's only fair, and not racist to boot.

Well anyway the wife still wasn't convinced, the racist little cunt so I rang the guards and asked them if they'd send the public order unit to convince her that she had nothing to worry about.

Fuckin women, eh? Some racist and misogynistic cunts the whole lot of them

Cos it's here if you didn't:

I can't see anything resembling this in it though:
Quotethen reporting on their return when they set back up in town after being removed

And just for a reminder of what I was told when I asked a journalist their "professional" opinion:
QuoteWell are we talking about a video interview that was in the can? [Yes, because, as we can see, the interview was filmed on site up in Crooksling] Then the person can say they were just being sound.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 06, 2024, 12:38:14 AMDidn't want to be called a racist or anything so when a few Somalian lads (well they said they were, I have no real way to verify or disprove that) called to my door and asked to move in with me and my wife and children, I of course immediately agreed with enthusiasm.

Well they moved in and nearly all of them were grand for the most part so when they suggested bringing their extended families with them I was really looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, I was unprepared for how many there would be so I put the new lads in the garden shed until I could find something better for them.

My wife became concerned and said to me that although she wanted to help these people who had obviously been running (well they said they were, I had no way to prove it or anything but why should I doubt their character as they were, after all, foreigners, and we all know that diversity is strength and can only have a positive impact otherwise I'm racist) away from something terrible and their character was obviously beyond question because they were of a colour that it would be racist to think anything bad of,  but at the same time my wife was concerned that the way they were decorating the house to make themselves feel more comfortable was a bit intrusive and she felt we were somehow losing a little of our own stamp on the place. Now to be fair she liked some little bits but she felt that she should have a say in it because it was her house and she should be able to decide what goes in her own house.

Well I rode roughshod over her dirty little racist thoughts and I told her she was like the far right or something and in response I doubled down but this time instead of just taking Somalian lads I brought an absolute ball of nationalities on and told them all I'd look after them no matter how many of them turned up.

Now prior to this me and my family weren't especially wealthy but at least we could afford some food and medicines even though it was tight at times and in the winter when we were all sick with colds and stuff sometimes we found it hard to look after us all, but now that we have become the absolute menagerie that we currently are it has become extremely difficult to keep everyone fed and healthy.

So I've decided to prioritise and because it would be racist not to, I've decided to help the new lads more than my own lads because they were obviously privileged in the first place to be having things so they can just figure that one out themselves and if they don't like it they can move to Australia or Canada or wherever they like because over my dead body will we be treating them as if they've been here all along and it was their home in the first place.

No no we won't doing that fair thing that we could have done for our own lads all along because it's racist and far right to let them nearly go to the wall to send their kids to college in the future unless we give it to the new lads for nothing ten minutes after arriving at the front door with nothing only the clothes on their backs. That's only fair, and not racist to boot.

Well anyway the wife still wasn't convinced, the racist little cunt so I rang the guards and asked them if they'd send the public order unit to convince her that she had nothing to worry about.

Fuckin women, eh? Some racist and misogynistic cunts the whole lot of them

Dear Nuala....

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 06, 2024, 12:51:43 AMCos it's here if you didn't:

I can't see anything resembling this in it though:
Quotethen reporting on their return when they set back up in town after being removed

And just for a reminder of what I was told when I asked a journalist their "professional" opinion:
QuoteWell are we talking about a video interview that was in the can? [Yes, because, as we can see, the interview was filmed on site up in Crooksling] Then the person can say they were just being sound.

You just keep telling yourself lad.

#6085 June 06, 2024, 03:22:48 PM Last Edit: June 06, 2024, 03:25:05 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Back when it happened, you said they were "taking part in making the news as well as reporting on it" but also that you would be "keeping an eye on the VM news bit because I'm not 100 percent on it."

Well there's the VM news bit there, and what anyone who wants to watch it can see is that they reported on the news first, filming an interview with one of the IPAs up at Crooksling, and then, based on what we know from outside of the report, gave a couple of the lads a lift to town afterward. So they didn't make and then report the news. They reported the news and then gave a couple of lads a lift. The proof of that is all right there in the report. You were right not to be 100 percent on it back then. What's not clear is why, in the three months it's apparently been turning round in your head since, you decided you were 100 percent on it and not, in fact, mistaken due to leaping to anti-establishment conspiracy conclusions.

Right. Read this.


Replies turned off for some reason as well.

An anti establishment conspiracy theory indeed. You tip away convincing yourself.

#6087 June 06, 2024, 06:40:11 PM Last Edit: June 06, 2024, 06:50:41 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
I take it from the above that you still haven't watched what you've been claiming to be propaganda. Near the beginning of the report, they show on film some of the lads who are already heading back towards town on foot. More than would have fit in their two cars.

I think what I don't get is that you seem to be the kind of lad who's probably sound in real life. Y'know, the kind of person who yourself would offer a lift to someone rather than wave them a "Right, I've got what I needed, good luck to ya now", even if that meant opening yourself up to attacks from the kind of definitely not sound muppets who are the reason the replies are turned off.

As an aside to that comment sections on twitter and Facebook are fucked. Was there always this many brain dead and hostile cunts about or were they always there and we're only hearing them now because of social media.

Oh I think they're stupid cunts too when I read them but I still think that the news getting involved shows an agenda that they should stay away from if they want to be impartial. The support for stooks like the NP and those lads is mostly created by the media bias against any concerns and it's very obvious. That might seem fine when one supports the opinion but it's the thing in itself that's wrong and vm news put in for it with what they did. It's really that simple.

Do you think I agree with the government removing the tent city for optics before Paddy's Day and the europa league final? No, of course not and now that these people are here, it's entirely on the government who refuse point blank to fix the problem at source rather than the lads in the tents. Do I think vm news should simply report on what happened and leave it there? Yes, I do.

And I looked at the video indeed yes, but did you read the tweet that was after the fact and reported that they'd already returned?

Whole things a fucking mess and lack of fixing what wouldn't have been too tough a year ago has lead to support of Christian nationalists, who have always been one of my personal favourites..

There's Irish accounts quoting Auslander Raus now ffs